Chapter 39: Missing You

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I'm sitting on the floor, back leaned against the pale, yellow walls. Yellow is such an unfitting color for right now. Scorpius is next to me, unable to do anything other than cry or holding onto me.

I myself, am trying not to cry. I want to seem strong for him, but it's getting quite impossible to remain calm in this situation. And although this is by far the worst day of Scorpius's life, I'm glad I'm here. If I wasn't, he would be all alone.

Though, Draco is here. I haven't seen him yet, he's been inside Astoria's room. I can't even imagine what this is like for him.

Healers and nurses walk back and forth through the hall. A lot of their eyes linger on us. Their faces showing looks of pity, and sympathy. But it was Scorpius who they should feel sorry for, not me.

The door beside us clicked open, Draco stood there, looking over us. There was such a strong resemblance between Scorpius and him right now. Draco was wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, and his face was also red and puffy and tear-stained.

Scorpius and I stood up. He didn't say anything to his father, all they did was look at each other and nod. Draco opened the door for him.

His eyes only glazed over me, as if he didn't really see me or anything else around him. He looked broken. I wasn't sure if I should follow Scorpius into the room, so I stayed outside, in the hall. Draco was walking down towards the waiting room. I watched him drag his feet all the way to a chair. I stayed put.

Scorpius was going to be a while, so I walked down to the waiting room too, trying to think of a way to contact mum and let her know where I was, and what happened. I would send my Patronus, but I haven't really tried doing that yet, I didn't know how it worked, so I just sent an owl instead.

When I came back to the hallway, Scorpius was standing outside the door. He was in there for a shorter amount of time than I thought. I saw him wipe his eyes when he saw me.

"I was in there before a while," he says. His watery eyes meet mine. "Thanks for being here."

I respond by hugging him. I don't even realize that I'm getting tears on his t-shirt. I'm not sure he notices either.

We both stand there for a moment, facing each other in the middle of the hall. Astoria was just behind that door.

"Do you want to see her?" Scorpius offers. His voice comes out unsteady. "You don't have to if you don't want to." He adds.

I think for a moment. "I want to if that's okay."

He nods and cautiously opens the door to Astoria's room. I try to prepare myself for what I will see, but it's too quick and I don't even know how to prepare. My eyes automatically are drawn to the bed where Astoria lies.

The first thing I notice is her eyes and how they're closed as if she was just sleeping. Her face is calm, no squinted eyes or furrowed eyebrows, just tranquility.

Scorpius is beside me, I squeeze his hand and he holds on tight. "She looks peaceful," I say.

He nods.

I think back a few days, to when I had lunch with Astoria and she asked me what I was passionate about. I never got to ask her the same question because we both had so much to talk about that day. A few more tears roll down my face.

"We were eating dinner and you could tell something was off," Scorpius says, noticing my crying. "The healers couldn't have done anything for her, for this curse." He pauses. "I could tell she was in a lot of pain before, and at least now, the pain is gone."

There are two chairs set up on either side of the bed. We each take one.

"I don't understand why this kind of thing happens to such kind people," I muttered. It didn't make much sense to me at all.

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