Chapter 50

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Scorpius and I have still not talked to each other about what happened last week, and I don't think we'll get the chance to before his birthday tomorrow. Maybe we never will get the chance, and I think I'm okay with that.

I didn't get him anything for his birthday, there was never a time for me too. Usually, I give him some kind of candy every year. But this year, everything was different and I wasn't sure if it would be okay too, even if I did have something to give him.

I went down to breakfast on my own this morning, Lily left before me and when I got the feeling that it was because she wanted to talk to Lorcan without me being around. Maybe she was going to tell him, but then I remembered that it was Lily and she would be going over her words ten times before she told him.

I go to sit with Al and Scorpius, who are there before me. For some reason, I'm unusually nervous to go up to them today, even though it's just them. I get to the table and as I sit down I look at Scorpius. "Happy birthday," I try to sound as relaxed and nonchalant as I can.

"Thanks," he says, half grinning. 

"Does eighteen feel any different?" I can't believe I just said that. I sound like a parent.

He shrugs. "Not really."

Jenny comes over just in time before I can say anything awkward again. She tells Scorpius happy birthday too. "Are we going to celebrate in any way?" She asks.

"I'm trying to convince him that we should," Al says. Scorpius rolls his eyes. "I say we throw a party in the room of requirement."

"It's a Tuesday," I say.

"That's what I told him," Scorpius says. "And besides, I don't want a party or anything. We could just hang out in my dorm later, maybe ask Mike and Craig too."

"Really?" Al seems disappointed with this answer.

"Yeah, really," Scorpius says. "Don't worry, there will be other birthdays where you can go as crazy as you want."

"I will hold you to that."

The four of us walk down to Transfiguration together after breakfast. Classes run well today. There isn't any awkwardness between Scorpius and me like I thought there would be. It helps that Al is always there.

Later that night, Lily and I are doing homework in my dorm, passing time until we're supposed to go to Scorpius's mini birthday party.

"Want to see what I got him?" Lily asks, just as she puts away her books. 

"Sure." She goes to her trunk and pulls out an orange banner that reads 'Chudley Cannons'. It's Scorpius's favorite quidditch team. "Wow, that's nice," I say. "When did you have time to get that?"

"Well, it wasn't really expensive and I basically have everyone's birthday presents in here, up until Christmas break, then I restock for the later birthdays."

"Oh wow Lily," I smile, amazed by her generosity. "You are the nicest person I know."

She giggles. "You are too."

"No, I'm not, I didn't even get Scorpius something."

"Just because you don't buy someone a present doesn't mean you're not nice," she says. "And besides, you guys are broken up, it's going to take some time before your back to being friends like you were before all of this." Lily's right, just like always. "Well, should we go over there?"

I check my clock, it's 6:05, which is when I wanted to go so that we wouldn't be too early. Lily and I get up and walk over to Scorpius's dorm through the study. I bring my mini record player for music, and Lily carries her wrapped gift.

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