Chapter 62: Old Habits

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I hardly ever saw Alyssa Brice in school two weeks ago. Or, I saw her but wasn't paying much attention to her. Now, it was like all I could think about was her when she was in the room, and not in a good way.

I'm fully aware that that sort of makes it seem like I'm in love with her or something. And while she is beautiful, my attitude towards her is more...intimidated, I guess, than anything else.

I don't think I've shared more than five words with the girl in all our seven years at Hogwarts. She was friends with the other Gryffindor girls in my year that I never really spoke much to. That's probably due to never having shared a dorm with any of them, and the fact that I spent most of my time sneaking into the Slytherin common room when I probably should've been getting to know the people in my own house. But I knew Alice and Louise, and they weren't too close with those other girls either, so I didn't feel that bad about not knowing them.

Sometimes I wish I did though. It must be nice to have a best friend that you could share a dorm with, and not because you're escaping your real roommate, but because you're in the same house and year as that person. It would be nice and easy to have that, but I think I'd prefer all of my other non-Gryffindor and non-seventh year friends to the 'easy' option.

Lorcan and I are accompanying Lily to one of her check-ups with Madam Pomfrey. The visit goes very well, Pomfrey checks everything like she always does and shows us the picture again. This time, the baby is about the size of a fist. After she says that, Lorcan and I unknowingly both make fists and gaze at them.

"Wow," I say. "That's like...a real baby."

"It sure is," Pomfrey says. "Now that she's in the second trimester," she turns back towards Lily, "Now about this time, you might feel the first kicks and also something else really exciting - the gender can be available if you wish to see it."

I beam at that. "Wow, that's so cool!"

Lily shrugs. "I think I want to be surprised. Or at least wait a little bit." She squeezes Lorcan's hand. "What do you think?"

He nods. "I'm with you."

"Alright," Pomfrey says. "Well if you ever really want to know, just find me."

As we're walking out of the hospital wing, Lily swings her hands back and forth like a toddler, swinging Lorcan's hand with her. When she sees me chuckling at them, she grabs my hand and starts swinging me along with them.

"I wonder how Vic is doing," she thinks out loud. "I haven't heard back from the letter I sent last week."

"She's probably just busy," I say.

"Yeah, I know, I just hope she's not doing too much."

"When's her due date again?"

"Sometime around Easter."

"Oh, wouldn't that be so great if we got to meet her baby during Easter break?" I beam.

"It would." She agrees.

"I'm going to the library, do you guys want to join me?" I ask them as we reach the staircase.

"I think we're good," Lily says. "Thanks for coming today, Rose."

"Of course, see you later." I wave to both of them as I start climbing the stairs. Lorcan waves back letting out a quiet "goodbye" before Lily dragged him away with her, down the hall.

I meet Mike in the library and we do our homework together for a bit. I usually like to do my homework in silence, meanwhile, Mike likes to ask a lot of questions and "collaborate" on the work. Normally I would hate to do that sort of thing, but I get over it for just this once.

We eventually break for dinner, and on our way out of the library, we run into Scorpius in the hallway. Mike grabs my hand as we're walking, making an effort to switch which hand he was holding his books in.

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