Chapter 45: Yesterday

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(scorpius pov)

I've barely gotten any sleep tonight. When I went to turn over my pillow and try to get comfortable, my alarm clock goes off. I don't bother trying to sleep an extra few minutes, I know it won't happen. Every time I close my eyes, I see Rose kissing another guy. And each time it just gets worse.

I throw on my clothes, not bothering to tuck anything in or tighten my tie. I wish it was a Saturday so bad. I don't want to go to class and see her. I guess the problem is that I really do want to see her, but not the her that cheated on me.

All of this time, she was helping me get through my mum's passing, and I didn't even know she was keeping her own, horrible secret.

I thought that last night, after hearing Claire say that stupid thing, I would confront Rose and she would say it was all a lie. She would say that Claire was lying, of course, and she would never do that, but instead, she admitted to it, and all my dumb hope crumbled away.

There's a knock on my door, followed by the door handle twisting. I locked all my doors last night, and I think I might keep doing that until people learn to knock. I open the door to Al. He frowns when he sees me.

"What happened to you?" He says, walking in with his book bag. "You look like hell."

"Yeah well, that fits."

"Really, did something happen?"

"I broke up with Rose."

Al stares at me for a moment, his mouth opens like he's going to catch a fly. " broke up?"

I nod, but I really don't want to be talking about this, with anyone.

"What happened? I mean it' two, how can you be broken up?"

"She cheated on me."

Instead of looking shocked, Al seems to know what I'm talking about. "Oh," he says. "She told you?"

"No, I had to hear about it from Claire fucking Mathews! Wait, hang on a minute, how do you already know this?"

"Er..." Al hesitates, but I can put two and two together.

"She told you, didn't she? And you knew all this time too? You both lied?"

"Scorpius, mate, it's not my place to tell."

"I can't believe this," I mutter. I storm out of the room, carrying my books and climbing the stairs out of the common room. I ignore all the stares. I am beyond caring about what anyone thinks.


When I wake up, I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I never changed before carrying myself to bed and crying myself to sleep. I smelled really bad and I couldn't move.

I try to come up with a few ways to get out of going to class today. I could go to Madam Pomfrey and say I'm nauseous. But then what if she gives me some potion that's only for nausea? I could take a puking pastel, but James and Fred were the only people I knew that actually kept some in their rooms, and they're gone.

My bathroom door opens. I jump up, half-expecting it to be Scorpius, but it's only Al. I fall back into my pillows. When he sees me, he frowns and walks over to my bed, sitting down at the end.

"Hey Rose," he says. "I heard what happened."

I lose control of my feelings yet again as he says that, and start to cry. I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. Al places a comforting hand on my shoulder. After a while, I muster up enough control to speak. "I wish everything was different. Jenny was right, I'm a horrible person! I bet she's the one who told him, but I don't even care about that so much."

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