Chapter 28: Rehearsal Dinner

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I woke up feeling slightly hungover, but when I pushed that thought out of my head I remembered what today was, the day before Teddy and Vic's wedding. This afternoon, the whole family will be checking in to the beautiful hotel that they booked for their wedding, and I am just beyond excited for them.

Laura woke up not long after me, but she was really hungover. She almost didn't make it to the bathroom to puke, I had to help her stumble all the way there. When she was finished throwing up, we both went back in my room to get dressed.

"So," I said while we were changing. "Do you wanna tell me about whatever is going on with you and James?"

Laura shrugged, but I saw that slight grin that she was trying to hide from me. "Are we happy about this?"

"It was just one kiss," Laura said. "None of my relationships have ever just started with a small kiss. It usually more than that."

"That sounds like a good thing," I said. "It's no fun to rush things."

Laura looked up at me and smiled. "You're right."

"So did Jenny tell you that she and Al caught me and Scorpius snogging on his desk?" 

Laura's eyes went wide. "What? Wait, were you..."

"Our pants stayed on," I said before she could finish her though because I already knew what it was. "But not our tops. I think Al thought he saw more than he actually did."

Laura started laughing. "Yes, but I don't doubt that he will forever remember catching his best friend and his cousin on the desk in his bedroom."

I tried to push the memory of last night out of my head, well, not all of it. But I turned red just from thinking about the embarrassment. Laura and I went down to breakfast, where the rest of my family was sitting.

"Hey, how was the party?" Dad asked cheerfully. 

"It was great," I said. 

"Ginny called," Mum said, and I don't know why but my heart automatically started beating faster as if I was in trouble. I wasn't though. "She told us that after you guys left she had to physically kick people out."

"Wow," I said. "I can only imagine the mess they'll have to clean up today."

"Oh don't worry," mum said. "You won't have to imagine because you're going over to help after you're finished eating. All of you."

Mum just continued eating with her smug little smile. It was kind of hard to tell what she was mad about if she was. I was getting the feeling she might be. Or she's just nervous about the wedding. Or both.

Dad's eyes went wide when we made eye contact, but I knew there was no getting out of this, so right after I cleaned my own dish from breakfast, Hugo, Laura and I flooed over to the Potters. I didn't even have to step out of the fireplace to see what a mess there was from the party. There were bottles and cups lying on every surface, along with the weirdest things. There was food, and some articles of clothing, along with cards and candies. It didn't seem to end.

"Oh my god," Laura muttered.

"My thoughts exactly," Aunt Ginny seemed to pop out of nowhere. She looked absolutely pissed, as I imagine she would be with her house looking this destroyed. "Well, let's get going, grab your wands. We need to finish quickly if we want to make the wedding rehearsal."

The three of us spread out into different corners of the living room and started moving everything into garbage bags the best we could. I wondered where everyone else was, but I was too afraid to ask.

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