Chapter 74: The One Where Lily Has a Baby

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Al is shoving people out of the way, quite violently too, as we try to get through the massive group of people. I'm too anxious to care about being polite right now, so I shove with him, holding Lily's hand as I make way for her. We finally make our way out of the crowd and back into the building.

"We have to find McGonagall," I say, trying to think quick. "She has the floo network in her office."

"Right, let's go!" Al exclaimed. He grabs hold of Lily's other arm. "Can you walk?"

"I'm fine," she swats him away but then grabs hold of his arm again after stumbling a bit. "We need to go slower."

"Okay, okay," Al says, obviously frazzled about the situation.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me. "What's happening?" Hugo's voice calls from behind. He is with Scorpius and the two slow their steps once they reach us.

"I'm having a baby," Lily explains. Her eyes go wide. "Oh shit, someone get Lorcan!"

"I'll go get him," Hugo volunteers, running back to where he came from.

"What should I do?" Scorpius looks frantically between the three of us.

"Go to McGonagall's office and see if she's there," I say.

"What if she's not?" He asks quickly.

"Then use the floo and go to St. Mungo's, tell them we're coming."

Scorpius runs off before anyone can say anything.

"Wait what about mum?" Lily cries. She doubles over and groans, a contraction. Al and I look at each other, unsure of how to help. "I need mum!"

I try to breathe. "It's okay Lily, just breathe." I think that's what you're supposed to say in this sort of situation. At least, that's what happens in the movies.

"I'll tell mum as soon as we get there," Al says.

We've reached the hallway where McGonagall's office is. When we get there I give the password. Being a head girl really comes in handy at times like these. We get in, and it's empty, so I assume that Scorpius is at St. Mungo's already.

We go over to the floo, the bag of powder is on the floor. "Do you feel good enough to use the floo right now?" I ask Lily. I panic, suddenly thinking that maybe it's not a good idea for pregnant people to use the floo network, but we don't really have another choice.

"I'm fine," she says. She grabs some powder and steps in, saying "St. Mungo's Hospital" as she does. I go next, then Al. We turn up in the waiting room. Lily is there at the front desk with Scorpius. Al and I rush over to her.

A woman from behind the desk is coming around with a wheelchair for Lily just as we get there. 

"What's your name sweetheart?" She asks Lily, as we all try and help her get into the wheelchair. 

"Lily Potter," Lily says. "I really need my mum--and Lorcan!"

"I'll go call mum right now," Al says before racing away. 

"And Lorcan is on his way," I tell her. I grab her hand and walk next to her as the woman pushes the wheelchair. She seemed to speed up after Lily mentioned her last name. 

She leads us to an empty room. Scorpius opens the door for all of us. We help Lily get out of her chair. Just as she gets up, she doubles over, squeezing my hand tightly and grabbing her stomach. "Ow!" She squeals.

"You're having a contraction dear," the woman mentions. She looks at me. "How far apart have they been?"

"Er...five minutes maybe?" I say, unaware of time right now.

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