Chapter 63: No Mistakes, Just Happy Accidents

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Lily and I were hanging out in my dorm one night. Lorcan had joined us, which was becoming more regular recently. He always came in through Scorpius's dorm, sometimes bringing Scorpius along with him too, but not tonight. It was just the three of us, listening to music and hanging out.

We were sitting on the floor, where I had a card game going with Lorcan while Lily was getting caught up on some homework. I glanced over to her, with her notebook in her lap. She really looked like a pregnant girl now. Sometimes when I catch a glimpse of her, I see my whole life flash before my eyes and get anxious about the future. I suppose that sort of thing happens a lot when you're growing up. It seems to be happening all the time recently.

"Want to play again?" Lorcan asks after our second game of war.

"Sure," I say, sliding over my hand of cards across the rug for him to shuffle and deal out again.

Lily lets out a long sigh from where she's sitting, putting her notebook and quill down on the rug while she leans her head back. "I just don't get the point," she complains.

"What's up Lils?" I sit up straighter to listen.

"I mean, my due date is in May, which means that there's no chance of me even taking my O.W.L's this year, so what is the point of even trying to study for anything? What is the point of even being at school?"

Lorcan sets down the cards and scoots over to grab Lily's hand. "You might not take them with the rest of us, but you will take them some time."

"Yeah," I agree. "You're going to have to take them at some point, which means there's no reason not to study now."

"But I won't be able to take them this year, which basically means that I'll have to start a year behind next year, and that's if I even come back to Hogwarts."

"Whoa, what are you saying?" I ask. I look over at Lorcan, who is also wearing a shocked expression. "You're coming back."

"How do you know? What if I need to stay with the baby for a while? I mean, where is it going to stay? Who's going to take care of it if we're both at school?" She points between her and Lorcan.

I pause to think about that for a second. I suppose it's true that the rest of us hadn't really been thinking that far. I didn't even know Lily was. I kind of just hoped that everything would fall into place when it did, and we would go from there.

"Maybe I should put her up for adoption," she sighs, meanwhile, Lorcan jumps from where he's sitting, while I mimic him, dropping all my cards. Lily just stares at us for a moment like we're idiots until I see her eyes widen in realization of what she just revealed to us. Her hands go to cover her mouth.

"Her?" I don't even know how to describe the sound that just came out of me. It was a cross between a squeal/yell/voice crack.

"Oh, yeah I'm sorry guys," she says. "I had to go find out."

"It's a girl?" Lorcan's voice is soft, and a bit shaky as he sits, facing Lily, grabbing both of her hands. She nods at him, her eyes watery. He breaks out into a smile and throws himself at her, arms pulling her in close to his chest. How are they so adorable?

I don't even realize that I am now crying too until I feel a tear fall onto my arm. There's going to be a little baby girl soon. When the two of them have pulled out of their hug, Lorcan's arm is still around her, but I go in to hug her still anyway. "She's going to be wonderful," I manage to whisper.

"Stop, I'm already crying," Lily sniffles as I pull away. I go to hug Lorcan too. This is big for all of us, not that we would've reacted any differently if it was a boy. I guess it's just the fact that we can give the baby a pronoun other than 'it' that makes this really special. It's more real now, even though it was huge before.

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