Chapter 6: The Owlery

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The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache and in a room that looked exactly like mine, but not quite the same. It looked like Laura's, with clothes all over the bed and the floor.

"Good morning sunshine!" Laura plopped down near my feet with a bottle of water.

"Ugh, what happened last night?" I sat up, remembering seeing Scorpius and Claire snogging but the memory stopped there. I had this feeling that I kissed someone too, but I couldn't quite remember...

"Well, you got really drunk and you kinda snogged Liam Montague for a while." She said bluntly.

"What?!" Then I remembered. After I saw Scorpius, I started sharing a couple of firewhiskies with Liam and talking until we started kissing. 

 Laura nodded. "Yep, I reckon he thinks you two are together now."

"Oh god, why?" I wasn't asking Laura so much as I was asking myself why I did it.

"You were jealous," Laura said. "Of Malfoy and Claire."

I had to hand it to Laura, she was right, I was jealous, but I would never admit it to her. I didn't even want to admit it to myself.

I jumped up out of Laura's bed when I felt vomit coming up and ran to the little bucket she had in the corner of her room.

"That bad, huh?" Laura chuckled as she was holding my hair back from my face. I responded with more puking.

When I was finished vomiting up all the firewhiskey in me, I felt a little better, but my head still ached. Laura helped get me all cleaned up and we walked down to breakfast. We met up with James and Fred on the way, who both didn't even look hungover at all.

"Oh, hey Laura." James smiled as soon as he saw us. I raised my eyebrows at him. "And Rose."

I laughed at my cousin, so did Fred. James was besotted with my beautiful friend. I started to think they might be a good couple, but then I remembered why I didn't like the pairing, Laura would never be good enough for James.

The four of us sat at the Gryffindor table with the others. Jenny was sitting across from Al and I smiled as I saw them talking together, but that smile quickly vanished as I saw that Scorpius was there too, but with Claire attached to his hip.

Laura grabbed my hand. "We don't have to sit with them if you don't want to."

I stood up straight and brushed it off. It would hurt, but I'm strong enough to sit with them. There was no need to be childish.

"Hello, Rose!" Claire sang as I sat down next to Jenny. I could tell what she was doing, she was trying to rub it in my face, but I just ignored her altogether.

Jenny watched me carefully, stopping her conversation with Al. "Hey, are you okay after last night?"

"I'm fine." I grinned. "So, what were you guys talking about?"

Al shrugged. "Not much." I got the sense that they were talking about me or something that I didn't want to hear because they looked at each other like they were telling each other not to say anything. I felt lonely all of a sudden.

I made the mistake of looking towards Scorpius and Claire. She was smiling widely, planting kisses on his cheek every second she could get.

"Are you guys like, a thing now?" I blurted lousily to them.

Scorpius looked up at me, with an alarmed expression, like I had just caught him doing something he shouldn't. I raised an eyebrow. His expression changed as I did. His eyes looked apologetic, and his mouth opens trying to find the words of something to say.

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