Chapter 36: I Can't Explain

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Two days after mum told us she was going to run for Minister of Magic, her face appeared on the cover of the Daily Prophet alongside the headline, 'Granger for Minister?' and a picture of her when she received her Order of Merlin award.

"That was quick," I pointed out, as Hugo and I ate breakfast together.

"How did they find out already?" Hugo wondered.

"We've got a big family," Dad said from the kitchen. "That's just how it is."

I shrugged, he was right. James can't keep a secret. And also, I did tell Scorpius, who was excited about the news as well and congratulated mum himself.

Mum came downstairs while we were eating. "Good morning everyone," she was cheery and smiling. She kissed dad on the cheek and then sat across from me. It was just so apparent how happy she was.

I slid the Prophet towards her. She just rolled her eyes. "They've really need to find someone else to write about," she says, sliding the paper back to me.

Bert came flying in with mail, dropping a single envelope onto the table. I reached for it, but saw it was addressed to mum. She opened it, and before reading, she said, "Oh, it's from Astoria Malfoy."

"Really?" I perked up at the sound of 'Malfoy'. I was curious about the letter too. I wait for mum to finish reading it to ask her what it says.

"What's she want?" Dad beats me to it.

"It's an invitation," Mum seems surprised herself. "For the four of us. Astoria has invited us all there for dinner tomorrow night."

"Hmm?" Dad blinks as if he didn't hear mum right the first time. "A-what?"

"You heard me Ron."

"Do I have to go?" Hugo asks.

"Yes, we'll all go," Mum says. Ok now I'm surprised. I thought she might talk about this with dad, but she's already agreed that we're going.

"Er..why?" Dad asked carefully.

"Ron, this is a nice gesture. We don't really know Astoria at all, and I'd like to meet her."

"I think it's a wonderful idea," I smile. "And Astoria's really nice, you'd like her mum."

Dad is still making a face like he can't comprehend what's happening. "So you're telling me," he starts, "that I have to sit in a room with Draco Malfoy, in his house, and act nice to him?"

"You don't have to really talk if you don't want to," I tell him. "Just say hi and goodbye, and talk to Scorpius or Astoria for the rest of it."

Dad thinks about it. Mum grins at me, impressed by my idea.

"Fine," he says. "But that's it."

Later, while mum is reading in her room, I knock on the door.

"What's up Rose?"

I walk into her room and look around to make sure dad's not there. "I wanted to tell you something."

She puts her book down and motions for me to sit on the bed. "What is it honey?"

"Well," I think about my words before saying them. "When I was at the Malfoy's house, I found out, about Astoria."

"What kind of news?"

"She's sick." I tell her. "Pretty sick, and Scorpius is really worried about her. I figured I'd tell you because they don't have much help with this. It's just the three of them."

Mum covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh no," she said. "That's terrible."

I told mum what I knew about Astoria's condition. I wasn't sure about telling her at first, but she let me know that it was the right thing to do. I just want as much people as possible to be there for Astoria if she needs anything, and we're right here.

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