Chapter 46: Surprise!

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It has been a couple of weeks since Scorpius and I broke up. And I don't think I've ever felt more out of place at Hogwarts. Every time I went to use the bathroom, I listened at the door to make sure he wasn't in there, just not to make him upset with my presence. Lily told me that I was being dramatic and that it wouldn't hurt to talk to him, but I knew it would.

And speaking of Lily, she's been acting really weird. Every time I see her, it's only for about two minutes before she runs out of whatever room she is in. I also caught her sleeping in the common room twice in the past week and when I woke her up, it was like she was having a nightmare.

I was in the bathroom one night, fresh out of the shower and brushing my hair when there was a knock at the door. It made me jump at first since I wasn't expecting it. I rushed to the door to open it. There he was, right in front of me, facing me willingly.

"Hi." I smiled at him, hoping he would at least try to talk to me. He looked tired and annoyed, like he would rather be doing anything but talking to me right now.

"McGonagall wants to see us."He mumbled grey eyes pointed to the floor.

Not what I was expecting, but it's a start. "Oh. Okay, I'll be there in a minute?"

His eyes met mine and he nodded, then turned away, back into his own room.

Why did McGonagall need to see us now? I expect it has got something to do with head girl and boy duties. I haven't really been focused on head girl things, with everything going on lately. I change back into the regular clothes that I had just changed out of not twenty minutes ago and leave my hair damp before making my way to the headmistress' office.

Scorpius was lurking outside her office when I got there. He looked nervous, his face was pink. It was adorable. When he saw me, his eyebrows raised and he wasn't trying to avoid me. "Okay, when we're in there, we need to pretend like we're still friends, got it?"

I felt a little bit like my heart ripped itself from my chest and shatter into millions of pieces. Pretend like we're friends? I guess it's official then, if I thought Scorpius didn't hate me before, I definitely do now.

I had a hard time finding words to respond to that with, so I merely just nodded and fought the stupid tears that I felt coming up. I'm so sick of them already, I just wish they would go back, deep inside my body and never come out again.

Scorpius knocked on the door to McGonagall's office and walked in when a faint "come in" was heard.

Professor McGonagall was looking older and older by the day. She had to be almost a hundred years old by now. I wonder if the job of headmistress ever gets tiring for her after all these years. After generations of just Weasleys alone, I feel sort of sorry for her.

"Good evening you two." She said. She was sitting at her large desk, that was almost completely covered with books, old and new, all over. "Take a seat."

Scorpius and I both smiled at her. "Evening Professor," I said.

"Sorry to summon you so late, but I realized that I haven't checked up on you yet. How are things going as the new head girl and head boy?"

"Great, mam." Scorpius lies.

The rest of the conversation with McGonagall was pretty much pointless. We talked about the year so far and a couple more meetings we have to go to, but other than that, it was pretty boring.

"I want to let you know that tomorrow a photographer will be here to take your picture."

"Our picture?" Scorpius asks with the same level of surprise as I felt.

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