Chapter 51: A Ball

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November is usually a nice time of the year. The air gets cooler and you can start wearing sweaters again and drink hot chocolate. Or you could snuggle up with a good book in the common room, in front of the fireplace. But this season, the air seems sharp and chilling, and you can feel it inside your bones.

Everything has been a mess. We lost the first quidditch match, which isn't a total failure since it's just the first game, but it kind of is because the whole school has been teasing us about it, and not just students. Some teachers, specifically Professor Morgan, made a joke in Potions about our loss. It's pretty stupid, considering we made the most goals in the game.

Quidditch isn't the only thing going wrong. Lily's also a mess. She's nauseous all the time, even with taking the potion Madam Pomfrey gave her. It's even been hard for her to swallow that, since the idea of food makes her want to throw up. But then, two minutes later, she's begging me to get her a brownie. Where am I even supposed to get one of those?

That's what I'm doing right now, walking around the castle, technically supposed to be getting Lily a brownie, but really I'm just trying to escape her yelling at me. The mood swings have been pretty bad too. One minute, she's the usual happy sunshine and daisies Lily, and then she turns into this angry person who gets mad at me for the stupidest things. Yesterday, I got a whole talking to about my organization of my dorm, as if I'm the one who set it up.

I eventually find myself walking down to the great hall. No one's in there right now because it's three o'clock in the afternoon. I go to the Gryffindor table and just sit down by myself. I rest my head down into my arms on the table. I don't even know how long I'm there before I rest my eyes and sort of doze off. It must be a while though, because people start shuffling into the hall for dinner.

I almost a jump when I realize someone's sitting across from me. "You couldn't find a brownie?"

Oh god. I manage not to roll my eyes. "Where do you expect me to get one Lily? Hogwarts isn't exactly a bakery."

"You could've just went to the kitchens and asked the house elves to make one." She says, matter of factually, practically scoffing in my face. Is she kidding?

"What? The kitchen? How am I supposed to get there?"

She shrugs. "I'm not sure, but Lorcan says he's been there before, it can't have been that hard."

"If you want one so bad, why don't you just get it yourself?"

"I don't really want it anymore." This time I actually do roll my eyes at her. Al, Scorpius and Jenny come over to sit with us.

"Are you okay Rose?" Jenny asks, taking the seat beside me. "You don't look so good."

"Oh, I am just fine," I fake a smile. "How are you doing?"

"We were just talking about the Hogsmeade trip this weekend."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."

"Yeah, I was just saying that we should go together," she suggests, meaning the four of us.

I look over at Lily, who's just frowning at the chicken in front of her. "Is that okay with you, or are you going to want another brownie?" I say, fully aware of how harsh it is, but it's been building up inside me all day it was going to come out sooner or later.

The others just stare at me like I have ten heads. "Whoa," Al mutters.

"Oh, please Rose," Lily crosses her arms. "You don't need to ask my permission to do something. And besides, Lorcan already asked me to go with him."

"Wait, is it like a date?" My tone changes just as fast as Lily's mood swings.

She smiles. "Maybe."

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