Chapter 69: Bubble

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"I need food! I don't care what just get me some food because my back is killing me and walking around just makes it worse," Lily calls out in the middle of the afternoon one day.

"Was there a please in there?" I say from my desk. I'm sitting in the study with the door open.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm painfully uncomfortable and it's starting to get to my head."

"It's okay I get it," I say, now up and back in the bedroom. "I'll go get you something. I needed a break from homework anyway."

"Okay, but maybe get a few things in case I think one of them is repulsive. Please?"

"Got it," I nod.

I take the stairs two at a time down to the great hall. There are scattered groups of people in there doing work. For some reason, this has been one of the toughest weeks all year, work-wise. And it spread across to each grade. Everyone was extremely busy.

Dad's birthday was yesterday. I owled him my birthday wishes, telling him I wish I could be there and all of that.

This weekend is Slytherin's next quidditch match against Ravenclaw. That means I haven't been seeing much of Al or Scorpius. But I have been seeing a lot of Jenny. We've been working on our piles of homework together.

Studying with Jenny is fun because, after every hour, we take a dance break for a whole song to get ourselves reset and wake up our minds. After our third dance break tonight though, we decide to pack it up for the day, anything we had due tomorrow was finished by now anyway.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jenny asks once we get to dinner, and we're sitting at the end of the Ravenclaw table.

I nod. "Yeah of course."

"Even if it's about Al?"

"Well, now you have to tell me," I say. "Just as long as it's not any sex stuff or anything."

"It's not... it's about our future, I guess. Every time I bring it up, he just changes the subject or ignores it."

"Hm," I think. "Al's not that much of a big commitment guy."

She frowns nervously. "You think?"

I realize I probably should have worded that differently. "I just mean he doesn't really talk about stuff like that too much. He sort of just does before he thinks, you know?"

"But what does he think is going to happen? We've been dating forever. Do we just break up after school ends or try to make it work?

"Why wouldn't it work after school ends? You've been together during the summer."

"I know, but this is going to be like...real life. It's different, and he won't tell me what he wants to do, with our relationships or career-wise, I've gotten nothing from him."

"We still have time," I attempt to explain. "It's just the beginning of March, we have like four months left."

"It's going to go really quick though," she sighs. "I can already feel time getting faster."

"I know," I agree. "Al will get there. Do you want me to talk to him?"

She thinks for a minute, staring into her half-eaten bowl of soup. She eventually nods. "Maybe. But be discrete."

"I will," I say. I look past her and see that the Slytherin team has started piling into the Great Hall after their practice. The boys come over to us and sit down.

"Ugh, you guys stink," I say, catching a waft of their sweaty selves.

"Yes we do," Scorpius agrees. He slides in beside me and both him and Al immediately start filling up their plates.

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