Chapter 56: The Christmas Ball

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It was the day everyone was waiting for, the Christmas ball. I was to help set everything up, so my time was quite limited for the whole day.

Classes ended at one, but we didn't do much of anything considering it was the day before the Christmas holiday and we were all excited for the ball.

Right after classes, I rushed to the great hall with Scorpius to help the professors set up. We pushed all the tables to the sides of the hall, against the walls.

Professor McGonagall enchanted all the candles to have red ribbons at the bottoms of them. The trees were all decorated from the other day, but we also added a few bows there.

There was a small space by the teacher's table for the band to play, and the rest of the space on the floor was free for dancing.

I added my own special touches of adding mistletoe by the entrance and the tables to set the mood. I just had to sneak in some romantic touches to spice things up a bit.

The ball started at six o'clock and McGonagall dismissed us and the teachers early so we could have time to get ready.

But I didn't need two hours. Lily insisted that I did so that she could do my hair, but I used the extra time to pack my trunk for tomorrow morning so that I could sleep in.

Jenny came over to our dorm to get dressed with us. She came out of the bathroom looking absolutely gorgeous after Lily did her hair and makeup.

"JEN" I said, awing my beautiful friend. "You look so beautiful!"

She span around for me and giggled modestly. Her hair was in a loose and intricate braid that went on one side of her shoulder. Lily must have put glitter or something in it because it was sparkling.

Her dress was a turquoise color. It was a loose-fitting gown that went down to her feet. The gown was backless and long sleeved off the shoulders. It was simple and beautiful. 

I was still packing by the time Jenny was finished with Lily's hair. They were the perfect people for that sort of thing, they had fun with each other.

Lily wore a green dress, for Christmas, she had told me. It was sleeveless but had straps and a belt on her stomach, and the skirt of the dress fanned out all the way to the floor. Her hair was in an updo, and a braid that went across the top of her hair like a headband, but the two little strands of hair at the sides were curled and it looked beautiful.

I was excited what the two of them together would do to my head and face. They both had on gorgeous eye makeup as well, as if they weren't already beautiful.

"Come on Rose. It's almost six, we're going to be late if you don't get a move on it." Lily worried.

"Alright, alright." I finished my packing and slipped into my dress. When I walked into the bathroom, they moved a chair in front of the mirror and had all their beauty products spread out all over. It looked quite like a muggle beauty salon. I've never actually been in one, but I've seen them in the muggle movies that I love so much.

"Take a seat, Miss Weasley." Jenny joked. I did as she said and took a seat in front of the mirror before I knew it, they were attacking my face and hair.

Scorpius accidentally walked in during the middle of that. "What the hell did you do to the bathroom?"

I couldn't see him from where I was sitting, but I could imagine the look on his face when he saw the disaster they created out of our shared bathroom.

"Go away Scorpius," Lily told him. "We're making Rose beautiful."

"Making Rose beautiful?" He said it like a question.

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