Chapter 61: Sometimes People Suck

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On the day we go back to the train, both mum and dad drive us. Dad says he's going to drive mum to work in the car after dropping us off. It's officially her first day as Minister of Magic and everyone is really proud of her.

She's sort of a nervous wreck though. She woke up at five am, even though she doesn't have to be in until nine. She changed her outfit about twenty times, coming downstairs each time to ask for our opinion. After a little while though, I just went upstairs and waited in her room to see each outfit that "wasn't good enough," until she finally settled on the first outfit that she tried on.

She also packed a bag with everything she could possibly need. There were three sandwiches in there. She was originally going to just bring the one that dad made her, but then she thought that she might get more hungry so she made two more herself.

It was a very frantic morning, to say the least.

When we got to the station, I hugged everyone goodbye and got on the train with the others. James and Laura waved until they were just little specks through the window.

The ride was smooth, we got home earlier than usual. I suppose it was because there were a lot fewer people who went home for Christmas this holiday.

That night after dinner, I sat in my dorm after taking a shower, thinking about how it is officially the year that I graduate Hogwarts. It's the weirdest feeling ever and I shake the thought from my head once Lily comes up.

She looks completely drained. "Hey," she sighs.

"Hey," I say. "You okay?"

She nods. "I'm just exhausted. I just had an appointment with Madam Pomfrey."

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I went with Lorcan, it was fine." She plops onto the bed. "I keep seeing people whispering about me."

"Aw," I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Do you think they know? Or are they just making fun of how fat I am now?"

"You're not fat," I assure her. "And even if you were that doesn't make you any less beautiful."

She glares at me. "I've gained twenty pounds within the last 15 weeks. People notice that kind of stuff when you see them every day."

"I guess."

"I don't know how I expected people to find out, but that just kind of sucks. But I guess they were going to sooner or later, right?"

I shrug. "It's going to be okay." I reach my arms out around her, leaning forward.

"I hope so."


The next morning when I step out of the portrait hole, Mike is standing there pacing in the corridor. "Mike?" I call his name.

He looks up when he hears me and smiles. "Hey!"

"Good morning," I say. He starts walking with me down the stairs towards the great hall.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, you?"

"Good," he nods. "I'm glad to see you, I wanted to talk."


"Yeah, about the New Year's Eve party."

"What about it?" I grin.

"Well, I was going to ask if maybe, you would want to do that again sometime? Say, 8 o'clock tomorrow?"

"Wow Finnegan," I tease. "Smooth."


"I have quidditch practice before that, but sure."

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