Chapter 31: May 2nd

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I woke up in my new dorm room. Sure it would only be for a month or so, but I quite liked living in Alice's room. It sure beat the floor of Laura's dorm. The other girls seemed nice but not many of them really talked to me except for Alice and her best friend, Louise Gallagher.

Morning classes went by quickly and at the sound of the bell, Jenny and I left Charms together and made our way outside to start helping out with the memorial. A few teachers were out there too, but most of them were still teaching, they weren't excused from classes like we were. Hagrid was there to help out too.

McGonagall directed all of us on where and how to set up the chairs. There were several rows of seats, so many I wondered where all these chairs were appearing from anyway. All the chairs were facing a stage that had a few chairs in a neat line, facing the others. I wondered who would sit there, probably McGonagall and the minister if he's coming.

"I would like all Hogwarts students seated in the back rows," McGonagall announced at her podium on the stage. "So, prefects direct them to do that so that our outside guests can sit in the front."

"What about us?" I heard Scorpius ask. He was closer to her, near the front rows. It looked like he was placing name tags onto every seat. "Where do we sit?"

"The tenth row is reserved for prefects," she answered. The tenth row didn't even seem that bad considering that there were about a hundred rows. "Also," McGonagall said. "I'm going to ask for a few of you to volunteer to read the names for us. I want one person from each house to take a piece of parchment and read it aloud when the audience is here."

Fiona Berry shot up her hand, so did Jenny and some of the fifth and seventh years. I would have raised my hand had this been maybe a hundred fewer people, but it gave me anxiety. McGonagall picked a Hufflepuff boy and for the Gryffindor person, she skimmed the few hands that were raised.

"Weasley," she said, her eyes landing on me, even though I wasn't volunteering. I sort of stood there for a second and stared at Scorpius, who motioned for me to go over to McGonagall. I walked over to where she was standing with the others.

She handed each of us a scroll of names that we were to read. Fiona and Ben, the Hufflepuff boy, were to read the names of all that died during the battle, while Jenny and I were to read the list of names of those who survived the battle, and fought with bravery.

It shouldn't be that bad, considering I probably already knew everyone on the list, but it was still a bit nerve-racking, especially since this was practically thrown at us.

We were just about wrapped up with getting everything ready when Scorpius ran over to me. "Hey," he said. "So your parents are definitely coming to this."

"Really? How do you know?"

"I just put their name tags in the first row."

"Wow," You could say I was shocked that they would be in the first row, but it did make sense. After all my parents did get chocolate frog cards because of the war.

When our classmates started walking out, we were to direct them to their seats, which was a little bit chaotic, considering no one wanted to listen to just another student in school. Some wise asses tried to sit in the front and got a right scolding from Jenny. It was quite hilarious.

Other guests started showing up at the same time. I saw lots of familiar faces. So many people's parents were here. I spotted Mum and Dad among the crowd in the front of the audience. They were talking to Neville and his wife. I wanted to go over and say hi to them but then Hugo and Lily came up to me.

"Can we please sit with you guys in the front?" Hugo pleaded.

"Yeah I want to be by mum and dad," Lily said.

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