Chapter 16: Bathtime

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The train ride back was full of excitement, as it should be, but my ride was ruined once I saw Laura. At first glance, I was excited to see her, but then she went up to James and I remembered that I was mad at her.

"I suppose everyone else is okay with that?" I asked the others in my compartment as the couple passed us, practically running, hand in hand.

"What's the big deal?" Al asked. "Wouldn't you want one of your best friends to date your cousin?"

"Would you?" I snapped, but then I realized that asking him that was almost like asking him if he would be okay knowing that Scorpius and I had kissed.

Al shrugged. "Hasn't happened to me, I don't know."

Scorpius snorted. Everyone looked at him, I bit my lip but ignored it hoping to draw the attention away. "It's not about that though, it's just that it's Laura."

"Rose, give it a rest," Jenny said. "They're happy."

"Yeah, that's all that matters isn't it?" Scorpius added.

"I guess." I didn't even know why this bothered me so much, but I decided that I should give it a rest. Maybe I would even make up with Laura later.

That night after the feast, I went upstairs to sleep rather early, since I was exhausted. I went to my own dorm for a change, too tired to bother moving my trunk and finding somewhere else to sleep. Claire was sitting on her bed, but I didn't even acknowledge her, hoping she might leave me alone for just tonight.

I went to my trunk to change into my night clothes, but when I opened it, I found that the only things in there were a few books and some parchment, everything else was completely missing.

Damnit! I thought to myself, seeing that none of the locks on my trunk were actually locked. I turned towards Claire, who I saw now, was sitting straight up on her bed and staring at me.

"Missing something?" She asked, with a malicious tone in her voice. I couldn't help but notice her eyes. Our room was dim, but lit by moonlight through the stain glass window, normally I wouldn't even be able to see her eyes from this distance, but they were bright, almost shining. There was something so familiar about the shade of blue, but I was too tired to figure out exactly what it was.

I clutched my wand from the inside of my robes so Claire wouldn't see. "Claire, I don't want to make things difficult, so will you just tell me where things are?"

"Oh, how would I know Rose?" She smiled as if this was so amusing to her. "They could be anywhere around the castle."

"Merlin's beard!" I cried. "What did I ever do to you?"

I meant it hypothetically, but Claire was quick to answer. "You forced Scorpius to break up with me!"

"What? No, I didn't." I said this was the most pathetic thing I've heard her say. "It's not my fault he couldn't stand having you attached to his side every day."

"We were perfect together! And you stole him." I didn't bother to correct her, now I just wanted my clothes back.

"I'm sorry that things didn't work out with you and Scorpius." I lied. "But you don't need to blame me for it. Now can you just let me know where my stuff is?"


"UGH." I groaned. I left my room and Claire, slamming the door behind me. When I got down to the common room, I noticed one of my shirts was on a chair by one of the tables. I casually took it and the boy who was sitting next to that chair glanced at me skeptically. I ignored him and left.

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