Chapter 48: Pregnancy

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"Will you please just do it? For me?"

"No, I can handle it on my own, I mean how hard can it be?" Lily says. We're sitting in my dorm together, while I'm trying to convince her to go see Madam Pomfrey about being pregnant.

"How can you say that?" I insist. "There's so much we don't know about this, and she does, she can help you!" Lily shoots me an annoyed glare. "She won't tell anyone, I'm sure of that."

"If I go, will you come with me?" Her arms are still crossed and she doesn't look very excited, but it's a start.

I smile. "Of course I will."

"Then fine," she says. "We can go on Thursday."

"That's perfect."

I see Jenny, Al and Scorpius walk into the hall and I expect them to part ways as they enter, but instead they all start walking this way.

Jenny sits next to me with a smile. "Did you see? They posted when the first Hogsmeade trip is!"

"Oh, when?" I wonder. I notice Al and Scorpius taking a seat across from us.

"November 15th."

"That's perfect, I can get all my Christmas shopping done."

"Then I guess none of us should come with you," Al jokes.

"How can you be thinking about Christmas already?" Lily asks before I can even remark to Al's comment. "It isn't even Halloween."

"This happens every year," I say. "You should know by now, that I love Christmas."

The owls come flying in as they deliver today's mail. I see Bert with one letter for me. I get excited when I see that it's from Laura. She's just checking in, but it's really nice to hear from her.

Dear Rose,

I miss you so much. It's really weird to think that you and Jenny and everyone are at Hogwarts without me right now. It's like you're cheating on me or something, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm just kidding, of course, but not about missing you guys.

Everything here is going so well. I've made some new friends with team members, and we get invited to all these amazing parties with other quidditch players, so I've met a lot of really cool people that I think you would like. It's also really fun because James is here too, and of course he brings Fred along with him.

I'm living in a new flat now! I'm sharing it with two roommates, but it's still awesome. I feel like an actual adult, you know? When you come home for Christmas, you have to come visit me. James and Fred are also trying to get their own flat together. I don't know how well they're doing with that, but they might have a place by Christmas too!

Anyway, I hope everything is good at Hogwarts. I miss you and everyone else there. Write to me soon!

Love, Laura

"Laura says hi," I tell everyone after finishing up with the letter.

"Oh, I miss her!" Jenny says. "I miss watching the two of you get into the stupidest little arguments. I knew something was missing!"

The others laugh. I know what Jenny is talking about. It has been a little strange without having someone there to always disagree with about dumb things. I guess I've been too busy to realize what was missing.

I sneak a look at Scorpius, while he's reading his own mail. I notice the length of his hair, and how his eyes are even further hidden, now that he's let his hair grow this long. When I look away from him, I catch Jenny's eye. I watch her eyes move back and forth between Scorpius and I, and right when I realize what she's thinking, she stands up from the table.

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