Chapter 55: Waiting

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Mum won. Of course, she did. It was no surprise to anyone when copies of the Daily Prophet published mum's picture on the cover. I was sitting with Hugo that day and hugged him when I found out. He actually hugged me back this time.

That excitement didn't last much longer, though. I felt like mum was already the Minister before she was, so I wasn't as amazed as others thought I should be.

"You'll never believe what happened today," Al said as him, Scorpius, Jenny and I were studying in the library one night.  

"What happened today?" Jenny looked up from her book.

"I was sitting in the common room and that Mia Nott was trying to actually talk to me. Like she was trying to be nice to me." Al said it in an annoyed tone.

"Really?" I asked. Mia Nott has never been a girl I liked. She was rude and always acted like she was better than me for some reason. She was one of Claire's only friends, which made sense because they were both evil together.

"Yeah." Al nods furiously. "And you know it's only because of your mum Rose. She's trying to get on good terms with us."

"You know, people have been acting weird around me all day," I say. "Like unusually nice."

"It will wear off," Scorpius suggests. "I say this will last no more than a week."

"I hope it lasts a little longer than that now that I think about it." Al sat back in his chair. He dropped his pencil and stretched his hands out in front of him.

"Are you joking Albus?" Jenny has been calling Al by his full first name lately. Why? I have no idea, but I don't like it, it sounds weird.

I left them in the library early. I was off to Quidditch practice. I stopped in my room first to grab my things and leave my books in there.

The lights were off in my dorm, so I couldn't see when I tripped over a pair of legs. I let out a faint squeal as Lorcan, who was lying face down on the floor sat up quickly.

"Oh sorry, Rose." He apologized. Once he was sitting, I saw that he wasn't just lying on the floor for the fun of it. Lily was sitting on the floor too, in front of the window and he had his camera with him, so he must have been taking some cool picture that required him lying on his back.

"It's fine," I say. "Taking a photoshoot?"

"Yup," Lily nods. "It was his idea, not mine."

"Did it print yet? I'd like to see." Lorcan nodded and handed me the faded picture he had just taken. It was slowly coming more into focus with the light now turned on.

It was a beautiful photograph of Lily. The way the light hit her hair from behind, outlined every strand of her hair and her eyes were like their own sources of light. The picture was quite beautiful. I was always fascinated by Lorcan's pictures. They are always so creative. I reckon he is going to be a professional one day.

"This is brilliant," I say, "You look really good Lily." I handed him his photo and realizing that I was already late to my own Quidditch practice. "Lily, are you coming to practice?"

"Oh, I almost forgot," she jumps up from her seat and goes over to Lorcan, kissing him on the cheek quick before following me out of the room.

"Bye Lorcan!" I call behind me. I turn to Lily. "He knows to leave through Scorpius's?

"Yeah," she nods.


The practice didn't go too well today. For one, the sun was already starting to set by the time I got out onto the pitch, so we had a small amount of light. I thought this would be good practice for certain conditions, but I was wrong. No one was playing well enough.

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