Chapter 47: Progress

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Dear Vic,

I really wish I could see you during you're pregnancy, I hope everything is going well. I asked Teddy, but really it's different coming from a husband. (It's still so weird calling you husband and wife.)

Anyway, I had some questions for you. How do you find out for sure that you're pregnant, without actually going to a doctor or anything? I was just wondering because my friend thinks that she might be pregnant and she has no idea what to do, and I don't know how to help her. And I know that you're going to think 'my friend' means me, but I swear it actually is just this girl in my year. 

Aside from the little problem with my friend, things here aren't so great. Scorpius and I are broken up. It's pretty much horrible. It's basically all my fault, and I feel terrible. I miss him a lot, but I don't think he ever wants to speak to me again.

I miss you. Please respond as quickly as you can! See you at Christmas (which by the way, is way too much time.)



I invited Lily to stay in my dorm most nights of the week. She's been having sudden urges to puke at all times of the day, so I decided it would be best if she had a private bathroom to do it in. Although we still don't know for sure that she actually is pregnant, I'm almost positive that she is. She still refuses to believe it.

Apparently, she thought that having sex only got you pregnant about ten percent of the time. She didn't think it was so easy, and apparently, neither her or Lorcan knew about protection.

She's still not speaking to him, which I feel really bad about. I smile whenever I see him and feel like I'm lying by not telling him what's going on with Lily. But it's not really my place to tell him when Lily doesn't even know for sure. 

I go through class the whole day, with my mind on Lily. Luckily, I found a couple of books from the library about pregnancy in witches, which I tried my best to hide in case anyone saw me with them and got the wrong idea. 

I spent my spare time reading through the books the whole day. They mostly just said stuff about the pregnancy process and when the baby comes out. There was nothing about how to tell if you were pregnant.

 I was in the study all afternoon, reading. I've been using the study more often recently since Scorpius never goes in there, I figured I should make some use of it. I didn't realize how late it was by the time I finished with the books. I wanted to go look for more in the library, but it would be closed by now. 

I leave my things on my desk and decide to wait until the morning, hopefully, Victoire will have responded to me by then.


Dear Rose,

I honestly don't know what I would have done if I got pregnant at Hogwarts, although, I've never known anyone to before, but I suppose it does happen. I really hope that what you said is true, that this is not about you, and is about your friend. If it turns out that she actually is pregnant, she's going to have a hard time for the next few months, I already feel bad for her.

To answer your question, I found out I was pregnant at my healer's office. I was having all of the symptoms, and I was scheduled for a usual check-up within the week, and that's when she told me for sure that I was pregnant. If she hadn't told me, I was just going to use one of those sticks that the muggles use. My friend told me that they're supposed to be accurate. I picked one up for you to give to your friend, it's attached to this letter. It's probably the best way to go if she doesn't want people to find out.

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