Chapter 57: St. Mungo's

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(scorpius pov)

The first clue that something bad happened, was when I saw Claire walking into the hall with a grin on her face. That didn't give it away completely though. I just kept dancing after that.

"Hey, do you know where Rose went?" Mike came up to us, asking as a slower song came on.

"I think she went to the bathroom," Jenny said, overhearing him from a few feet away. "That was a while though."

"Do you think you could, like, check on her?" Mike asks her. "It's kind of been a while."

Come to think of it, I hadn't seen Rose in a while either. I saw her talking to Emma Thomas like three songs ago, and then she disappeared into the crowd of people. When Jenny left, Al walked over to Louise and me.

"So, you guys having fun?"

"I am!" Louise smiles, squeezing my hand.

"Yeah me too," I agree.

A few seconds later, I see Jenny running towards us, her face in panic, looking around the whole room. People have taken notice of her and watched as she ran towards us. I let go of Louise's hand, pointing towards Jenny. She and Al turned around.

"You have to go help Rose!" She loudly alarms us, frantically looking back and forth between Al and me. When the two of us just looked at her for more of an explanation, she just shouted, "Go, in the bathroom! Now!" And then she pushed past us, getting towards the teachers.

Al and I did as she said and ran out of the hall, heading for the girl's bathroom. Louise was trailing behind, running slowly in her dress.

We pushed open the door, not really caring that this was a girl's bathroom, and all three of us froze at first when we saw what happened. Rose was lying on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her. She seemed to still be bleeding, and she was knocked out cold.

I rushed towards her, kneeling on the ground, not really caring that I was getting blood on my shoes and clothes.

"What the fuck happened?" Al gulped, stepping up too. His voice was shaky and not at all like his own. Louise made a whimpering sound from behind me.

"She-she's bleeding out!" I exclaim, finding the initial wound spot. She had to have been hit with a spell that caused multiple wounds because she was bleeding from more than one place, all over her abdomen and it had ripped her dress all over.

"Do something!" Al shouts. He frantically paces, fidgeting with his wand, racking his brain for some spell to do. "She's going to die!"

I couldn't even think, but I knew that I had to do something. I felt my vision getting blurry, from the sight of her helpless on the ground.

I grabbed my wand and pointed it at her stomach, trying one of the only healing spells I've ever heard of. I never actually tried it on a person before, but it was worth it just to try. My hand was shaky, and I tried to steady it by grabbing my wrist with my other hand.

It seemed to be working. Her wounds were a mess under all of the blood and torn fabric from her dress, but they seemed to stop bleeding for now.

The bathroom door slammed open again, and in came Jenny, followed by Professor McGonagall, Longbottom, and Teddy and Lily behind them.

"Rose!" Lily shouted when she saw her. She immediately burst into a sob, stumbling towards Al, who was ready to catch her in an embrace. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I just found her like this," Jenny explained through a shaky voice, tearing up herself.

All of the teachers had gathered themselves around her. McGonagall pointed her wand at Rose's stomach, performing another healing spell. "This will just heal it temporarily, but we need to get her to St. Mungo's."

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