Chapter 44: Words Fail

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On the next Tuesday night, I was sprawled across my bed, which I was appreciating more and more every day. It's big enough, that I can fall asleep with my books piled on one side and still have plenty of room for myself.

I was lying on my stomach and reading a quidditch book from the library, brushing up on skills and rules and things like that for trials on Saturday. I'm pretty sure that I know everything there is to know, but I'm still nervous, because it all depends on me, now that I'm captain.

I hear a quiet knock from the study door, followed by Scorpius peaking his head in my room.

"Hey," I smile when I see him.

"Hello," he returns the smile and steps in, closing the door behind him, and sits down on my bed. "I thought you would be in the study."

"Yeah, but this is so much more comfortable."

Scorpius is in his white shirt and tie, loosened around his neck like usual, with the first few buttons undone. He never liked to wear any shirt too tight. He kicked off his shoes and made himself comfortable by sitting leaned against my pillows with his feet out in front of him. "Yeah, I guess it is comfortable," he said, smirking.

I roll my eyes happily and flip through the pages of the book, now I'm just scanning it really, for any information that I didn't already completely know. I feel the bed moving underneath me, as Scorpius shifts position. He's moving closer and I feel his hand on my back, as it glides around my side.

I feel his breath on the back of my neck as he leans over me. He reaches down and presses his lips bellow my ear, on the soft patch of skin. "I think it's time for a study break," he murmured.

I close my book and push it towards the edge of the bed so I can turn around and face Scorpius. He's leaning over me so that we're eye to eye. His smirk makes me grin. "A break sounds perfect," I say, though it sounds like more of a whisper.

There's no wait before his lips meet mine and our tongues interlock. Scorpius's weight presses down on me as he eases into place. I find that my hands gravitate into his hair, and around his neck. I lock one leg around him and sit up to pull off my robes. He helps push the sleeves off my shoulders.

One of his hands is weaving itself through my hair, while the other is brushing up and down my back, loosening my shirt from my skirt.

His hands find the back of my bra and unhook it almost instantly. I slide it off my arms and fling it away so my chest is bare. I swear I see Scorpius's eyes widen a bit when he sees me topless. It's almost as if we haven't done this before and he can't believe it's actually happening.

He catches me smiling at him and looks up. "What?" He insists playfully.

"Nothing," I shake my head, "you're just adorable."

He gives a small chuckle before reaching his hand up towards me. He cups his hand around my breast, caressing my skin and dragging his thumb across my nipple. He was kissing my neck and making his way further down my chest.

I danced my fingers around his lower stomach, tracing the outline of his abs. I reached a bit lower and started fumbling with the button on his pants. He picks up his head and looks me in the eye.

I nod towards him, giving him the signal that it's okay to continue. His hands travel lower, towards my skirt, and gently pull it down my legs, and I kick it away. I start to pull down his pants in the meantime, until he eventually stands on his knees, and pulls them off quicker. 

I feel his hands everywhere at once. One is clutching a handful of my hair, another is grasping hold of my breast, one is digging it's nails into the skin of my bum, all while dancing the tips of his fingers on my lower back and stomach. 

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