Chapter 9

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I didn't know where I was going, but as soon as I got out of the common room, I ran. I ran hard, as fast as I could away from there.

My face still stung from where Liam hit me, which I can't believe even happened in the first place. I should have at least hit him back, now that I think about it.

I still had my wand held out in front of me. The other few people I passed in the hall stared at me as I ran past. I couldn't even imagine how disheveled I must look. My hair was in all directions, my face was probably red from where he hit me, there were tears starting to form in my eyes, and I'm pretty sure my sweater is on backward.

I ran until my feet stopped, and I wasn't surprised that they brought me to the Slytherin dungeons. Usually, when I go to the Slytherin common room, no one is really surprised to see me. Maybe a first year occasionally, but I've been coming by here for so many years that they all just got used to it. This time was different though, they were all looking at me, probably because I was running to Al and Scorpius's dorm.

I knocked on their door furiously, but let myself in any way. I was relieved to see both of them in there. Al was lying on his bed with a copy of the Quibbler and Scorpius was on his, doing schoolwork. One of their roommates, Craig, was in there too and once he saw me, he got up to leave, respecting our privacy.

"Rose?" Scorpius put down his work to look up at me. There was a worry in his eyes, I could tell it was genuine. "Are you okay?"

Al sat up too, as I took a seat on the other end of his bed. I sighed and shrugged, not really knowing how I was supposed to explain to them what just happened.

"What happened to your face?" Al leaned closer to me, I guess it did leave a mark. "And why is your shirt inside out?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but instead of words, tears came pouring out. Al moved closer and put an arm around my back. I leaned closer to him and cried into his shoulder. It seemed that I was crying often in front of him.

"What happened?"Scorpius asked softly after a moment.

I sat up straight again, gathering myself together and taking a breath before I spoke. "Well, I had a date, if you could call it that, with Liam tonight," I said.

"Oh god, what did he do to you?" Al started to stand up, looking like he wanted to kill someone. The gesture made me smile.

I stopped him though. "Just, let me finish."

Though both of them interrupted and yelled about Liam a few times, I told them what happened. The worst part was when I told them that he hit me. That time, they both started shouting and Scorpius got his wand out as if Liam was right there for him to hex.

"What are we gonna do?" Al said after I had let them calm down for a while.

"We aren't going to do anything," I said, he stared at me angrily. "I just won't see him again, it's simple enough."

"That's not enough Rose," Scorpius said. "He has to pay for what he did to you. He has to understand that what he did was wrong." Al nodded along with him.

"Well, I think James and Fred are getting the job done," I said. "But it's not like we could get him expelled or anything like that."

"You said James and Fred are with him right now?" Al asked I nodded. He stood up with his wand. "I'm going too."

"What?" I asked. "No, I need you to stay here with me." All I wanted to do was just pull an all-nighter with Al and Scorpius, just talking like we always do. I needed it to clear my mind.

Al got up and walked towards the door anyway. "Scorpius is here." He pointed out. "And I'll come right back."

"Oh, alright." I gave in.

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