Chapter 68: Sweet Sixteen

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"Which dress should I wear for Lily's party?"

Scorpius takes a second to look at both dresses closely. The one in my left hand was a black sundress with flowers all over and the one in my right was a striped t-shirt dress.

"That one," he points to the sundress.

"Okay good, that's what I was thinking."

"Wait isn't Lily going to be upset when she shows up and everyone is all dressed up and she isn't?" I smile because I'm proud of how well he knows Lily.

"I already bought her a dress that's going to be nicer than anyone else's. She can change into it after we surprise her."

"Always one step ahead," he smirks.

I lay the dresses on his chair and sit down next to him on his bed, peeking over at what he's reading, without actually reading it. Though, as soon as I do this he shuts his book and sets it aside, turning his head toward me with that glow in his eyes.

"What?" I giggle, sensing his smirk.

"Nothing, I was just..." his voice trails off.

"You were just...?" I tease.

"Thinking," he shrugs.

"About?" I pester.

"I don't" He says it like a question.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat next to him. "What about us?"

"I guess I'll just say it." He turns to look me directly in the eyes. "It might be too soon to ask this but, um, are we dating?"

"Oh," my voice comes out squeaky and weird, even though this shouldn't be too unexpected of a question. I guess I sort of knew that someone would ask this at some point. I shrug. "I dunno."

"Well, then what should we call this?" He gestures between the two of us.

"I don't know, why do we have to call it anything?"

"Because I like certainty. So what is it? Are we friends with--"

"Do not even say what I think you're going to say." I protest.

"What, friends with benefits? He smirks.

"Shut up that's not what this is."

"Well, why don't you tell me what this is then."

"Okay," I sigh, thinking of something good. "It's just you and me spending time together and not worrying about labeling it or anything else. And we don't have to tell anyone until we want to label it because this isn't about anyone else. Is that a good enough answer for you?"

"I could work with that answer."

"Good," I say. "Because I don't want to take things too fast. I mean, I know we've done this before but it's different now, still new. And I don't want to pretend like we're picking up where we left off because I want it to be good and better and I just feel like if we pretend this is all brand new, it can be, good, that is. I also feel like I've changed a lot since...the last time, you too, I'm sure. I don't know, does any of that make sense?"

He looks at me through all of that rambling, listening intently, his lips slowly curling into a grin. "Perfect sense," he says. He grabs my hands in his and squeezes. "And I totally agree. As much as I want to pick up where we left off, I think it would be good to start this as a new relationship."

"Okay," I smile. I lean into him closer, placing my hands on his chest and leaning in to kiss him on the side of his mouth. But he backs away from me. I look at him questioningly.

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