Chapter 34: Not Goodbye

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I caught up with James as him and the rest of the Gryffindor team were exiting the Quidditch pitch. We were all still ecstatic about winning, and probably will be for a long time. I know it means the world to James, to end off on a high note, and I'm happy for him.

Everyone's gathering their things in the changing rooms when there is a knock on the door. It's Neville, but he's standing with a bloke I've never seen before. His robes seem formal, and he's wearing a hat, so I stand up straighter, feeling like maybe he's someone important.

"Hey everyone, nice job out there," Neville's excited too. "This is Nathaniel Thatcher, he's a recruiter for professional quidditch." All seven of us turn our attention towards the recruiter. You could practically feel everyone's heart stop for a second. "And he would like to speak with a few of you."

"Hi everyone," the recruiter smiles and gives a small wave. "Nice win, really it was a good match. Can I pull James and Laura away from you lot for just a minute?"

Neither James or Laura turn away from the recruiter as they follow him out into the corridor. Well, I guess I'm not really surprised. I knew they were more talented than everyone else since the beginning. And to think, Laura only started playing for a bit of fun.

I end up leaving with Fred before James and Laura are done speaking to the bloke. "So, what are you thinking?" I ask him.

"About what Red?"

"About the recruiter talking to James and Laura?" I couldn't tell if he was upset about not being asked to talk, or happy for the others.

"Well, I'll admit," he starts, "I thought for a second that he might want to talk to me. But otherwise, I never really saw myself as a professional, you know? Like, it would be cool, but I don't really think it's for me."

"Wow," I'm surprised.


"It's just, that was really mature," I say. "Who are you and what have you done with my cousin?"

He laughs. "Nice one Red. You know, you're getting funnier."

I smile. "Why, thank you very much!"

We part ways at the stairs, where he says goodbye by telling me to bring everyone to the party, and any extra drinks I can find.

I head to the prefect's bathroom to take a bath and then to the common room, which is completely buzzing. A few people have already started moving the furniture around for the party. I go up to the girl's dorms to find Laura.

When I get to her dorm, the door's already open and Jenny's in there too.

"Oh good!" Laura says when she sees me. "I was waiting for you to say what happened with that recruiter."

I sit down on the edge of her bed, waiting for her to spill the information.

"Well, he told me that the-brace yourselves- Holyhead Harpies are looking for a new chaser come this quidditch season!"

Jenny and I both screamed as Laura spit out that last part. I threw my arms around her for a hug and Jenny did too.

"So, I have been formally invited to try out for the spot, and they only have a few other people trying out!

"That's bloody amazing Laura, I'm so happy for you," I tell her.

"Me too," Jenny says. "Just think, our best friend is going to be a rich and famous quidditch player!"

"Well, it's just a tryout," Laura chimes in, but Jenny and I have already gone on to discuss what it will be like after the fame and fortune.


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