Part 5

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(Y/n) was running around the grass and explored more of the former colony that belonged to Pink Diamond. She falls on the grass and rolls down a small hill. She laughs at the grass tickling her soft skin and the free play she was doing. After rolling around, she lays on her back and stares at the clear blue sky filled with fluffy clouds.
"Hey Pearl, if you look closer at the cloud there. It looks like a smiley face." (Y/n) explains.
Blue's pearl lays down next to her to see the clouds. And she was right, it does look like a smiley face.
"Oh, you are right my diamond."
Blue calls for the both of them. She leads them both to a broken object. It was Pink Diamond's palanquin. Broken and covered with green. Seeing this started to make (Y/n)'s eyes water. These were her tears and not her mother's. She comes closer to the broken palanquin and places her small hand on her.
Blue Diamond began to cry herself. "Oh, my sorry Pink. Yellow said this will end in time, but this is your colony. I still think it is."
(Y/n) looks up at her mother and places a comforting hand on her large hand. (Y/n) saw Pearl leaving them and heading towards some bushes.
"Pearl?" (Y/n) calls out.
"What are doing over there?" Blue Diamond questions.
"I thought I heard something." Blue Pearl answers. "I don't think we're alone.
And on cue an adult human pops out of the bushes, looking rather nervous. "Oh nice weather we're having today. What's uh up."
"Pearl." Blue calls out
Blue pearl bows, "my diamonds, I've found a native."
"Yeah I'm from here your majesty." The adult bows down.
"Bring it here." Blue orders.
Blue pearl leads the adult towards the gem and half gem. (Y/n) never seen other native humans before she was used to seeing the humans back at the zoo. She soon notice something about this human, he acts differently than the other humans back at the zoo.
(Y/n) wasn't paying much attention to the conversation between her mother and the human. She just went inside the Pink palanquin. She wonder what would have been like if this colony was completed and if aunt Pink would have played with her too. She was pull out her thoughts when she heard her mother calling her.
(Y/n) saw that her mother held human in her hand as he begs to be put down. "Put me down your highness!"
"Come along (Y/n) we're heading towards the zoo." Blue calls out.
"Coming, mother." (Y/n) replies.
As the four of them were in the blue palanquin, they were back on the ship ready to head to the human zoo. (Y/n) look down at the earth one last time, but something catches her eyes. A smaller human, around her age jumping towards them, but it was too late for him. They were back in space.
(Y/n) sits next to her mother and saw the adult begging to return home.
"I don't think you what to return to earth." (Y/n) spoke.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Because there's a giant geo weapon in the earth's crust that will destroy the planet the moment it hatches." (Y/n) explains.
With that the human gulps and says nothing. A few moments later they've arrived at the zoo.

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