Part 74

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Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli walked towards Spinel with exhaustion.
"Spinel, come on. We can talk this out." Steven reasoned. "I don't wanna play anymore." Spine, whimpered. "Spinel... this isn't A GAME!" Steven screamed.
Suddenly, Spinel punches Steven in the face. She punches his again with more power as he is send over the edge of the injector.
"Steven!" (Y/n) cries. She and Xipilli summon their weapons. "Spinel! Enough!" Xipilli ordered.
Spinel glares at them. "I can't believe you, Xipilli. I thought you were my friend, but I guess you choose them over me!"
"Spinel, we are friends. I just can't stand to see you like this!" Tears streamed down his eyes.
"Then, maybe we shouldn't be friends!"
Spinel stretches her arms as she attempts to punch Xipilli and (Y/n). Xipilli tries to shoot her down, but Spinel was wiggling around to avoid him. (Y/n) tries to strike her in half, but Spinel grabs her and throws her near Steven. As Spinel was distracted with (Y/n), Xipilli takes this as an opportunity to fire at Spinel.
"I'm sorry, Spinel." Xipilli whispers as he fires.
At the corner of her eye, Spinel dodges just in time, but the arrow found a new target. (Y/n) cries in pain as the arrow struck her on her stomach. Everyone's eyes widen at the scene.
"(Y/N)!!!" Steven screams.
"NO!!!" Xipilli  sprints over to (Y/n) before she fell over. He caught her in time.
Spinel laughs evilly. "Looks like you got what you wanted. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have Steven killed now." She walks over to Steven.
"(Y/n)..." Xipilli held (Y/n) as he presses his hand on her wound. He could feel and see the her blood. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to.." He cries.
(Y/n) smiles weakly at him as she puts a hand on his cheek. "Like I said, I forgive you." She gave me a closed eye smile.
More tears streamed down his eyes as he held her closer. "(Y/n), you and Steven are my cousin. I'm suppose to protect you..I'm suppose to love you..."
"What stopping you?" (Y/n) winced in pain.
"I'm going to make it up to you both. I'm going to help stop the injector!" Xipilli proclaims.
Suddenly a glow surrounds them. Xipilli was confused, but (Y/n) knows what's next. Next thing they knew, they were one.
Spinel extends her right arm to grab Steven as she dangles him over the edge. "You know, I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you, I wanna kill you even more." Spinel begins letting go of Steven one finger at a time. Steven suddenly cries out in anguish. "I don't get it! Why aren't my powers back? Aren't I reliving every horrible thing that's ever happened to me? A Gem I barely know is trying to kill me. I'm paying for stuff my Mom did that had nothing to do with me. I'm struggling with my powers. The world's about to end! -- What piece could I be missing? This is the story of my life!"
In reaction, Spinel lets out an almost mocking cackle. "Wow! I knew that I was gonna set you back, but this is how you started? The legend, Steven Universe? You gotta be kidding me. How did a powerless loser like you become savior of the galaxy?!"
Steven then suddenly realized what he was missing. "I changed. That's the final piece. All those struggles -- I learned from them, and I grew. Oh, my gosh. It's not just my Gem powers I've forgotten. All of this happily ever after stuff has made me forget the first power I ever had -- the power to change." 
"And he's not a loser. He's my cousin." A new voiced said.

(Credit goes to the artist

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(Credit goes to the artist. Not me)
Spinel turns around and gasped on what she is witnessing as Steven is smiles in awe.
A fusion of (Y/n) and Xipilli. "Wha...What are you?" Spinel gasped. The fusion smirked at her. "I'm Green Diamond."
In anger, Spinel drops Steven to fall to his death, but Green Diamond catches him on time. They let go of him as he finally regains his powers. He forms many types of bubbled shields as she sends a shockwave that sends Spinel back. Steven floats back down as Green Diamond stands besides him. Steven wipes the blood from his nose and begins to sing.

Steven: I can make a promise
I can make a plan
I can make a difference
I can takeastand
I can makean effort
If I only understand
That I,I can make a change

Spinel attacks as Steven blocks and dodges her. Green Diamond summons their katana as they run towards Spinel. They swing at her as she spins away from them. They summon their bow as they fire multiple arrow at her. Steven runs over to her as she attack him again. He dematerializes his shield as he gently floats down.
"Listen to us, Spinel. We understand. After everything you've been through, you must be in a lot of pain." Steven spoke.
"No. No!" Spinel hits herself on the head. "You don't understand. You can't change the way I feel!"
Steven materializes two miniature bubbles around his fists, which he uses to parry Spinel's blows. The manic Gem strikes down at him wildly, before Steven gets away. Green Diamond catches Spinel in their arms as they tried to reason with her. "That's right! Only you can."
Annoyed, Spinel enlarges her hands to escape Green Diamond's grasp. She grabs Steven, spin, and tosses him up into the sky as she bounces up after him.
"Steven!" Green Diamond yells.

You can make a difference
You can make it right
You can make it better
We don't have to fight
You can make an effort
Starting with tonight
'Cause you
You can make a change

High up in the skies, Steven sings to attempt to reason with Spinel more. Green Diamond stares at the sky with admiration.
"We have to help them!"
"Calm down, Xipilli or we'll unfuse!"
"(Y/n), how can I calm down when our cousin is in danger."
Green Diamond continues to argue with themselves as they witness the fight of Spinel and Steven.
Steven ends in song as Spinel grits her teeth and creates a giant fist. "Just can it, won't ya?!" She aims her fist at Steven. "You can't just make everything better by singing SOME STUPID SONG!"
Spinel punches down at a Steven, sending him careening down into the injector's surface. The impact was enough to shake the earth and damage the machine.
Once Spinel descends from the sky, she sees Steven unharmed from the blow, bearing his shield in front of himself, (Y/n), and Xipilli. The impact was strong enough to unfuse them.
"All that stuff's easy for you to say. When you all change, you all change for the better. When I change, I change for the worse!" Spinel lunches forward at them. Steven easily defends the three of them from Spinel's blow.
"I used to be just not good enough! just not good enough for Pink, but now -- now... I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL!" Spinel enlarges her fist as she slams them down at Steven shield, furthering damaging the injectors. The cousins huddled closer to each other from the impact. They opened their eyes and noticed Spinel collapsing on her knees as she finally breaks down.
Spinel begins to laughs and cry at the same time. "That's funny, r-right? A-At least you three found me entertaining. You three actually liked me, didn't you? What am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be a friend. I just wanna be a friend." Tears ran down her face.
All three cousin showed their sympathy towards her. Steven dematerializes his shield as they tried to talk to Spinel, which startles her.
"Oh, Spinel..." (Y/n) places a hand on Spinel's shoulder.
Before they can properly comfort Spinel, the injector begins to explode from the damage it had sustained. Only capable of looking at each other, Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Spinel are engulfed in an earth-shattering explosion.
Everyone in Little Homeworld witnessed the explosion from afar.
"Steven! (Y/n)!" The gems cried out.

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