Part 81

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A week has passed since the cousins had a bonding day back on Homeworld. Steven and (Y/n) were having some breakfast as they were waiting for Xipilli to come by so they could go to Little Homeschool. After they finished they're breakfast, (Y/n) was washing the dishes while Steven was making some lunch for later. They heard the warp pad activate, Xipilli arrived. Steven and (Y/n) heard Xipilli's foot steps coming down, but they were coming down fast. Once Xipilli made it down, he had a worried expression written on his face.
"Xipilli, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked. "It's Aunt White, she's been missing for a week and everyone is starting to worry." Xipilli replied. "Are you sure she's missing?" Steven walked over to him. "I'm sure. Aunt White would never leave without telling my mother or Aunt Blue." Xipilli explains.
"Did you hear Aunt White mention something before she went missing." (Y/n) questioned. Xipilli thought for a moment. "I believe I heard her saying something about being on Earth, but I'm not too sure."
Knowing that this is a serious matter, Steven called the rest of the gem and explained to situation. Their plan was separate in groups and search all over Earth if there is any sign of White. Steven, (Y/n) and Xipilli warp towards a forest and began to search. They called out for White, but nothing. They heard something coming, they readied their weapons just in case. The noises were coming closer and from the bushes were Lion, Wolf, and Eagle. The cousins sighed in relief and went to their animal companions.
"You guys found anything, Wolf?" (Y/n) stroke Wolf's fur. Wolf shook her head. "Maybe if I try this. Eagle, let me fly with you to get a better view." Xipilli commands Eagle nods and allows Xipilli on his back. They've reached the sky. Xipilli got a better view. He narrows his eyes t search for any clues to White. Eagle suddenly screeching as he pointed his beak to the east.
"I think Eagle sees something!" Xipilli yelled from the sky.
Steven and (Y/n) hopped on Lion and Wolf as they followed Xipilli and Eagle.
It didn't take long for everyone to reach their destination. In front of them was an abandoned building. (Y/n) spotted a sign, she nudge Wolf to get her closer. The words were faded and barely readable, but (Y/n) was able to read one word.
Suddenly, they all heard some laughing now too far from them. It was a familiar laugh. They walked towards the laughter. They pushed the bushes away from them and found who was making the laughter. It was White laughing and she was holding something in her hands. Well, it was someone.
A little girl, she looks like she's six years old. She has dark skin and brown eyes. She has black hair, but it was tangled. Her clothes were worn out and dirty. Last, she had vitiligo on her arms.
Steven stepped out and walked towards White. "White?"
White and the girl were startled. White calmed down when she saw who it was. "Oh. Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, you all startled me." She turned back to the girl and calmed her down.
"Who is this, Aunt White." Xipilli asked. White smiled and brought the girl closer to them. "Her name is Starla. I picked it myself and I plan to adopted her."
Steven and Xipilli were confused on what she was talking about, but (Y/n) knew. She explained that she suggested to White that could adopt a child. White clarified to everything (Y/n) said.
"It's true, I wanted to adopt a child. Starla and I have really gotten to know each other and I think she's perfect, even though she can't talk." White spoke. "What do you mean she can't talk?" Steven raised his brow. "I believe she can't talk. All she does is make hand motions. I do find that very adorable." White smiles.
(Y/n) walked towards Starla. She could tell that she was very sky. (Y/n) gave her a comforting smile. "Can you talk, Starla?"
Starla shook her head and did the hand motions White was talking about. (Y/n) giggles when she understood what the problem was. Starla was mute and knows how to use sign language. Lucky for everyone, (Y/n) knows how to use sign language.
"Hello, Starla. My name is (Y/n). And this is Steven and Xipilli" (Y/n) spoke as she used sign language.
'Nice to meet you, (Y/n)' Starla signs.
Steven and Xipilli had stars in their eyes. "When did you learn sign language?" Steven asked. "I had lots of free time." (Y/n) smiles and turns back to Starla.
"Do you like White, Starla?" (Y/n) asked.
Starla nods.
"Then, how would you feel about being adopted by White and being apart of our family?"
Starla nods rapidly and hugs (Y/n).
(Y/n) laughs and picks her up. "Looks like you're a mother, Aunt White."
White smiles, took Starla in her hand and carefully hugs her. "I'm so happy." Starla smiles at her new mom and signs to her.
"She said she's happy too. And she called you, Mommy" (Y/n) translated. She pulled Steven and Xipilli closer to everyone. "Now that Starla is part of the family, lets have her meet everyone and get her clean up."
"You're right, poor child must have been through a lot before she met Aunt White." Xipilli agrees. "Trust us, Starla. You are going to love your new family and the three of us are going to be your big cousins." Steven said as Starla smiled at her new, older cousins.

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