Part 87

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After getting Onion off the roller coaster, (Y/n) was about to get him back to Sour Cream. Before she could leave, (Y/n) was stopped by Starla and Xipilli. Onion tugged on (Y/n)'s arm and pointed at her cousins in question.
"Oh, right. You guys haven't met." (Y/n) looks back at her cousins. "Xipilli, Starla. This is Onion, he's Sour Cream's little brother. Onion, these are my cousins. Xipilli and Starla."
Starla walked closer to Onion. She smiled and shook his hand. "Hi, Onion. I'm Starla. I can tell that we're going to be great friends."
"I didn't know that your boyfriend has a little brother." Xipilli looked at (Y/n). She shrugged her shoulders. "You've never asked."
As (Y/n) takes Onion back to Funland, Onion gripped on Xipilli's and Starla's hands. Suggesting that he wanted them to tag ago. Not long, they spotted Sour Cream search for Onion. (Y/n) called out to her boyfriend and pointed at his little brother. Sour Cream quickly ran towards (Y/n) and Onion.
"Thanks, (Y/n). I thought he went missing again." Sour Cream kissed (Y/n)'s cheek. She blushed. "Not a problem."
"Oooooooo." Starla teased.
Sour Cream and (Y/n) laughed at the little girl. Xipilli walked towards Sour Cream and he cuts between them. Sour Cream was shocked to see that Xipilli was standing right in front of him again.
"Sour Cream..."Xipilli stared at him. Suddenly he bows his head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done to you when we first met."
Starla was confused and she grabs (Y/n)'s hand as they continued to watch. "What happened, (Y/n)?" Starla asked. "I'll tell you later." (Y/n) replied.
"Oh, that day. I get it. You were upset and everything went crazy and (Y/n) explained everything to me. So, don't worry about it. Im over it now." Sour Cream accepted Xipilli's apology.
Xipilli continued to bow his head. "Still, is there anything I could do atone my awful deed towards you."
Sour Cream shook his hands. "Like I said, its fine. You don't need to do anything. Just keep being the good guy, (Y/n) has believed in."
Xipilli was shocked to hear what Sour Cream said. He turns to his cousins as they smiled back at him. He returned the gestured with a small smile of his own. He looks back at Sour Cream as he gives him a thumbs up and Xipilli nods back at him. Sour Cream told them that it was time to get home. He bid everyone goodbye, but not before giving (Y/n) one last kiss as Onion and Starla teased them. After that, Sour Cream and Onion walked towards their home.
(Y/n) walked towards Xipilli and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you, Xipilli." He smiled back at her. "Thanks, (Y/n)."
"We should get back home. Steven and Amethyst might be wondering where we are." Starla signed at them. Agreeing with Starla, everyone went back home.

The next day, Starla, (Y/n), and Steven were having some lunch, but they noticed that Xipilli wasn't with them.
"Where's Xipilli at?"Steven asked. Starla and (Y/n) shrugged their shoulders in confusion. All three of them were confused on where Xipilli was. They all got their answer when they saw door opening and it reveals Xipilli with a keyboard in his arm and next to him was Sour Cream. They both fisted bumped.
"Where you've been, Xipilli?" Steven walked towards them.
"I've been hanging out with Sour Cream. I wanted to make it up to him by becoming his friend and he taught me how to use a keyboard." Xipilli explains.
"Turns out he's really good at it." Sour Cream adds.
"We planned on hanging out more offend."
"Watch it, Xipilli. That's my boyfriend you're trying to steal. Keep that up and I might steal Spinel away from you." (Y/n) playfully threaten. Xipilli glared at her in jest. "Hey, that's my best friend you're trying to steal."
Everyone ended up laughing together. Later that day, Xipilli and Sour Cream performed a small show for everyone in the house. Now after this, everyone is getting along better than ever.

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