Part 15

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Later that day, Steven and (Y/n) went to the Big Donut to explain to Sadie that Lars is still in space.
"What?!" Sadie grabs a hold of Steven's shirt. "And Lars is still in space!"
(Y/n) flinched at Sadie's reaction.
"Yeah...he is, but don't worry he's with some very nice gems who are on the run from their homeworld overlords." Steven explained.
Sadie moaned in disparity, "Oh, Lars."
(Y/n) pats Sadie's head to try to comfort her. "He's fine Sadie. We could all go see him through Steven's lion."
Tears started to appear on Sadie's face.
"At least he's kind of alive." Sadie tried to think positive. "You told his parents...right?"
"He has parents?" (Y/n) asked.
Sadie nodded.
"You're kind of my practice run for that" Steven said.
They leave the Big Donut to go help Sadie tell Lars's parents he's still in space. Just as they were walking they saw a group of protesters near the Fish Stew Pizza. Everyone was hold signs of negativity towards mayor Dewey and signs of positivity for Nanafua. Steven began to get nervous about the people of Beach City.
"Steven I'm going to Lars's parents house." Sadie said.
"Okay. We'll catch up with you."Steven replied.
"Nice meeting you (Y/n)!" Sadie waved.
"You too Sadie!" (Y/n) waved back.
Nanafua was speaking how mayor Dewey does nothing for the people of Beach City while they were being abducted by the gems of Homeworld. She explained that she should be mayor and not Dewey. Oddly, (Y/n) can agree to this. Steven texted Connie that he'll be busy with mayor Dewey.

"I don't know, Universe. This doesn't look good." Dewey was looking at his window of angry protesters were yelling at him.
"How's this?" Steven held up a Dewey's great sign.
"That is great, but I need more." Dewey said. "Gosh, I never had an opponent before. Even when I ran for mayor of high school I ran unopposed. Probably I made of the position."
"If only I could have warned you about the abduction stuff sooner then everything would be fine now." Steven tried to reassure himself. "I've really dropped the ball."
"Don't blame only yourself Steven, I'm responsible to the human collecting too." (Y/n) tried to explain. "After all I did help the diamonds with that organization part."
"You're right Universe and Ms Diamond, this is all your fault. Ha!" Dewey laughed.
Steven then suggested that they called the town for a town meeting and explain everything.

"So in conclusion, mayor Dewey had nothing What so ever to do with the abductions." Steven said through the megaphone. "Everything was my fault, because I unknowingly provided some space gems a list of names and put everyone endanger."
(Y/n) grabbed the megaphone from Steven, "He's not the only one at fault here. I also helped the diamonds organize the abduction."
She gave the magaphone back. "Mayor Dewey would never do anything to put anyone endanger. He basically keeps a low profile and doesn't get involved in much of anything."
"Yeah well maybe he should be involved!" A towns person shouted.
"He's the mayor!" Another shouted too.
Soon everyone started to shout
Steven just smiled and thanked them for listening and to be sure to vote for him.
Dewey nervously laughed and grabbed the megaphone from Steven and explained that everything is okay and everyone is here. Sadie protested that Lars is still missing. Dewey just called him a donut boy and said that he will try to hire a new donut boy. Everyone booed at him and threw tomatoes at him. Steven and (Y/n) facepalmed at him.

"You two look terrible." (Y/n) sweat dropped at them.
Steven and Dewey had tired red eyes and bags under them. They were up practicing how the speech would go. Everyone was cheering to a speech to hear as Steven hugged Dewey for support.
"Steven I don't understand why are you helping him?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrows at him.
"What do you mean?" Steven questioned.
"I mean why should he be mayor. He doesn't act like a leader, he's more of a coward. And I've seen how the diamonds lead and he's not actually leader material.
"Come on (Y/n)! I know mayor Dewey can do this after all the hardwork we've done."
"Whatever you say."
Dewey spoke how everything is blamed on the mayor and how he can only handle the pressure of being mayor. This caused a few people to clapped. Nanafua agreed how she blamed him for many things. So her speech was about how they the town should work together and take responsibility together. Now the whole town was cheering for her. Dewey gives up and gives the position of mayor to Nanafua.
"Mayor Dewey what are you doing!?" Steven chases after him. "You can't just throw the election like that we could still win this."
"Well I know it's not very traditional to do that in the middle of a debate, but why drag it out?" Dewey shrugged his shoulders.
"We could have won!" Steven yelled "I really believed in you! I've really believed in us!"
"Well you were wrong what do you want me to say?"
"How about, I'm sorry we were in this together and I let you down?"
"Come on Universe. You know she's going to be a mayor than me."
They all looked back Nanafua as she smiled and waved at the townspeople. They cheered her name over and over again for their new mayor of Beach City. Steven began to feel betrayed and now he suddenly realized how Connie must have felt.
(Y/n) puts a hand on his shoulder. "Was that why you felt so upset the other day?"
Steven nodded. They watched as Dewey walked away and taking about finding a new job. Steven grabs his phone and tries to call Connie.
Later at Steven's house, (Y/n) could see that Steven still looks upset as he still tried to call Connie. So she decided to get ready to bed, we'll get ready to sleep on the couch, which she found very comfy.

She got in her pjs that Amethyst picked for her and tucked herself in

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She got in her pjs that Amethyst picked for her and tucked herself in.
"Goodnight Steven!"

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