Part 28

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"Hey, Steven. What are you making?" (Y/n) looked over Steven's shoulder.
"I'm just making a sandwich for Lars." Steven replied.
After he was done, both he and (Y/n) went inside Lion's mane and emerges from Lars' hair with the sandwich and holding each other's hands.
"Who wants a party sub?!" Steven asked with glee.
Rhodonite looked confused, "What exactly are we celebrating?"
"You all beat Emerald. And you rescued me, Steven, and Connie from the Jungle Moon. And you have this amazing ship, so you'll be back on Earth in no time." (Y/n) explained.
"It's only super fast when it works!" Lars snatches the sandwich from Steven.
Fluorite emerges from the engine room, "Captain Lars...I've finished...rerouting-..."
"Power from the gravity engine to the nova thrusters?" Lars finished Fluorite sentence. "Great! Twins, floor it on the thrusters!"
"Right away, Captain. Yes, Captain." The twins activated nova thrusters. The ship picks up speed for a moment before the thrusters falter and the ship's power goes out. Everyone groans in sadness.
"Captain Lars, don't use the thrusters. We're going to lose power!" Padparadscha exclaimed a little too late. "Thanks, Padparadscha.." Lars thanked dejectedly.
Steven told everyone that they could past the time by meeting someone. Lars was nervous if the person was bigger than the sandwich. (Y/n) thought for a moment and told him that the person doesn't have to be. Lars finally agrees and let Steven jumps into his hair. After a moment, Steven reemerges with Garnet shapeshifted into himself.
Steven and Garnet poses, "Twins!"
Fluorite  questioned, "Another... Steven?"
"There's more of you?!" Lars asked surprisingly.
Garnet returns to her normal form. The others gasp, catching a glimpse of Garnet's eyes before she pushes her glasses back into place. They finally realize that she's not another Steven, but a fusion who shape-shifted into Steven to have herself smaller. "This is Garnet. She leads the Crystal Gems back on Earth." (Y/n) introduces her to the others.
"Just look at you all!" Garnet walks up to and hugs Rhodonite. "You must be Rhodonite: a Ruby and a Pearl? That must have been a story. I want all the details." Rhodonite chuckles nervously.
Garnet moves to the twins "And you must be the Rutile Twins. "I've never seen anyone like you before." She puts her arms around them.
"We were... made like this." The twins looked down.
Garnet stares at Fluorite in awe. "Fluorite. Whoa. You're just, uh, beautiful." Fluorite blushes.
Garnet kneels in front of Padparadscha, "And here's Padparadscha, an orange Sapphire. How rare."
Padparadscha pointed out, "I predict you're going to make everyone uncomfortable."
Garnet looks at the other Off Colors, who are all staring at the floor uneasily. Rhodonite folded her arms, "It's not nice to make fun of us like that."
"Haven't you guys heard a compliment before?" (Y/n) asked.
The off colors were confused at that word. Steven then explained that it means to say something nice. Rhodonite wasn't too pleased about herself and said that they should all feel ashamed about themselves.
Garnet puts her hand on Steven and (Y/n)'s shoulders "Aw, Steven, (Y/n). These Gems feel just like I did before I met Rose Quartz."
Everyone was surprised to the heat the name of Rose Quartz. They explained on what they've heard about her. Garnet explained that they were wrong. She gathered everyone and began to tell the story of Rose Quartz, "Let me tell you the story of the real Rose Quartz."
Garnet began with Pink Diamond having her first colony on the planet Earth. All gems on Earth were made to serve Pink Diamond and everything so changed when Rose Quartz appeared. She was just like other ordinary gems, but she soon saw the works for its beauty. Rose spoke to other gems how they shouldn't destroy the planet and word got out to Pink Diamond. Rose Quartz pleaded to her Diamond that they should leave the Earth alone and let its life forms live in peace. Pink Diamond laughed wickedly at her. She ignored her request and told her to return to her post. Rose Quartz was dragged back to her kindergarten for duty. Rose is dragged away and continues working alongside the other Quartzes. Rose Quartz has finally had enough. She stopped her work and made a speech of how gems can be free and no longer have to deal with the Diamonds. Pink Diamond's colony was falling apart and soon she called her allies Yellow and Blue Diamond. Rose also found herself with allies, other Gems that were cast out for being wrong; a Pearl who belonged to no one, a Bismuth who built weapons for rebels instead of towers for tyrants, an entirely new fusion for not power but for love, and countless others, all inspired by Rose to live for ourselves on Earth. From that day on, Rose Quartz was the leader of the Crystal Gems.
They were strong, but not strong enough for Pink Diamond's army. Rose needed to do something to stop this once and for all. Rose Quartz drew her rebel blade and shattered Pink Diamond, saving the Earth for all time from her reign of terror.

"Wow! That's incredible! I don't believe it!" The twins exclaimed.
Lars leans down towards Steven, "Your mom did all that? That's awesome!"
"I must say, that was really brave of her to do that." A small smile appears on (Y/n)'s face.
Steven turns to (Y/n), "Even though my mom shattered your aunt?"
"I forgive Rose Quartz. She had to do what was right. Even though it was a hard decision."
Steven smiled at her and brought her into a comforting hug, which (Y/n) happily accepted.
"Wait. What about the rest? What happened after that?" Rhodonite asked with worry.
Steven, (Y/n), and Garnet glance at each other.
Garnet continued, "The other Diamonds were furious. In a last-ditch attempt to wipe out the Rebellion, the Diamonds launched a direct attack against Earth, and in their fury, they used their powers to end the fighting once and for all."

Padparadscha spoke out, "I predict this story won't have a happy ending." Everyone was beginning to feel depress about the ending of the story. They all thought that there would be no hope for them. Garnet explained that there is hope and there are lots of other gems like them out there. Rhodonite questioned about how many gems there are like them.
"Way more than you think!" Steven exclaimed. "I was only on Homeworld for, like, an hour before I ran in to you guys. There must be Off Colors all over the place."
"Steven's right! The other Diamonds never told me about gems like you guys. And now that I've seen you all, I'm part of the Crystal Gems. I want to help fight for freedom." (Y/n) screamed with pride.
Garnet smiled at (Y/n) and said, "Rose used to say there was something about Earth, something that set Gems free. But it's not just Earth. Look at you. Love, freedom; it's universal. You all prove it every moment you live as yourselves. You can show everyone."
Fluorite asked, ""
"Not while we're floating out here like sitting ducks. Fluorite, let's take another look at that engine." Lars stands up and points. The off colors cheered. Everyone heads down to the engine room. Lars and the Rutile Twins each work a panel in front of the engine while the other Off Colors stand beside them. Garnet Steven and (Y/n) sit on the steps nearby. "Hey, uh, Garnet? When Connie (Y/n) and I were stranded on the Jungle Moon, I ...we...saw something...a vision...of...Pink Diamond." Steven spoke. Garnet listened carefully. "When Blue Diamond and (Y/n) came to Earth, I had dreams where I saw through her eyes and I was crying her tears. If I'm having the same dreams about Pink Diamond, what if that means she's still out there?"
"She's gone, Steven." Garnet puts her hand on Steven's back. "Your mother made sure of that.
"I agree with Steven. I felt such a strong connection." (Y/n) leans her head on Garnet's shoulder. Garnet puts her hand on (Y/n)'s head. "You two have empathetic powers that other Gems don't have. You two are unusual, like them and like me. It's not something to fear. It's something to celebrate." Steven and (Y/n) smile at her.
"Come on, come on." Lars mutters.
"Oh, strange. The core should have come online by now." The Rutile Twins said.
Padparadscha spoke out, "I predict that Captain Lars will be pressing the wrong button. "Oh." Lars takes his hands off panel. The ship's power was restored. Everyone cheered and returns to the upper level and Rhodonite, the Rutile Twins, and Padparadscha return to their stations.
"Does that mean you can get back to Earth?" (Y/n) asked.
"Not... quite. The...nova...thrusters...still need...repairs." Fluorite explains. 
"We can hit up the nearest colony for parts. Rhodonite, tell me there's one nearby." Lars ordered "Well, we aren't far from one of Yellow Diamond's asteroid mines. But that place will be crawling with Agates, Captain. It's incredibly dangerous." Rhodonite warns.
"So are we." Lars poses and points forward. "Let's show 'em!"
"This will be a story to tell to everyone back on Beach City." (Y/n) laughed.

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