Part 65

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Ruby is seen marching around Sapphire as she is guarding her.
"So, when Ruby and Sapphire first became Garnet, Ruby rushed in to save Sapphire from danger, and bam -- They fused. So, maybe we've gotta create some sort of dangerous situation." Steven suggested as he paces around the others. "Well, what do we have that's deadly and dangerous laying around?" Lapis asked. "I think we could dig something up!" Peridot runs to a nearby dumpster as she throws various items out. "Danger, danger, danger. What have we got? Hmm. No. Aha!"
Steven and (Y/n) looked surprise as Peridot pulled out a very large, circular buzzsaw.
"A giant pizza cutter?" Steven raised his eyebrows. "And why was that in the dumpster!?" (Y/n)'s eyes widen.
"Don't know, but a pizza cutter is one of its functions, yes." Peridot said.
"I can't threaten them with this." Steven argued.
"Hmm. Here." Peridot presses button on the handle instantly turning it on to his surprise. "Now, it's much more threatening. Off you go, now." She pushes him away.
"I don't think this will end well." (Y/n) sweat dropped. "Good luck!" Spinel waved.
Steven walks over over to Ruby and Sapphire with a nervously with the buzzsaw. Ruby stops marching around Sapphire as she saw Steven. "Halt! I cannot allow you to approach my Sapphire with such a threatening device."
"That's too bad, 'cause I'm gonna... get you!" Steven held the buzzsaw up higher.
"Permission to dispatch the curly-haired one, my Sapphire?" Ruby asked. "No need. I predict he won't be able to follow through." Sapphire said without looking at them.
"She's right. Ugh, I can't." Steven turns off saw and sets it on the ground. "Even if we are just pretending." He walks away. (Y/n) walks over to him and places her hand on his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself, Steven. I wouldn't even use violence on our friends either."
Ruby was surprised. "My Sapphire, you were right! What do you predict will happen next?"
"Well, the Spinel will pick up that device out of curiosity." Sapphire told. On cue, Spinel picks up the buzzsaw, looking at it curiously. "Hijinks will ensue." Sapphire adds.
"Maybe we should try --" Bismuth was cut off by (Y/n). "Wait, Spinel, no! Put that down!"
Spinel presses the button on the handle and she begins shaking. She tries to hold it tightly, but it carries her away. Soon everything was in totally chaos. She crashes into one of the built structures.
"Hey, we just built that!" Bismuth complains.
Spinel is still moving around with the buzzsaw as she destroys more buildings. As she is screaming with the buzzsaw, Ruby steps forward to shield Sapphire.
Bismuth grabs Peridot while Lapis, (Y/n), and Steven dive out of the way as Spinel speeds through them.
"Spinel!" Steven tackles Spinel as she let's go of the buzzsaw. (Y/n) runs over to them. "Are you two alright?" Before they could answer they looked up and saw that buzzsaw was still running around destroying the scaffolding.
"My scaffolding. MY PRECIOUS SCAFFOLDING!" Bismuth cries in horror.
"Wow! What happens next!" Ruby exclaims. "In just a moment, the scaffolding will start falling all around you." As what Sapphire predicted, the scaffolding begins to fall all around Ruby. She dodges it just in time.
"Wow. You're amazing!" Ruby compliments. Sapphire blushes. "Next, the Peridot will hold back some of the falling debris. Three large barrels will fall. The Bismuth will catch two of them."
Just like Sapphire said. Peridot uses her powers. "I got this, Biz!" Bismuth runs over to help. "Nice work, Perido -- " She saw some barrels falling. "H-Oh, shucks! Ah. Shoot!" Bismuth was able to catch two barrels, but missed the third one. "Oh, no-hoo! The Heaven and Earth Beetles are out for their afternoon constitutional!"
Just like Bismuth said, the Heaven Beetle and Earth Beetle on their constitutional.
"The Lapis will rush in and save them at the last second." Sapphire explains.
Lapis flies over and saves the Heaven and Earth beetles just in time. "Whew. You guys okay?" The Heaven and Earth beetles give her a thumbs up.
Huge chunks of the building have stopped falling.
"Please tell me it's over." (Y/n) places her hand on her chest.
Sapphire begins to panicked. "The saw. The saw will continue to cut. The anvil will fall. And you -- you will be shattered!" As her prediction came true, the saw continues to cut and it slices the handle causing it to fall. Ruby looks up and screams.
Steven throws his shield over Ruby in time to protect her from the anvil. However, Steven begins to struggle holding it and the shield begins to crack.
"The curly-haired one's power is fading. Ruby, I'm sorry! I told you you wouldn't last the day." Sapphire apologized. "Well, I'm glad fate allowed me to meet you." Ruby smiles.
The shield shatters as Ruby accepts her fate.
"No!" Steven shouts. "Ruby!" (Y/n) cries.
Suddenly, Sapphire dives in and pushes Ruby out of the way. Ruby was in shock by the action as she saw Sapphire's one eye. They both looked into each other's eyes and begin to glow, fusing into Garnet as she sings.

Suddenly hot I'm-
Suddenly cool I'm-
Suddenly a genius I'm-
Suddenly a fool I'm-
Suddenly fact but I feel-
Strangerthanfiction I'm new
ButI'm suddenly back
I'm a walking contradiction!

Doesn'tthis have a name?
Doesn't this have a name?
Doesn't this have a name?

And isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
Isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
And isn't it, isn't it, isn't it love?
Isn't it
Isn't it
Isn't it love?

Garnet looks at herself confusedly. Everyone gasps at her.
"Garnet!" Steven and (Y/n) attempt to hug her, but they fall over as Garnet backs away from them. They both stood up. "Garnet! You're back! Thank goodness it's you." Steven said.
"W-W-What's going on?" Garnet was confused.
"Everyone's memories are wiped, as well as Steven's and my powers are all messed up. We need your help, Garnet. What do you suggest we do first?" (Y/n) asked as she finished explaining everything.
"I'm sorry, but... do you both know me?" Garnet asked. Spinel come from behind Steven and (Y/n). "Good question."
Steven signs in disappointment. "Her memories aren't back. I guess fusion was only the first piece."
Suddenly arrows flies between Steven and (Y/n).
"Well, I guess I missed."
Everyone looked behind themselves and saw Spinel's friend.
"That's him!" (Y/n) points. Is
The male pulls the string of his bow and continued to shoot at everyone. They all scattered away from the arrows, which gives him enough time to leap over to Spinel.
He grabs her shoulders. "Spinel? What happened to you?" Spinel giggles at him. "Do I know you?"
He growls from frustration. "I told you to be careful with that weapon and now look at you!"
"Hey! Leave her alone!" He turns his head and saw (Y/n) running up to him. She punches him away from (Y/n). The male groans in pain as he held his cheek. He glares at (Y/n) as she stands in front of Spinel. W
He chuckles at her. "I get it, because she's like this she's no threat to you now." He walks over to (Y/n). "Since you're weak now from being hit by the Rejuvenator, I can defeat you and take my friend back." He grabs his arrow and shoots at (Y/n).
(Y/n) dodges just in time as she pushes Spinel out of the way. (Y/n) runs up to the male as she tries to summon her katana, but still nothing. While she was distracted, the male grabs her arm and punches her in the stomach. She collapses to the ground, holding her stomach, as she gasps for air. Before he could shoot another arrow, he saw a blue light coming from underneath (Y/n). With his eyes glued to the light, (Y/n) summons an energy ball and blasts it at him.
The male was sent back at least ten feet away from her. He was confused as tears ran down his cheeks. (Y/n) smirks at him. "Looks like I can still use my powers." Before she could stand up, (Y/n) suddenly falls to her knees and starts a coughing fit.
"What was that about? You thought you could use your powers?" The male asked with a smug smile. He stalks towards her. "Time to finish what we started."
"Get away from her!" Bismuth uses her blades as she stands in front of (Y/n). Soon the others were protecting her.
He growls at them and uses him arrows at them. Lapis carries (Y/n) away as everyone dodges. He finally had enough and takes it as a sign to escape. "I'll be back, (Y/n) Diamond!"
The others tried to catch him, but it was too late. He was too far to catch. 
Lapis places (y/n) down as she continues to cough.
"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" Steven runs up to her. (Y/n) stops her coughing. "I think I'm fine."
All of a sudden, everyone turns as they hear the sound of Greg's van beeping. Pearl steps out of the van with a small red carpet and stepstool. She sets them down at the back doors and she summons a small trumpet as she plays a small fanfare. "Attention, everyone. Um Greg Universe has arrived." She opens the door for Greg.
"Steven! (Y/n)!" He rushes out the van. "Have you guys seen Amethyst?"
"What? We told you to watch her." Steven replied.
"She must have wandered off while I was wrestling my laundry out of Pearl's hands." Greg rubs his head. The three of them heads as they were hearing some squeaking noises. Pearl is seen wiping the hubcabs of the van. "Pearl! You don't have to do that. I own a car wash!" Greg rubs over to her.
(Y/n) turns to Bismuth. "Steven and I will go find Amethyst. Can you watch Garnet while we're away?"
"Yeah, sure. But it looks like she's doing a pretty good job watching herself." Bismuth smirks as Garnet is looking at herself in amazement.
"Thanks you." (Y/n) smiles. "(Y/n), are you sure you could come? I think you should rest." Steven suggested. "No, I'm fine." (Y/n) waved her hand, dismissing the idea.
Before Steven and (Y/n) could run, Spinel grabs their hands. "Don't forget your best friend, Spinel!"
" Oh, right. Spinel, you stay here with the others, and I'll be right back." Steven told as he and (Y/n) let go of her hands. Spinel suddenly became angry. "NO!!!"
Steven and (Y/n) gasped at her outburst. (Y/n) held her arm out to protect Steven. "O-Okay. Let's go together?" Steven replies nervously as he held (Y/n)'s arm.
"Yay!" Spinel laughs as she was giddy again.

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