Part 47

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Purple was attempting to use multiple shields to try to escape while Connie tried to find any crack hole or anyway out of the tower. Connie spotted a window.
"Purple! Look!" Connie pointed. Purple looks up. "Nice job, Connie!" Purple smiled.
Purple helps Connie up to the window, but what she saw was not escape.  Purple puts Connie down and unfuses.
"Well, so much for that." (Y/n) said. They all sat next to a wall. Connie grabs some food and shares with the others. "Well... good thing I grabbed a couple of these before the ball. Otherwise, we'd have nothing to eat. Can't escape Gem Prison on an empty stomach."
"We never should have come here." Steven spoke melancholy. Connie turns to him. "What?"
"This whole plan -- what was I even thinking?"
"Well, you were thinking that if you came to Homeworld and talked to White Diamond, maybe you could save all the corrupted Gems on Earth."
"Oh right, and look where that got us."
"Well, we knew it wouldn't be easy."
(Y/n) finally spoke. "You guys are right, it wasn't easy." She turns her eyes to them and reaches for her sleeve. "I...I should have showed you guys what we're up against a long time ago." (Y/n) pulls up her sleeve and reveals the white cracks on her arm. Steven and Connie gasped at the sight.
"Wha...when then that happened?" Steven asked with a shaky voice. "Before I meet you guys." (Y/n) whispered.
"We're so sorry, (Y/n)." Connie hugs her. Steven then joins them. "It's not your fault, I just wish there was a way to reach for help back on Earth. I wonder if they'll keep us here for...what? 100 years?" (Y/n) joked. "That's it!" Steven suddenly shouted. "Really? 100 years?" Connie questioned in fear.
"No, call for help. There's one Crystal Gem left that hasn't been poofed, and that's Bismuth. Maybe (Y/n) and I can reach her with my sleeping psychic mind powers."
"You think you two can do that, reach all the way to Earth with your mind?"
"It'll be a stretch for sure, but we won't know unless we try." (Y/n) stated. "Well, what are we waiting for? Bedtime, mister and missy." Connie ordered cheerfully. Steven lays his head on Connie lap while (Y/n) lays next to her. "All right. Here goes nothing." Steven said. "You guys can do this." Connie encouraged. Steven and (Y/n) breathes in and out, and then begins to enter their psychic mind power state.
"Whoa. Connie, we did it. We're in that psychic ghost space again." Steven spoke. "It's just like we remember it." (Y/n) spoke in awe.
"Great. Can you both talk to Earth?"
"H-hang on. I gotta find it first. Okay. Earth, where you at? Come on. Beach City. video games, donuts, Dad!"
Suddenly a bright, white light appears in the distance. "There you are!" Steven yells. "You find it?" Connie asked. "Yeah, but it looks far away. This might take us a while." (Y/n) told. "Okay. I'll be here. Good luck." Connie bid them farewell.
Steven and (Y/n) begin to float through  the air trying to reach Earth. "This is gonna take forever. Maybe if we..." Steven and (Y/n) throws both their arms back simultaneously, causing them to move fast towards Earth. "W-whoa! Uh, too fast! Too fast! Slow down! Aah!"
(Y/n) wakes up on a strange island, until she realized it wasn't a strange island. It was Mask Island, Steven told her everything about it. She looked at her hands and saw that she was a Watermelon Steven wearing a blue island flower on its head. (Y/n) shrugs and stands up to try to look for Steven. If she can.
(Y/n) felt like she was walking for eternity. Just before she could rest, she was ambushed by Watermelon Steven warriors. Trapping her, the warriors took her to their village. Their leader had a flower necklace around its neck. The leader pointed their at (Y/n) and the other warriors painted under her eyes. She stares at them confusedly.
'What on Earth is going on here?' (Y/n) questioned in her mind.
Suddenly other Watermelon Stevens with stars on their stomachs came out of nowhere and surrounded her. The warriors wouldn't let them leave and ran towards them with their weapons. While everyone was distracted, (Y/n) calmly snuck away and ran towards the beach. Once she made, she spotted a Watermelon Steven working on something. A boat. (Y/n) towards it and it looked right at her. They both suddenly realized that this Watermelon Steven was Steven and (Y/n). With a quick hug, they got started on working on the boat. Out of the blue, the other tribes saw what they were doing and decided to help them. They even went far enough to steal the cape and spear from the leader for the mast and sail. Once they were done, Steven and (Y/n) sailed other as they Watermelon Stevens waved goodbye.
At sea, a terrible suddenly appears and nearly drowned them. They were both safe and stuck in the middle of the sea. Steven tried to blow on the sail, but seeds just came out instead of air. (Y/n) places a hand on his shoulder signaling him to stop. He finally gives up and sits on the edge of the boat. (Y/n) joins him.
Without a warning, they were attacked by a Watermelon shark. It ate one of their legs. The shark continues to attack, Steven and (Y/n) had enough. They grabbed the spear threw at it. Unfortunately it bites it in half and takes them both underwear. Once in the water, Steven calms it down and kisses it. The shark smiles at them and swims away. When they reached the surface, (Y/n) gives him a thumbs up.
They swam for what seem like ages. It was already dark when they were about to give up, Lion and Wolf  appears out of nowhere. Lion was walking on water, while Wolf was walking on air. They licked their human- well watermelon companions and take them back to the beach house. By the shore was Greg playing his guitar when he saw Lion and Wolf bringing Steven and (Y/n). As soon as he recognizes them, he immediately takes them to Bismuth. Bismuth was repairing the house when Greg came with Steven and (Y/n) in his arms. As everyone was seated Steven and (Y/n) tried to explain but they couldn't understand them. They tried drawing, but still no clue. So they decided to right them a message about what happens to them in the sand. (Y/n) even wrote, 'Bismuth, my weapon is destroyed. I might need a new one.' Bismuth smiles at her and gives her a thumbs about making her a new weapon. Steven and (Y/n) collapsed from exhaustion. The last thing they saw was their friends. Steven and (Y/n) gasped as they returned in their own bodies. They saw Connie sleeping behind Steven.
"Guess we'll see what happens." Steven said. "Let's just hope everything's going to be alright." (Y/n) adds.

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