Part 90

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Inside the Beach House, Steven and (Y/n) were dressed as doctors as they were working on a patient.
"So, how would you like your magical spit administered today?" Steven asked.
"Ah, geez, uh... the not kissing one?" The ruby guard suggested as her head was held by her partner.
"You got it!" Steven licks his palm and applies healing spit onto the Ruby's gem, healing the crack and her neck retracts back to normal.
"May I ask about what kind of enemies does the mayor have to keep you guys landing here?" (Y/n) questioned.
"That's classified information, nurse-citizen Diamond." The ruby said.
"Okay, well, try not to classify too hard out there. Oh, don't forget your lollipop." (Y/n) hands the Ruby a lollipop and she happily take it. Both rubies left and Steven grabs a clipboard. "Next patient, please." A bunch of Quartzes enters into the house, all with cracked gems and physical deformities. "Woah. When did volleyball became more intense?" (Y/n) sweat dropped.
In a short time, Steven and (Y/n) finished up healing the Quartzes and bid them goodbye. "Come again! Just, like, not too soon. And remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport!" Steven explains.
Standing in the porch was Xipilli and Starla. Next to them was Pink Pearl. Starla was holding her hand.
"Hey, guys." Xipilli greets.
"Hey, Xipilli. Hey, Starla. I see you've brought a friend." (Y/n) greets back.
"They told me that you both might be able to help me with this." Pink Pearl points at her cracked eye.
Everyone goes inside as Starla leads Pink Pearl by holding her hand. "We explained to our friend that you two are more experienced with your healing powers than us, so we brought her here." Xipilli explains.
"You came to the right place. (Y/n) and I will have you fixed up in a jiffy." Steven said. He licks his palm. Pink Pearl was confused by his action. "Oh, sorry. I-It's never not gross when I do this." Steven places his palm Pink Pearl's gem and waits... but nothing happens. 
"Did it work?" Pink Pearl asked.
"Let me try. We should try applying it directly to the injury." (Y/n) placed her hand on her gem as she summons her healing powers. With enough energy, she placed her hand on Pink Pearl's cracked eye. Again, no healing.
"Huh!? Is it us?" Steven and (Y/n) went over to a potted plant on the table and plucks a leaf from it. They used their healing abilities, which results in a flower bouquet blooming. "Looks like our powers are working fine." (Y/n) said. Steven walked back over as (Y/n) follows behind. "Hmm... I'm sorry if it's a sore subject, but can you remember anything that happened while you were under White Diamond's control?" Steven asked.
"Nope! 8,000 years just, blip, gone!" Pink Pearl told. "So you don't remember getting that crack in your eye?" Xipilli asked.
"Oh, no, no. This is from before." Pink Pearl said.
"Mommy did that to you!?" Starla joined in.
"What? Oh, stars! What a misunderstanding. This is all Pink Diamond." Pink Pearl told.
"My mom/ Aunt Pink?!" The Diamond Cousins tenses up, glowing pink, blue, yellow, and white. Pink Pearl gasps in shock and the cousins quickly notices and shakes it off. "Sorry! It's just baggage." Steven said. "Is everything... all right?" Pink Pearl asked concernedly.
"Yep, but this is not about us! We're gonna get you fixed up, and I know just the Pearl to help us!" Steven drags Pink Pearl out onto the beach. His cousins follow from behind. When they made it outside, they barely dodges an incoming volleyball. On the beach, a volleyball court is set up, the Quartzes were playing volleyball aggressively, while Pearl acts as the referee. She blows a whistle. "Next set." She finally noticed the Diamond Cousins. "Well, if it isn't my favorite medical professionals and favorite guests."
"Pearl do you think you could spare a minute for us and our friend here." (Y/n) motioned you Pink Pearl. Pearl was shock to see Pink Pearl. "... Sure. Did you come to compete?"
"Pardon?" Pink Pearl was confused.
Pearl blushes sheepishly. "Oh, I mean... In the volleyball tournament."
"Actually, we came here because we need your help, Pearl." Xipilli said. Pearl hopes off her seat. "Oh, what can I do for you?"
"So, this is Pearl. She was Mom's- I mean, Pink Diamond's Pearl, too, a long time ago. And, Pearl, you remember Pearl? She was also Pink Diamond's Pearl- Argh, that's too many Pearls! We should probably give you a nickname." Steven tried to introduce.
Pink Pearl blushes slightly. "A nickname?"
Steven chuckles. "Yeah. A nickname, you know?"
"Oh, no, I know what a nickname is. It's just that it reminds me so much of Pink. She used to give silly little names to everything...She was so funny like that."
Pearl smirked. "Looks like someone's still got it bad."
"You're one to talk, Pearl." (Y/n) smirked as Xipilli and Starla covered up their laughs. Steven clears his throat. "Okay guys, nickname time. What about..." He gets hit by a volleyball. "Volleyball"?"
"Volleyball"? That's so funny. You're just like her." Pink Pearl now Volleyball giggles.
"No, no, no. I'm not like..." Steven sighs. "Anyway, we're here because of the crack on her face."
"Oh, poor thing. It's such a shame what White did to her." Pearl whispered.
The cousins tensed up and began to glow again. Pearl was concerned about them, but they stopped glowing when a Quartz flies across the background of the beach and crashes into the sand.
"What did Steven and I just said!!!" (Y/n) yells at the Quartz. She shakes her head. "Anyway, our healing powers didn't work so we were hoping that you might know what to do."
"Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they were usually brought to the Reef." Pearl explains.
"Yes! That's exactly what Pink would do." Volleyball agreed.
"Well, I was her Pearl."
"Me, too! We were very close."
Pearl chuckles. "I love your energy. It reminds me of when I was younger."
"I'm older than you."
Without warning, Pearl gets hit in the head by a volleyball, as she glares at Pink Pearl with an awkward smile.
Taking Pearl's advice, everyone went to The Reef. They were warp through toward the oyster-shaped facility. "Here we are." Pearl announced. "So this is The Reef. I remember Mother told me something about it. It use to be a place to make Pearls." (Y/n) explains. "That's correct and it also serves as a luxury boutique and a center for refurbishment and repair." Volleyball adds.
"Repair, yes! Just what I wanted to hear." Steven places his hand on a hand pedestal in the center of the room and activates the facility. They heard a voice from the room.
Shell - Welcome, Pink Diamond.
"Uh, no. I'm Steven Universe." Steven corrects.
Shell - Welcome, Steven Universe. I am Shell, your guide to the Reef.
"Uh, hi, Shell. My friend, Volleyball, has a crack on her face, and we were hoping you could fix it." Steven explains the situation.
Shell - Understood. Please follow the illuminated path to the Care Center.
"You really didn't have to come all the way out here for such a trivial thing." Volleyball told.
"It's not trivial. Soon, we'll all be able to put the past behind us." Steven walks away. "All though it might be hard." Xipilli mumbles and follows. (Y/n) takes Starla hand as they go after their cousins.
"Don't worry, Volleyball. I'll be right here holding your hand." Pearl takes Volleyball's hand.
Right now, everyone was following the lit pathway. Once inside, there was a boutique hallway display various Pearl holograms and accessories. The cousins were in awe at the many displays around them.
Shell - Please feel free to take your time looking through the latest offerings in accessories and appearance modifiers as we make our way to the Care Center.
Volleyball gasps. "Look at these darling fans!"
"They're pretty!" Starla follows Volleyball.
Steven turns to Pearl. "What about you, Pearl? Any rush of nostalgia?"
"Please, nothing like looking at glitzy tchotchkes to get you nostalgic for a simpler time." Pearl looks at a ribbon wand. "I mean, really, who even needs junk like this? Right, Volleyball?"
Volleyball and Starla we're playing with the fans, mostly Starla actually like a proper princess. Volleyball turns to Pearl. "What a sweet ribbon wand! It's just like mine." She summons a ribbon wand of her own and twirls it around elegantly. "It was a gift from Pink. Isn't it exquisite? What did Pink get you?"
Pearl laughs. "It's sweet that you have these keepsakes, but, well, no need to be overly... attached." Out of spite, Pearl tries to snatch the ribbon wand away from Volleyball, but she couldn't.
"Um, guys why don't we just keep moving?" (Y/n) suggested nervously. "Yes, let's. I've certainly had about enough of this circus of objectification." Pearl stomps away.
After the whole awkward moment, the group finally made it to the Care Center.
Shell - Welcome to the Care Center. We have everything here to update or repair any Pearl.
Volleyball steps onto a panel in the middle of the room.
Shell - Scanning in progress.
"So, how do I look?" Volleyball asked.
Shell - I am sorry. There is nothing I can do.
"That's not right! You told us that you can fix any Pearl!" Starla used her sign language frantically.
Shell - Her physical form shows damage, but her pearl is perfectly fine. This injury must have been so impactful that it continues to manifest despite the fact that her pearl has been repaired.
"Are you saying that it's psychological?" Xipilli questioned Shell.
"That's absurd! I am fine." Volleyball turned back to the others. Not even close to her word, she was forcing a smile and more cracks manifest on her eye. The cousins were beginning to get frightened by it. Starla had to cover her eyes as she was pulled closer to (Y/n).
Pearl was beginning to get angry. "How could White be so careless?"
Volleyball chuckles. "Oh, no, Pearl. You've got it all wrong. Pink did this."
"What did you say?" Pearl approaches Volleyball. "Pearl, don't!" Xipilli tried to warn.
"It's a funny story, really. Once, Pink got tired of asking Yellow and Blue for her own colony, so she went straight to White. Of course, White told her she wasn't fit to run one, and, well, that set her off." Volleyball told.
"Set her off?" What are you talking about?" Pearl questioned.
"You remember how she was with her destructive powers, throwing tantrums left and right. She had a scream that could crack the walls. She didn't mean to hurt me. I just happened to be standing too close to her that time and-"
Steven covers his ears in anguish. "Doesn't matter, We're gonna fix it!"
"Please, stop it you two!" (Y/n) demands. Starla was getting shaken up. Still the two Pearl wouldn't listen to reason. They continued to argued on who know Pink Diamond more better. Their childish argument was going to far. The cousins couldn't take it anymore. Out of anger, they glared at the Pearls and glowed again. They yelled at the arguing Pearls. "STOP IT!!!! WE CAN'T DEAL WITH ONE MORE HORRIBLE THING SHE DID, OKAY?!?!?!?! WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! WE DON'T EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT!!!!"
"Guys...!" Pearl tried to calm them down.
"WE JUST........ WANT TO FIX THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Diamond Cousins we're so fed up that they unleashed a room-wrecking shockwave, causing a crater beneath them and cracks everywhere in the room. Volleyball cowers in sheer fear, traumatized by her past experience. Still glowing, the cousins looked down and gasped at their glowing reflections, immanently regrets their actions as they change back to normal color. Suddenly, The room turns red.
Shell - I am terribly sorry for the troubles these defective Pearls have brought you. For Pearls exhibiting problems this severe, rejuvenation is required.
Steven yelled. "What!?"
A pair of oyster shells then encases Pearl and Volleyball on the panel.
Shell - When the process is complete, they will obey you without fail.
The Cousins ran towards the oyster shell and banged on the metal shell. "No, no, no, no! What have we done?" Xipilli yelled. "Shell, stop it!" Starla begs.
Shell - Do not worry, Steven Universe. Your Pearls are about to be better than new. Feel free to watch their progress on the view screen.
A pink rejuvenation electricity begins zapping both Pearls, and they both scream and groan in agony. The cousins watched in horror as they tried to get them out. On the screen, they watched the Pearls talking on how much they must be in pain, mostly Volleyball. Volleyball tried to tell her that Pink didn't mean to hurt her and she asked how she got rid of the pain. Pearl hugs Volleyball and told her that she didn't make the pain go away. Reciprocating the hug, the two Pearls begin glowing together, as the screen dissipates. Steven and Xipilli flinches backwards while (Y/n) used herself to break Starla's fall as the shells begin to crack and burst open, presenting Mega Pearl.
"You fused!" The cousins screamed in awe.
Stabilizing her body, Mega Pearl stands proudly and confidently. Shell's core begins glowing red in high alert.
Shell - Warning: Unauthorized entity found within the facility. Defense protocol activated.
"Oh, you got to be kidding me." (Y/n) said in an annoyed tone.
Claws suddenly emerge from the walls towards Mega Pearl, who dexterously and elegantly slices away with her ribbon wand.
"Cool!!!" Starla exclaims with stars in her eyes.
"Quick, let's go back to the entrance to shut down the Reef!" Steven instructed. "Whoa, whoa!"
The door of the Care Center suddenly closes. Mega Pearl picks the cousins  up and slices through the door with her ribbon wand. Lasers begin blasting from the walls. Mega Pearl maneuvers through them with grace and elegance, looking like she was in a ballet show.
"We're almost there!" (Y/n) points.
Thinking they were home free, giant clam shells emerge from the walls to block the exit. Not only that, but tendrils grab hold of Mega Pearl to halt her movement forward.
"It's up to you four now." Mega Pearl said. She transforms her ribbon wand into a lance and hurls it through the many shells up front. She chucks the four cousins through. Steven summons his shield as he slides through with his cousins. (Y/n) and Xipilli summoned their weapons to destroy and defensive mechanisms from getting in their way. Steven grabs Starla and throws her to the hand panel and she shuts the Reef down and deactivating its defense system just in time. Exhausted, but relieved, the cousins and Mega Pearl smile at each other.

Everyone made it back to the beach as it was dark out. Steven sits with his cousins and somber on the beach, drawing in the sand. Xipilli let's put a sigh of exhaustion from the hard wolf today. Starla was in (Y/n) as she was rocking her little cousin back and forth. Suddenly, Mega Pearl approaches them from behind.
"... I'm so sorry. The whole trip was for nothing." Steven apologized.
"No, it wasn't for nothing. Your mother's Pearls never had the whole picture. One knew your mother was trying to change, but she couldn't understand why. The other never expected her to change at all. Now, I get to understand everything. Now, they finally get to have each other." Mega Pearl explains. She finally unfuses back into Pearl and Volleyball, still holding hands and heartful to one another. Volleyball leans on Pearl's shoulder and gazes out to the distant skyline, with a glimmering eye. The cousins huddled to each other as they were happy that everything turned out okay.

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