Part 12

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Everyone looks at Lars. He was alive again and all pink.
"Ohh, what the heck happened-?"
"Lars!" Steven hugs Lars. "You've saved us! You stopped the robonoids, but one of them exploded and you weren't moving and I started crying and I brought you back to life! It was an accident!" Steven kept on going on how he saved Lars from certain death.
Lars was confused on what he was hearing from Steven, "Back to life? So I was away from life?" Lars looked at himself and shrieks. "I'm pink!"
Steven continued to ask on how Lars is feeling. All Lars said was he felt really freaked out. Steven agreed that they were both on the same page. Soon all of them heard more robonoids coming. The twins, Rhodonite, Steven and (Y/n) ran towards the entrance and pushes a large boulder to block the entrance. The robonoids scan the area and moves on.
"I thought we've destroyed all of the robonoids that were after us!" (Y/n) panted after pushing the boulder.
"I guess more is coming." Steven suggested.
"They'" Fluorite spoke.
"Quickly block the entrance!" Padparadscha said a little too late.
"As long as I'm here they going to keep coming after us." Steven explained.
"It's true, this was a horrible plan!" Rhodonite panics.
"Shouldn't we try finding a new hiding spot?" Steven suggested.
"Steven's right. It's not safe for you all to be here anymore." (Y/n) adds.
"No no no! If we leave this cavern we'll be completely exposed!" Rhodonite explained.
"'" said Fluorite.
The twins thought for a moment, "so we either stay here and get caught or go out there and get caught."
There was a bit of silence until Lars started to freak out again, "So wait, am I a zombie?!"
"No!!" Steven tried to conference Lars he's not a zombie.
Lars pointed towards himself, "Just admit Steven! I'm a zombie!"
'What in the diamonds' name is a zombie?" (Y/n) thought to herself.
"Oh I know! A zombie wouldn't have a heartbeat!" Steven places his head on Lars's chest. He did hear a heartbeat, but it was slow.
Rhodonite questioned if humans can change colors like Lars, but Steven said different explanations of human colors. Lars started to questioned on why he was pink. Steven said that Lars's hair was different as well. He touches Lars's hair and all of a sudden it glows. Steven tried again and this time his whole hand went through Lars's hair.
"Why is it doing that?" Lars asked.
"Lars, think I know what this is. There's something I can try, but no. You don't want me going in your head."
said Steven.
"You're going to posses me again?!"
"No, then that would be more literal."
(Y/n) reach towards Lars's hair, "Could I give it a try?" (Y/n) tried to get her hand to go though Lars's head, but it couldn't.
Then Lars was able to convince Steven to do what he did again. With everyone standing back he places his foot in Lars head and enters inside his hair.
(Y/n) walks up to Lars and checks to see if he had any other injuries that they didn't noticed. Lars question on what she was doing, but all she said that she was helping him. She double-checked to make sure and saw he was okay. (Y/n) gives him a small and watched him curiously as he checks his new pink skin. After he checked himself, Steven returns back, but it ending up with both of them falling back. (Y/n) giggles at their clumsiness. Steven explained very quickly about how he was able to go back on earth and with other details that no one could understand, but they just listened anyway.
Steven gives Lars a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, "Here, I've brought you some food."
"Thanks, but I'll save it for later." Lars politely declined the sandwich.
"What, But aren't you hungry?" Steven asked. "Maybe you eat magical lizards like lion. Are you hungry for lizards?"
"No, I do not want a lizard."
Steven was explaining to him that Lars hasn't eaten in days. Lars knew, but he made a hypothesis that there might be something in his stomach that won't make him hungry from Steven's healing powers. A stomach growled, it was coming from (Y/n). Her cheeks turn red from embarrassment.
"Here, try some." Steven handed (Y/n) the sandwich.
(Y/n) looked at the food carefully and takes a cautious bite. (Y/n) took more and more bites of the delicious treat she was given. "Steven! This is the most amazing thing I've ever tasted!"
Rhodonite picks up the juice Steven dropped and examines it, "What is this?"
"It's juice we drink back on earth." Steven explained more about the food of the earth. The off colors didn't believe it at first because they've heard that the earth was destroyed during the diamond attack, but they soon believed when Steven explained that there's life on earth and gems living freely. Steven said that they could all go through Lars's head, but he wasn't sure how he will be able to get through.
Steven enters Lars's head again and tries to pull him arm inside. (Y/n) tried to help by pushing Lars's arm inside his hair. With a few tries, they failed. Lars said that he will stay behind while the others go back. The off colors declined his offer and said that they will stay behind with him and help him get though Homeworld. Lars smiles at them.
Lars points towards Steven and said he has to go back. Steven refuses at first, but Lars convinces him that he was needed back on earth. Steven accepts his offer. Steven lightly places his hand on Lars's chest, but Lars pushes it away and hugs Steven instead, and Steven returns the hug. (Y/n) smiles at the two friends, she knew that they will be able to see each other soon.
Steven held out his hand towards (Y/n), "(Y/n) you should come back with me on earth too."
(Y/n) looks at Steven's hand confusedly "But shouldn't I stay here and help Lars ?" She wasn't so sure about this.
Lars places his hands on her shoulders. She turns her head and saw him smiling at her. "You have to go to earth, like you said, you've never been out much and this is your chance to see more." (Y/n) smiles back at Lars he was right. She wanted to see the outside world more and not be kept inside herself.
She gives Lars a hug, he was shocked at first, but he returns the affection, and she looks back at the off colors, she gave them a warm smile and take Steven's hand. Lars kneels down for them to enter into his hair.
Steven and (Y/n) returned back to earth. With a small moment of peace, the crystal gems, Greg and Connie were back from the warp pad. Seeing the crystal gems was a bit horrifying for (Y/n). She quietly steps away from all of them. She opens the door and closes softy. She takes a quick peak and saw the happy reunion between Steven and his friends from the screen door. A smile was on her face, she walks down the stairs and leaves them be.
"(Y/n), wait!"

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