Part 17

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(Y/n) was walking along the shore of the beach as the salty water touched her feet. She stopped and took a deep breath in and let's it all out in a satisfying sigh. She loved to look at the outside world of earth and she had Steven and the Crystal Gems to thank for. (Y/n) saw Steven coming out the house with his guitar bring dragged.
"Still depressed, Steven?" (Y/n) asked as she leans against the statue hand on the sand.
"Yeah. Connie still hasn't called." He grabbed his guitar, "Maybe I could sing myself better."
(Y/n) sat down next to Steven and listened to him as he began to sing, but he stopped when his phone began to ring. She gave him a confusing look at his panicked reaction to his phone.
"Okay, Universe. This is it!" Steven said confidently. "Connie's finally ready to talk. No expectations. Just let her say what she needs to say!"
"Well, What are you waiting for? Answer it!" (Y/n) said.
Steven nodded and looked at his phone, but it wasn't Connie who was calling. It was Peridot. He sighed in disappointment and answered.
"Steven! It's us." Peridot spoke.
"Oh hi, Peridot. Hi, Lapis." Steven replied.
"Don't forget Pumpkin!" Peridot held Pumpkin up to the screen and began to bark.
Steven chuckled, "Hi, Pumpkin!"
"I told you he'd answer." Peridot turned towards Lapis.
Lapis turned towards the screen, "It's so good to see you again. I'm glad you're okay."
"Lapis was worried you lost your phone on Homeworld, but I say 'No way! He's prob just ignoring us.'"
Steven blushed and began to explain everything about what happened with him and Connie and what happened back on Homeworld. Like surrendering himself and being on trail with the Diamonds and that Blue Diamond has a daughter.
"In trial? In of the Diamonds?" Lapis questioned.
"What? And (Y/n) Diamond is with you?" Period asked.
"Yeah, she's here right now." Steven moves the screen a little for them to see (Y/n).
"Hello." (Y/n) waved at them.
"You actually brought (Y/n) Diamond with you back on earth? I can't believe it." Peridot began to speak, "I thought she'll try to fight you."
"What, no! She came along with me." Steven began to explain what happened with him and (Y/n) on Homeworld.
"I never knew that Blue Diamond has a daughter." Lapis said.
"I did, she came to the Diamond Authority about a hundred years ago." Peridot explained.
"You're over a hundred years old?!" Steven yelled at (Y/n).
(Y/n) blushed, "Yeah. I guess I forgot to mention how old I am."
Lapis then said something about leaving earth and hung up the phone.

Steven and (Y/n) made it the barn and saw that Lapis and Peridot arguing about leaving the barn. Peridot tried to make excuses about not leaving with the barn and the other items with it. Lapis found ways to tell her that they could bring the items with them.
"Uh, Lapis? Peridot?" Steven called to them.
"Oh, Steven. Good let's go." Lapis ordered.
"Wait,what?" Steven and (Y/n) said together.
Lapis explained that they will find somewhere else to hideout from the Diamonds. Steven tried to convince her that they're looking for him and (Y/n) back on Homeworld, and that they're safe. Peridot agreed with him. Lapis wasn't convinced and explained that she will not be caught up in another way. Steven then said that he understand that if they don't fell safe if they don't want to be here.
"I don't understand. Earth is your home now. Don't you want to stay." (Y/n) asked.
"I don't want to fell trapped again." Lapis said.
"Yeah, I was trapped in a mirror for a long time in the Gem War, but Steven freed me."
"I know how it feels to be trapped too," (Y/n) looked at Lapis, "I was always inside of my room for years because my mother is a overprotective of me. I could never go outside much.
"I guess we have something in common right?" Lapis smiled.
(Y/n) nodded.
Peridot tried to make more excuses to not leave, but Lapis found a way to leave. She used her powers and made the water of the lake circled around the barn and levitates it.
"There. Now we can bring our whole life with us. You, me and all of our things."  Lapis smiled at the satisfaction of the argument.
"Right, right." Peridot said.
"Well, let's get going."
"You're leaving right now?" Steven asked.
"I thought you guys would stay a bit longer so I could get to know you guys better." (Y/n) lowered her head.
Lapis frowned at them. "Goodbye Steven. It's was nice meeting you, (Y/n)." She hugged them.
Steven sniffled at her. She gave them a warm smile.
"Peridot, don't you want to say bye?" Lapis asked.
Peridot was beginning to tear up, but stopped when she realized that Pumpkin was missing. Lapis puts the barn back down and everyone began to search for her.
They kept calling Pumpkin's name and waited for a response, but so far nothing. In the forest, Steven thought that he found her, but it was a basketball. As they kept on search for her Peridot explained how lapis was when she found out Steven was on Homeworld and thought it would be best to leave earth.
"Another kindergartener!" Peridot gasped.
"Fresh produce?" (Y/n) read the sign.
Steven panicked, "Pumpkin's fresh produce!"
The three ran to the stand and saw it was only onions.
"These are onions?" (Y/n) questioned, "I thought onions were a different type of human like you said Peridot."
"I just made the report Steven gave me when we were enemies." Peridot said.
(Y/n) turned to Steven waiting for an explanation.
"Well, the Onion I was talking about is a friend of mine." He explained.
Just then, Onion popped out from the  stand wearing Steven's hat.
"Onion?" Wait, is that my hat?" In a flash Onion hides behind his onion stand.

They've been searching for a while and still can't find Pumpkin. Soon the head rustling from the corn and saw Pumpkin's tail. Peridot tried to forcefully take Pumpkin by her tail and tried to explained that they have no choice, but to leave earth for Lapis's sake.
"Peridot give her a second." Steven said.
"She's doing this to herself." Peridot explained. "Pumpkin! Do as you're told!"
Pumpkin was able to escape from Peridot's grasp and jumped into (Y/n)'s arms.
"There, there, Pumpkin." (Y/n) stroked Pumpkin gently to comfort her.
"Peridot it sounds like you don't want to go." Steven soon realized.
(Y/n) looked up at her, "You don't want to leave don't you?"
Peridot got up, "I'm sorry, Pumpkin ."
Steven tried to explain to Peridot that she needed to talk to Lapis about how she felt about leaving earth. Soon Lapis cane back and started to levitate the barn. Peridot finally had the courage to tell Lapis how she felt about leave.
Lapis's face was shadowed by her hair, "I'm not being caught up in another war."
Lapis used her powers again as she summoned her water wings and levitated the barn, and leaves.
"Wait! No! You're supposed to reward me for my emotional honesty!" Peridot cried out.
Lapis was gone and took everything with her.

Back at Steven's house, Steven and (Y/n) got some blankets for Peridot to be comfortable in the bathroom. Peridot goes to the tub and lays down in sadness. (Y/n) and Steven sat down. Steven took out his phone and see if Connie has left any messages, but no it was empty. Pumpkin sat on (Y/n) as she pulled the small vegetable in a comforting hug.
"What do we do now?" Peridot asked.
"I guess we wait and see what will happen next for us." (Y/n) said as she stroked Pumpkin's head.

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