Part 85

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Inside the kitchen, Steven was making some popcorn as the rest of his cousins were deciding on which movie to watch for movie night.
"Have you guys decided on which movie to watch yet?" Steven asked from the kitchen.
"Not yet, it's Starla's turn to pick. After all, its her very first sleepover." (Y/n) smiled at her little cousin. "I'm so happy that Mommy let me have a sleepover on Earth!" Starla signed as her voice came from her gem.
It was Starla's first sleepover and her older cousins are doing everything they can to make it the best sleepover she ever had. Starla had finally decided on which movie to watch. It was a cute movie about animals on a adventure. (Y/n) and Xipilli were making the couch comfortable as Steven brings the large bowl of popcorn.
"All ready to watch the movie?" Xipilli asked and everyone nods. He starts the movie and everyone got comfortable.
Lion, Wolf, and Eagle got closer and cuddled their human companions. They even gave some kisses to Starla, which she giggles. As everyone was continuing to watch the movie, Starla was distracted that she noticed that her older cousins have an animal companion and she didn't. Once the movie has ended, everyone was getting their sleeping bags ready. Steven gave Starla her stuffed bear he gave to her as a gift.
"Feeling comfy, Starla?" Steven asked as he helped Starla in her sleeping bag. She nods, but Steven, (Y/n), and Xipilli saw that something is bothering her.
"What troubles you, little cousin." Xipilli questioned. Starla hesitated at first but she began to explain her situation. "I see that you all have an animal friend and I don't. I want an animal friend too."
The three older cousins looked at each other and they smiled at each other. "No worries, Starla. We'll help you find an animal friend. We could start tomorrow." (Y/n) suggested. Starla nods her head rapidly as her cousins chuckled. They promised her that they will help Starla find an animal friend in the morning. For now, it was time to get some rest. They all got in their sleeping bags and bid each other goodnight.

The next morning, Steven and (Y/n) were making some breakfast as Xipilli was setting up the table. To keep Starla distracted, she was playing outside with Wolf, Lion, and Eagle. They could hear her laugher as they were almost done getting everything ready.
"So...what kind of animal should we find as a friend for Starla?" (Y/n) asked. "A bird?" Xipilli suggested. "Maybe a cat." Steven adds to a list. "Okay, small animals. That's a good start. Maybe we should-" (Y/n) was interrupted when they all heard Wolf howling.
They all ran outside and saw their animal companions growling at another animal.
"Is that an alligator!?" Steven exclaimed.
Wolf was in front of Starla as she growls at the alligator. It was no bigger than Starla. Lion and Eagle were circling about it just in case it would run towards Starla. The alligator hissed at Eagle and Lion.
"How did an alligator get all the way here!?" (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "Never mind that! We got to get Starla!" Xipilli yells. The three cousins ran down towards Starla. (Y/n) runs up to Starla and quickly picks up Starla. She pets Wolf and quietly thanks her. Steven and Xipilli go up to Lion and Eagle as they summon their weapons. As they pointed their weapons at the alligator, Starla noticed something on it. On it's tail, there was a large cut. The poor thing was injured.
Starla got out of (Y/n)'s hold and walks towards the the large reptile.
"Starla, what are you doing?" (Y/n) goes up to her. "Starla, get away from it!" Xipilli orders.
"Look, she's hurt." Starla points at the alligator's tail. She slowly walks up to it. The alligator hisses at her as she kneels down. Starla taps on her gem four times, it glows as she summons her healing powers. She raises her hand towards the alligator. She snaps her jaws at Starla. "Don't worry, I'm going to heal you." Starla grins.
She places her hand on the alligator's tail. Suddenly, there was a bright white glow as it nearly blinds everyone. Once the glow fades away, everyone stared in awe at the new appearance of the alligator. Her tail was healed and her skin was all white.
Seeing her tail all healed up, the alligator went up to Starla. The older cousins got their weapons readied and their animal companions were ready to attack. Instead of attack, the alligator laid her head on Starla's knees and cuddles up. Everyone was shocked at what they were seeing. The alligator raises her head up to Starla and she gives her a kiss on the alligator's snout.
"Wow..I guess that this alligator is friendly." Steven said as his shield disappears.
"She's so sweet." Starla signed. She turns towards her older cousins. "Can I keep her please?" Starla pleads.
"Older cousins huddle." (Y/n) said as Steven and Xipilli joined her.
Starla watched in confusion as her older cousins were discussing about the alligator. Lion, Wolf, Eagle walked towards Starla and the alligator as they greeted each other. (Y/n), Xipilli, and Steven would poke out their head to see the alligator and Starla for a moment and go back to their discussion. They broke the huddle, nodded at each other, and walked over to Starla.
"Starla, we finished our discussion and from what we saw, we are allowing you to keep the alligator." (Y/n) announced. "Seeing that we have some wild animals as friends, we don't see why not to add one more." Steven adds. Starla smiles and hugs her cousins.
"So, what are you going to name her?" Xipilli kneels down to Starla's level.
Starla taps her chin and thought of the perfect name. "I'm going to name her Alligator."
Everyone pets their friend, Alligator. "Welcome to the family, Alligator."
Alligator smiled at them and held her snout to them. Everyone gives her kiss. They laughed as they found out that she loves getting kisses. She cuddles up to Starla as everyone decides to cuddled up to each other.

Hey everyone! Sorry for the wait. I want to introduce you to the newest member, Alligator. I was inspired to make her by watching this video. Thank you and enjoy!

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