Part 7

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(Y/n), with her hood back on, was walking to meet her mother in the room that had all the rose quartzes bubbled in and belonged to Pink Diamond. As she was walking, she saw that some of the amethysts running towards the room where the humans were in.
"Hey Jasper, Carnelian! What's going on?" (Y/n) asks.
"We don't know something made the humans upset." Jasper explains.
"Yeah, so the others are going to check what's happening." Carnelian adds.
"Well...ok I hope nothing bad happens. See ya guys."
"See ya my diamond."
"Excuse me?" (Y/n) says with a playful tone.
"We mean, (Y/n)!" Jasper And Carnelian laughs. (Y/n) giggles and leaves.

(Y/n) waits outside the room for her mother. Soon her eyes began to water. She wasn't feeling sad, not now. Then, she realized that her mother was close. And she was right. Blue Diamond and her pearl are walking towards her.
"Hello, mother." (Y/n) greets.
"Hello, (Y/n)." Blue replies.
The both entered the room and as Blue's pearl was ordered to close the door behind them. Both Blue and (Y/n) removes their hoods and Blue cries more tears, this time (Y/n) can't tell if she's crying herself as well. The door opens behind them. (Y/n) takes a look and saw that Yellow Diamond has arrived.
"Please them me you're joking? You just left and you're already back." Says Yellow.
"It's not her fault, aunt Yellow. I asked if I could stay at the zoo for a bit longer. She just came back to get me." (Y/n) explains.
"That I could understand, (Y/n)." Yellow replies.
"Yellow! What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue."
(Y/n) just stood there and watch as her mother aunt were having a conversation about moving on from the past. "...and what's worse you're bringing (Y/n) into this! She doesn't need to know the horrors of the war! These gems need to be wipe out! Not be kept in bubbles!"
"But these were her's. This is all we have left of her. This place, these gems, the earth." Blue said reasonable tone.
"Mother's right aunt Yellow. Maybe these rose quartzes don't need to be shattered. They don't deserve that. They weren't part of Rose Quartz's rebellion." (Y/n) tries to reason with Yellow.
"It still doesn't matter (Y/n). This must end." Yellow spoke. "I thought we agreed we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us."
"Why can't you just let me grieve?"
"You can't keep coming here forever!"
"Why not?!"
Yellow sighs in frustration as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Pearl, do something. Sing for her. Make her feel better."  She orders.
"Yes my diamond." The yellow pearl replies. She clears her throat. Then she clears it again just to get the blue pearl's attention. Finally they both started to sing for Blue Diamond.

Why would you wan to be here?
What do you ever see here?
That doesn't make feel worse than you do?
And tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue?
Why would you want to employ her subjects that destroyed her?
Why keep up her silly zoo?
Oh tell me! What's the use of feeling, Blue?

As the pearls and her aunt sing for her mother, (Y/n) could sense someone was watching them. She turns her head, her eyes widen saw she saw Steven and Greg were out.
'Steven? Greg? What are they doing out?!'

An army has a use they could go and fight a war.
A sapphire has a use she can tell you what it's for.
An agate terrifies, a lapis terraforms.
Where's their diamond when they need her, Blue?
You got to be a leader, Blue!

Steven and Greg were scared that (Y/n) could rad them out. No, she didn't. She places her finger on her lips, signaling them to stay quiet. It really shocked them. They nodded their head.

Yes, of course we still love her.
And we're always thinking of her, but there's nothing we can do so tell me.
What's the use of feeling?
What's the use of feeling?
What's the use of feeling, Blue?

(Y/n) watches as Steven and Greg try to get out. She would glance at her mother and aunt to make sure they wouldn't see them.

Ohh, how can you stand to be here with it all? (Here with it all)
Drowning in all this regret?
Wouldn't you rather forget her? Ohhh.
Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? (Rid if it all)
Lets make a plant to attack
Start looking forward and stop looking back, oh.

As Steven and Greg try to escape. Greg accidentally trips causing (Y/n) to panic. Steven was able to help his dad up before the other diamonds could see.

Yes, of course we still love her.
And we're always thinks of her.
Don't you know I miss her, too?
But tell me,
What's the use of feeling?
What's the use of feeling?
What the use of feeling-
Mmm-hmm-hmm, mmm hmm-hmm

As Yellow finishes her song, Blue goes over to her and places a comforting hand on her back. (Y/n) felt depressed about her aunt and she would never get the chance to know her aunt Pink. (Y/n) could see that Stevens and Greg were close to the door. Just before they could escape, Holly Blue was on the other side with a pearl, a sapphire and a ruby.
"And we have arrive. That will be all Pearl." Holly claps her hands and walks towards the other diamond. She bows the them unaware of Yellow and (Y/n) presence. "My diamond, my gracious, luminous, wondrous, lustrous diamond...s. Oh my! It's truly an honor to bask in your"
"Get to the point, agate!" Yellow demands.
"Yes of course. You'll be happy to know that your sapphire has completed her special delivery."
Blue turns her head with a questionable look on her face. "What special delivery?"
"Um... the special delivery you requested from earth of course." Holly answers.
"I never asked any sapphire to go to earth."
(Y/n) could see that the sapphire was getting nervous as she was freezing the bottom of her dress. (Y/n) was getting worried for her. She then noticed that the ruby behind her grabs her hand and gives her a comforting squeeze.
'I've never seen two different gems act like this before.'
"My future vision foresaw you, my diamond. Desiring more humans for the zoo. So I acted accordingly." Sapphire said with quick thinking.
Blue's face frowns, "It's true. The window for preserving earth's specimens is closing."
"Is that what you want? Sapphire has the cluster emerged yet?" Yellow asks.
"No, it has not." Sapphire answers.
"Then there is still time. That will be all." Yellow claps her hands.
"My Diamonds." Holly bows.
(Y/n) looks back at Steven and Greg. They were just calming down at their situation. (Y/n) could see that they were running out of time to escape. She knew they were supposed to be in the zoo, but she had a feeling they had to go back to the earth. Maybe to stop the cluster.
"Go! Go!" (Y/n) mouths to them.
They took their chance and left. She places a hand over her gem and sighs in relief. She knew she could get in trouble for not telling her mother and aunt about two humans escaping from the zoo.
"Is everything alright (Y/n)?" Yellow asks.
"Yes! Everything is alright!" (Y/n) lies.
'Yup, I'm in so much trouble later. I just hope they don't find out.'

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