Part 23

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"Steven, (Y/n) come on!" Connie called from outside.
"We're coming!" (Y/n) walked out.
"Sorry, I just had to make sure I had everything." Steven explained has he grabbed his bear.
Steven was grabbing a box that Lars's parents had put together for him.
"I'm so excited we're finally going to have a space adventure together." Connie said with glee. "Steven, Connie, and (Y/n) in space!"
"Connie, I'm not to sure if we're going to have an adventure. Last time Steven and I saw Lars, he was huddled up with some other Homeworld fugitives." (Y/n) explained.
Connie was disappointed at first, but agreed that she's ready for everything. Steven grabbed the girls hands and entered Lion's mane. As they entered inside, they walked all the way to the other tree and exited out. They fall out from Lars's hair.
"Steven? (Y/n)?" Lars's asked.
"Lars?" Steven and (Y/n) looked at Lars confusedly.
"It's over! I've got you now you miserable off colors!" The three looked over the screen and saw and Emerald.
Lars stands proud and points to the screen, "You'll never take us alive, Emerald!"
"What is going on here?" (Y/n) muttered to herself.
"Captain, I'm have a vision. We're about to be Emerald!" Padparadscha spoke about her late vision.
"Wait! Captain!" Steven, Connie and (Y/n)/ eyes turned to stars.
Lars sat back down, "Thanks, Padparadscha." He turns to Fluorite. "Fluorite, how are the engines looking?"
"" Fluorite goes back to work on the engines.
"Twins fire up the nova thrusters!" Lars ordered.
"Yes, captain! Right away, captain!" The twins followed orders.
"No, no those are my nova thrusters!" Emerald screamed, "That is my ship!"
"Rhodonite, everything clear up ahead?" Lars asked.
"For now." Rhodonite said nervously.
Emerald was saying how it was easy of them to her personal shuttle and crashed it, an insult to impersonate an imperial officer, but to steal her Sun Incinerator was really getting her blood boiling. Lars taunted her that she shouldn't have left it unguarded. She left 67 elite soldiers watching her ship. He just laughed that he slipped past them.
Fluorite appears from the engine room. "The...engines...are...all...set..." she said.
"Twins, hyper speed is out of here." Lars ordered.
"You will not go at hyper speed." Emerald yelled.
"Bingo bongo!" Lars winked.
"Off colors!" The screen turned off.
The ship went hyper speed away from her. After everything was clear, everything got to relax a little. Steven and (Y/n) went to go hug Lars and asked how he got this ship and clothes. He chuckled and said he stole them.
(Y/n) began to laugh, "You guys stole a ship from an Emerald and got her so mad! You guys are awesome!"
"Steven...(Y/n)" Fluorite crawled up to get a better view of Connie.
"Yeah, I'm Connie! Happy to be aboard!" Connie saluted. "You must be Lars's crew.
Lars then explained how that they helped him escape from Homeworld. Rhodonite also added that it was Lars's that helped them too but stealing the ship from Emerald. With stolen ships and space crimes, they finally have a way to get to Earth. Speaking of Earth, Connie handed Lars his present from his parents. He thankfully accepted his gift. He hand his old clothing and his skull gages. Lars smiled fondly at the present. The twins were excited to see Earth. Lars then explained that the things they will like at Beach City. Then he finally realized about Sadie.
"Hey, guys. How is Sadie?" Lars asked.
"Oh! She's really, really good." Steven replies quickly.
"Oh, yeah?" Lars looked hurt.
(Y/n) grabbed her phone and showed Lars the photos of Sadie and her band. "Now she's Sadie Killer and the Suspects. Her band is awesome!"
Lars looked at the photo. In it was Sadie in the middle, the cool kids on the edges, Steven at the bottom, and (Y/n) next to Spur Cream. They all had smiling face.
"She looks really happy...without me." Lars eyes shown sorrow.
Out of nowhere, warning signs were popping over the screens. Lars didn't pay any attention, he just kept looking at the photos from (Y/n)'s phone. Rhodonite announced that a hide battleship was heading their way. Lars started to get mad that Sadie was enjoying herself and not worrying about him. Steven disagreed with him. The off colors were beginning to panic that they were going to get captured and waiting for Lars orders, but he still didn't pay attention.
"Do you here that! Your crew needs you!" Steven exclaimed.
"You don't get it do you, Steven?" Tears we're forming from Lars's eyes. "It should be me...I'm the one that should be hanging out with the cool kids! She getting back at me for everything I've done!"
Connie runs up to him, "Do you really think Sadie is living her life just to get back at you?" She asked angrily.
"Why else is she having so much fun without me!" Lars cried.
"Because life goes on. No matter what happens, Lars" (Y/n) began to explain, "She was so upset when Steven and I told her that you were still in space. She really misses you and she can't stay sad forever. So she started to hang out with the cool kids, she quit the Big Donut all because she needed to do something to feel better."
Connie stepped in, "And look at you! (Y/n) said that you might be still hiding in some cave on Homeworld, but you're not! You're out here fighting for freedom with your new friends! Are you doing any of this to hurt Sadie?!"
"No! I'm doing to because I have to!" Lars exclaimed. "I never do this to hurt Sadie." More tears appear in his eyes. "Because..."
"Because!" Steven yelled
"Because!" Connie yelled too.
They both joined hands and fused. "Because you're best friends!"
Stevonnie appears before them all, "And best friends wouldn't do anything to hurt each other!"
(Y/n) gasped in excitement, "Steven! You can fuse with Connie too?!"
Stevonnie walked up to her and extended her hand to (Y/n). "The name's Stevonnie nice to meet ya!"
(Y/n) smiled and accepted the hand shake, "Nice to meet you too, Stevonnie!"
Out of nowhere an imperial world ship appears in front of the Sun Incinerator. The Destiny Destroyer. Lars smirked at the large ship in front of them. He returns (Y/n) her phone and accepted the message from Emerald.
Emerald laughed evilly at the crew, "Did you really think I wasn't going to be able to track my own ship? The Sun Incinerator's specializes nova thrusters give off an energy signature that I could recognize from the other side of the galaxy. Now, surrender to me or be destroyed."
Lars laughed at her, "I never surrender to you !" He turned his back from her, "Blow us into star dust like you always dream of!"
"V-Very well!" She said nervously at first, "Prepare yourself for destruction!" The screen turns off.
Stevonnie runs up to Lars, "Lars what are you doing?" She asked.
He ordered Rhodonite to drop the shields. She was nervous about it at first, but Lars asked to trust her. Everything was getting restless about the plan. Lars barked to lower the shield again. So Rhodonite lowers the shield. The world ship blasted it's lasers at them, but misses on purpose.
Lars chuckled, "Bingo bongo."
The screen open with Emerald's face enraged, "What do you think you're doing!" She yelled.
Lars began to laugh like a madman, "You really have a heart don't you, Emerald?"
"What?!" Emerald yelled in confusion.
"You're not going to hurt this ship, you love this ship! It's you're best friend. You rather let it get away then destroy it." He giggles mischievously.
"Wow Lars I've missed you." Stevonnie smiled
(Y/n) chuckled, "Well look at you now Mr. Mischievous."
"You're right about that. I won't destroy my beautiful ship, but I will make it so you won't get away! Fire at their nova thrusters!" The screen go blank.
The ship rocks. They thought they were capture so sure, until Lars suggested that Lars uses his fighter jet that only he knows how to fly. Stevonnie and (Y/n) volunteered to go drive it. Lars agreed and allows them to go. As they entered the fighter ship they waited to Lars's signal. Stevonnie will works the wheel, while (Y/n) works the buttons. Lars gives them the signal. (Y/n) pulls the lever and they launched the Star Skipper. Stevonnie drives closer to the world ship closer just enough for (Y/n) to fire the lasers at them. Just as they finished attacking, the world ship fires missiles at the Star Skipper. They tried to dodge or fire back, but one of them missiles got to them. The impact caused them to fall into a near by planet.
"Steven?! Connie?! (Y/n)?! No!"

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