Part 93

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It was a snowy day in Beach City and back at the Beach House, Steven's Alarm woke him and his older cousins up. They didn't want Starla to get up early so they decided to let her sleep. The three cousins decided to wake up early to run a couple of errands before Little Homeschool starts. They got ready and went to the kitchen to get something for breakfast. Right behind them, Amethyst appeared with fried eyes on her eyes.
"You guys really gonna skip the most egg-ssential meal of the day?" Amethyst joked. "Of course not. We've got all our morning nutrients in these protein shakes." Steven explains. Amethyst pokes the yolk to leak. "Dude, you're making me sad."
Garnet comes in with Steven's cheeseburger backpack. "Steven. I packed everything you all are gonna need for today in your cheeseburger backpack."
"Uh, I don't really use that anymore. Besides, I packed my own bag." Steven declines
"At least pet this cat." Right then, Cat Steven popped out of the backpack as she meows. (Y/n) giggles at the cat. "Maybe a petting Cat Steven won't hurt." She stroke Cat Steven's fur gently with her fingers. "Come on, (Y/n). We got to go." Xipilli said. Before the three cousins would make it outside, Pearl stopped them. "Hold it. According to my weather application, it's going to snow all day and overnight. You're going to freeze if you don't put on a puffer, a hat, and two scarves." Now the they were so covered that they're eyes were only visible. "Better make it three."
Steven muffles in denial as he takes off the scarf. "Pearl, we need to get going!"
"But classes don't start for another couple of hours." Pearl said
"Wait for us. We can head over together." Garnet joins as she holds Cat Steven. "Why are you taking the old Dondai anyway? We have the warp technology." Amethyst asked as she slurps eggs off her face.
"We work up early to get a head start on some errands we have to get done before classes start." (Y/n) explains.
"Of course. Go get 'em, champ." Garnet places her hand on Steven as Pearl and Amethyst placed their hands on (Y/n) and Xipilli.

Later that day, the three older cousins finally returned home after they were done with their errands. What they didn't know is that the Gems and Starla were waiting for them in the dark and they surprised them. The older cousins greeted them.
"Guess what we've got lined up tonight. "Pupcopter's Sky-High Adventure"!" Amethyst held up a DVD case. "Sheet masks with cute animal faces!" Pearl wears a mask. "And, most importantly, pizza." Garnet opens the pizza box. "They told me you use to love this stuff Steven!" Starla signed.
"That's very thoughtful guys, but we've been a vegetarian for almost a month." (Y/n) said as she takes off her coat. "Also isn't "Pupcopter" for 6-year-olds?" Xipilli asked as he took off his hat. "And we have our own skin care routine." Steven adds, removing his scarf. "Anyways, it's cool. We already ate." (Y/n) and Xipilli followed Steven upstairs.
"Oh well. We'll just watch the movie with Cat Steven and Starla." Amethyst said. "My bad. I was sure we were in the pepperoni timeline." Garnet passed the box to Starla. "Pizza, Starla?" Starla thanked her as she grabs a slice.

The next day, the older cousins got their winter clothing on as they got ready for another snowy day to do their errands. Downstairs in the kitchen, the Gems and Starla were waiting for them.
"Look, Steven. Together Breakfast! Just like old times." Pearl said. "Too much sugar for us, but thanks." Steven said as he and his older cousins prepared their protein shakes. Hearing now from her older cousins, Starla quickly digs in to Together Breakfast. "We'll see you at work, guys." Xipilli opens the door, but he and his two little cousins were flooded by snow. "Yay! Snow in the house!" Starla cheered.
"Okay, just have to take the warp, then." Steven said as he two older cousins followed. "Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Garnet warns, but it was too late. The three of them were covered in snow when they tried to use the warp tunnel. This caused Amethyst and Starla to laugh.
"Looks like we have to call this a snow day for Little Homeschool." (Y/n) turns to Pearl. "Pearl, can you send out a mass text?" Pearl pulled out her phone. "On it."
"Hold up! Are you saying we have the day off?" Amethyst asked with an excited tone.
"Ooo, we can re-read No Home Boys." Pearl suggested.
"And I'll do all the voices." Garnet said. Starla jumps up in excited as she agrees with the Gems.
"No, I don't need you to read to us. I-if anything, we need to sit down with the calender. Snow-pocalyse is going to affect the third-quarter schedule." Steven explained.
Starla wanted to help out, so she decided to open some sticky notes for her older cousin as they planned out. They brought their notes to the table as they began to reschedule everything for the winter semester. Amethyst decided to join them. "Man, you and (Y/n) had a better work-life balance when the Diamonds were trying to destroy the planet." Amethyst said to Steven and (Y/n).
"That was then. This is now." Steven wrote in his notebook. Amethyst groans, until she got an idea. "... Hey, you know what we haven't done in a long time?" She shapeshifts into Young Steven and jumps on table. "STEVEN TAG!" The cousins screamed in fear as they got away from her. "Amethyst, what the heck?!" Xipilli yells.
"You three are new to the game, but Steven knows the rules. You get tagged, you have to turn into Steven." Amethyst explains.
"But he's/ I'm already Steven!" The four cousins exclaimed.
"Nah, bruh. Classic Steven."
"Classic Steven?!"
The cousins screamed as Amethyst chases after them. They didn't want to be involved so they decided to find in the bathroom. Steven grabs a towel so she won't try to come in.
"Aw, dang. They got me with the towel. Ugh, fine! It's not like we need you four to play Steven Tag anyway." Amethyst left and it was quiet. Too quiet. Cautiously, Steven opens the door and looks around. He signaled to his cousins that the coast was clear. Not taking any chances, Xipilli, lets Starla climb on his back. Just in case they had to run. Once they were out, they saw Garnet on the ground.
"Hey, Garnet. What are you looking for?" Starla asked. Garnet gets up and looks through the pillows. "It's Cat Steven. Haven't seen her all morning."
"That's odd." (Y/n) comments. Garnet tosses the pillows away. "Steven, (Y/n), you should check the cabinets." Steven walked to the cabinets and points. "Uh, okay. In here?" Garnet had Cat Steven in her arms as she was petting her. "Yes." Steven and (Y/n) were confused on how Cat Steven was in Garnet's arm, but their thoughts were interrupted when Amethyst pops out of the cabinets as she tries to tag one of them. "Get ready for Steven Tag!" Steven and (Y/n) run away from her, before she could tag them. She ends up tagging Garnet instead. "What an unforeseen turn of events."
"You know the rules." Amethyst smiles.
Garnet turns into Young Steven. Amethyst joins her as they stared at their targets slowly tip-toeing away. With fears on their faces, the cousin make a run for it. "See ya!"
The cousins began to run away, but Steven trip on a pillow. His cousins go back to help him, but they saw Garnet and Amethyst leaping towards them. Steven forms a bubble in time to protect them. "You can't stay in there forever." Garnet summons her gauntlet as she prepares to punch. "Yes, we can!" (Y/n) shrieks. The four cousins up and uses the bubble to throw Amethyst and Garnet to Rose's room. Once the bubble was popped, they ran back outside the room as the door closes behind them. Xipilli wipes his sweat away from his forehead. "I think we're safe for a while." (Y/n) nods. "Maybe we can get some work done." Before they could start on their work, they heard Rose's door open and Garnet comes out running. She calls out their names. The cousins retreat behind the table. "How'd you get out so fast?!" Steven questioned, but he and his cousins run away from her as Garnet jumps over. They run upstairs. They couldn't find a hiding spot so they decided to hide under Steven's bedsheets. The four of them thought they were face, but they were wrong. "Hiding under the covers, are we?" Amethyst was next to them. They shriek away from her, taking the sheet with them. The four of them collapsed down the stairs. Now, Pearl warps inside the house with a shovel in her hand.
"Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, Starla, what are you all doing? Has cabin fever taken hold already?" Pearl questioned as the cousins hid behind her. "It's Amethyst and Garnet. They're playing Steven Tag to mess with us." Steven explains. "Steven Tag? Wow! That takes me back. Well, I'm sure they- " Pearl gasped when she was interrupted when Garnet tags her. This caused the cousins to until they calmed down. "Ha! Jokes on you! Pearl doesn't shapeshift!" (Y/n) laughs at them. The cousin were shock to see Pearl shapeshifting into Young Steven. "The power of Steven Tag compels me!" Garnet and Amethyst giggle and cheer as they were proud of Pearl's development. "Cool. That's what she looks like when she's turn into Steven." Starla smiles. Steven laughs. "Wow. Good for her." The laughter of the Gems ended when their stares turn towards the four cousins. Filled with determination. They chased the cousins all over the house. They chased them everywhere from the garden to the dome room. They were being chased back inside Steven's room, until Starla uses Steven's clothes as a distraction for Pearl as she throws them on the ground. Once Pearl was folding the clothes, the four cousin made a run for it. However, Garnet and Amethyst already knew the cousins' plan and blocked their path. Seeing now way out, the four of them decided to used the window and escape outside. Since, Steven has his jacket on; (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla were lucky enough to wear their jackets right now. They quickly ran somewhere they thought they were safe.
Steven sighs. "They can't hold those forms forever. We'll just wait until-" Steven was interrupted when something smashes the snow behind them. They looked up and saw Sugilite in Young Steven form.
"They fused!!!" (Y/n) screamed. They quickly ran away as Sugilite pursues them. "Hey! Are you guys crazy?!" This is dangerous!"
Steven summons his shield to ski across the snow, he made his shield big enough for his cousin to fit in. Suddenly, snowballs rain down in response from Sardonyx who also in Young Steven form. "We're still not playing!" Steven yells. (Y/n) and Xipilli summon their weapon as they destroy the huge snowballs that were coming at them, while Steven was surfing to avoid them. He loses control and they all fall into the snow that was a nearby rock. They look up and saw Opal in Steven form too. She uses Garnet as the projectile to tag the cousins. As her targets were insight, Opal shoots her at them.Garnet crashes into the figures, but they weren't the cousins. "They were snowmen... with the cousins' jackets. Noooooooo!" Garnets lets out a dramatic screamed. Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla were huddling together for warm as they shivered. "They'll never stop until they make us play." Steven told his cousins. Before they could do anything, they were startled when a shadow falls on them. They looked up and saw Alexandrite in Young Steven form. "Oh, geez." The four of them whimpered. Alexandrite breathes a firey flame at them. They screamed in terror as the flame came towards them. Steven forms a bubbles in time to protect them. Steven loses the bubbles once the flames stopped. "We really didn't want to do this. But you leave us no choice.... WE JOIN THE GAME!!!" Steven, Xipilli, (Y/n), and Starla accepted the game.
Alexandrite smiles at them. Starla hops onto (Y/n)'s back as the four of them leap into the air and bounced off Alexandrite's head. She attempts to catch the cousins, but fails. Back and forth, they leaped over the house to try to escape. They leaped towards the light house. "I don't think she could catch us up here." Xipilli stated, but he was wrong. Alexandrite beats Steven on top of the lighthouse and unfuse to all separate gems including Ruby and Sapphire. They charged at them.
Steven forms bubble on his fists and glares at Amethyst, Ruby and Pearl. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" Steven gives them a punch. Once the three gems were down; (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla quickly pinned them down so they wouldn't escape. They saw that Steven successfully lands on the lighthouse's roof. He stares down as his cousins gives him a thumbs up each. "You shouldn't have messed with us." Before Steven could walk away, he was tagged by Sapphire. "Tag." Sapphire said. Everything shatters around Steven as he falls off the lighthouse. "Oh, no. Is this the end of my adult life?" Steven whispered. Once Steven lands on the ground, he cousins surrounded him as the others cheered. "Sapphire, you did it! You're the best!" Ruby runs to Sapphire as they used back into Garnet. "You've been tagged."
"You have to turn into little Steven!" Amethyst teased. "Those are the rules!" Pearl joins in. Steven crossed his arms. "Hmph. No."
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl began to chant. "Do it! Do it! Do it!" Even Cat Steven joins in
"Wow. Et tu, Cat Steven?" (Y/n) raised her brow. Steven groans. "OKAY! I'll do it!" Finally giving in, Steven transforms back into his younger self. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl smiled at him in awe. "He's so cute!"
"No, I'm not! This is tough for me, you know? I-I feel like no matter how hard I try, you still see me like this!" Steven yells. "Wow, Steven. You were small." Starla stared at her cousin. "Yeah you were." Xipilli chuckles. "I kinda missed you being small." (Y/n) admits.
"Buddy, we just want to spend time with you. Even spend time with (Y/n), Starla, and Xipilli." Amethyst explains. "Yes, like we did when you were-" Pearl begins but was stopped by Steven. "A kid? I don't want to disappoint you, but this isn't me anymore. Please, I need you to see me..." Steven shape-shifts back into regular age. "for who I am now." (Y/n) pulls him, Xipilli, and Starla into a hug. "Like how the three of us have been seeing him" Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl go in and hugged the cousins. "Please forgive us." Garnet said. "We didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Amethyst adds. "We just miss you, guys." Pearl told. The four of them were beginning to get emotional by the Gems. "We're sorry."
"We've missed you, too." The four of them said in union.
"You know," Steven sighs. "it was actually pretty nice to spend time with y-y- Ah-choo!" Steven sneezes as he cousins sneezed too. Amethyst gives them their jackets. "Thanks you, Amethyst." Xipilli thanked for his cousins and himself.
"Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, Starla, we're so proud of the people you've become." Garnet said proudly. "Yeah, that's why we wanna hang out with you four so much!" Amethyst adds. "But, if you four need to get back to work now, we'll understand." Pearl told them
"Well, I can't because, tag, you're it!" Steven tackles Garnet. The others laughed in delight. Garnet chuckles "I guess, we have to update the game..." She turns into Steven's current form. "to this."
"Yeah! I love it!" Steven smiles.
"Perfect." Garnet summons her gauntlets. "Now, you all better run."
Everyone runs away from Steven and Garnet as they avoid getting tagged. Starla even hoped on Xipilli's back because she knew she was slow and would be easily targeted. After they game, they continued to play in the snow and having whatever fun they did in the snow.

The next day, the cousins wake up in a very good mood, not only that but the Gems were with them. They were in the old Dondai getting ready for another day together. Finally being able to do something together.

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