Part 88

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Inside the Beach House, Steven was looking for a new place to hang the painting of his mother. (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla watched him as they were relaxing on the couch. Steven tried to look for the perfect place for the painting, but none of the places he tried didn't work out. Finally, he places the painting back to its original placement.
"Perfect. ... Ugh!" Steven scratches his head in frustration.
The door opened to reveal Greg and Amethyst. "Yo, Schtu-ball! Still looking for a place to hang that painting of your mom?" Greg asked. Steven sighs. "Yeah. After everything that's happened, I don't know if I still want her hanging over us, you know?"
"I'm telling you, man, it's not the placement. It's the frame." Amethyst said. "Could be." (Y/n) agrees.
Suddenly, the sky began to grow darker and darker.
"Is it me or is it getting dark too early." Xipilli asked. "Cool. It's dark outside." Starla said. Everyone exited out and stared in awe from what they saw. It was the Human Zoo and it has made its way to Earth. They wentback inside and entered the conservatory to make contact with the Zoomans on the Diamond control panel. On the screen appears Wy-6 and J-10.
"Ste-van! (Y/n)! Greetings!" Wy-6 greets. "J-10, Wy-Six, how'd you get your space station all the way here?" Steven asked. "We took the Zoo ship and made it a cruise ship." Wy-6 replies
Soon, Greg and Amethyst walk into the room. "Oh hey, J-10... Wy-6... I haven't seen y'all since the Choosening." Greg said nervously.
Wy-6 glared at him and J-10 turns a cold shoulder to Greg and walks away. "You mean since you didn't choosen us? Don't you have some sound discs to listen to in your wheeled conveyance?"
"Y-Yes, I do..." Greg backs away slowly. Wy-6 glares at him with a pouty face. "Now that he is gone, we'd love it if you all to came by for a visit."
"Of course, we'd love to some. Is it alright if Amethyst, Xipilli and Starla could come as well?" (Y/n) asked.
"As long as they is not Ga-reg, they're welcome." Wy-6 smiles. Starla tugs at (Y/n)'s pants. "I think they need a lesson of forgive and forget." (Y/n) nods. "I could agree with that."
Inside the Human Zoo, everyone enters and it has gotten a huge overhaul. The Famethyst and Zoomans are seen chilling out and enjoying life together.
"Ste-van, (Y/n), welcome to our ca-ruise!" Wy-6 welcomes. "Wy-Six, it's so different here!" Steven exclaims.
"Humans have control of the ship now, while the Amethysts laze about like delinquents all day. Did I say that right, Holly Blue?" Wy-6 imitates Holly Blue. She was yelling at an Amethyst, but she is ignored by her. Another Amethyst came by and places a flower crown on Holly Blue's head.
Holly Blue frowns "I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one. I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they talk about is "Steven, Steven, Steven. Not only that but the young (Y/n) Diamond is influenced by- Steven!" She was startled by Steven and his cousin.
"Nice to see you again, Holly Blue Agate." (Y/n) smiles. Holly awkwardly salutes to (Y/n) while blushing in embarrassment, and quickly walks away. "Okay...Bye, Holly."
The Famethyst are seen laughing at the embarrassed Holly as she walks away.
"YO! Famethyst~" Amethyst yells. The Famethyst screamed her name. Amethyst charges up a spin-dash and rolls straight into the Famethyst, crashing into them like bowling pins and knocking them over as they all laughed together. They were saying how they missed her. The Diamond cousins watches them happily. W-6 walked over to them. Ste-van, (Y/n), Sta-la, Xip-lli I have some special friends who wish to meet you all. Isn't that wonderful?" He leads them out of the Zoo and they begin walking through a tunnel hallway.
"They want to meet us?" Steven asked.
"Yes. It was they who wanted us to visit Earth." Wy-6 explains. He leads them to the door leading into Rose Quartz Bubble Room. "I cannot wait to see the looks upon your faces when you see their faces." He opens the door and it reveals a Rose Quartz standing at the doorway. Steven's, (Y/n)'s and Xipilli's faces tenses in shock by the sheer and striking appearance of the Rose Quartz, Steven's mom. Starla stared at her older cousins in confusion. "Yes! Those are the looks I wished to see!"
Two more Rose Quartzes rush out the door as they glanced at the Diamond cousins. The cousins peek at the door and gasped at the many Rose Quartzes in the room. Inside, all of the Rose Quartzes were free as they were relaxing and enjoying in their own recreation too. The door shuts behind the three Rose Quartzes.
"How did you guys-" Xipilli was cut off.
"Oh, now that it's Era 3, we were all unbubbled, so now, we're making up for lost time. Hi! I'm Rose Quartz!" The Superfan Rose shakes Steven's hand. "And you, you're Steven, (Y/n)!, Xipilli, and Starla!" Super fan lifts up Starla up as the young child giggles. "You guys are so much smaller than I imagined! Is it because you're half organic? Can you believe it, Rose Quartz!?" She shows the smiling Starla to hippie-looking Rose Quartz.
"It's like, we were bubbled, but now we're like, not bubbled." Hippie stated. "Th- It's really- It's really great." Steven stutters. "Oh, isn't Steven wonderful? He's just so supportive and kind and handsome and athletic and smart, and we haven't seen the Earth since we emerged, so what's it like, Steven?" Superfan Rose asked. Steven couldn't answered her question because he was distracted by the shy Rose's appearance. Xipilli and (Y/n) were distracted by Shy Rose's appearance since she remembers her about their Aunt Pink's Rose Quartz form. Starla looked at her cousins confusedly. Soon both Hippie and Superfan began to bombard the cousins with questions about the Earth. They tried to answer as much as they can, but the two Roses won't stop asking more questions.
"Wh-Wh-Why don't you come to dinner and find out?!?" Steven suddenly yells. He chuckles "I mean.. if-if you want dinner?"
Right at that moment Amethyst and the Famethyst were singing dancing in a a conga line. "Yo, Guys!-" Amethyst's face immediately turned to shock upon seeing the Rose Quartzes beside Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla. "Its's a family reunion." (Y/n) laughs nervously as Amethyst continues staring in shock and parades away with the Famethyst.

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