Part 46

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Steven wakes up in a cold sweat from another mysterious dream.
"Steven? Are you okay?" Pearl looked over at him. "Yeah. I just had a really weird nightmare." Steven replies. The pebbles moves to Steven, Connie, and (Y/n). Connie yawns, "Oh hey! Good morning." (Y/n) wakes up as she rubs her eyes. "Is it time to wake up already?"
Amethyst was seen with the Pebbles make the room look like the living of the Beach house.
"The Pebbles have been working all night." Pearl said. "What do you think?"
"It almost feels like home!" Steven remarked. "Almost." Garnet whispered.

Later, everyone was with Yellow and Blue as they were sitting on their thrones.
"A ball? We haven't had a ball in 6,000 years." Yellow said. "We haven't had Pink in 6,000 years and not only that this will be (Y/n)'s first ball!" Blue exclaims.
"Yeah! When White Diamond shows up we can tell her why we need her help on Earth!" Steven explains. "And this could mark the beginning of Era 3. Right, mother?" (Y/n) turns to her mother as Blue nods.
"You're right, it's brilliant." Yellow agrees.
"Thank you, Yellow! Thank you, Blue!" Steven thanked. "If White is going to be there everything has to be perfect! Pink, (Y/n), can you two manage this on your own? Our Pearls can help you get started." The Pearls appears before them.
"Make sure you go through all of our customs with Pink and (Y/n), since Pink has so much trouble recalling her past here on Homeworld and that (Y/n) is new about her first attend to the ball." Yellow explains.
"Era 3! Steven, (Y/n), you both are already changing the world!" Pearl praises. "This is going to be amazing!" (Y/n) claps her hands together with delight.
"Yeah! Come on, party Pearls!"
"We are at your command, Pink Diamond."
"Just call me Steven!"
"Whatever you command, Pink Diamond."
Once the Blue and Yellow left, Steven and the others were planning the ball. "Balloons everywhere! Confetti cannons too!"
"Dibs on being the confetti cannon!" Amethyst called for. "Cannons are forbidden inside palace walls. These "balloons" you're referring to, are unprecedented and therefore out of the question." Yellow Pearl explained.
"So what is precedented and therefore in the question?" (Y/n) questioned.
"You both are to sit on your elevated thrones while the members of your court indicate to you that they are present."
"Yikes, this sounds pretty dry." Amethyst commented.
"Liquids are forbidden in the ball room."
Steven walks to his throne. "All right." (Y/n) walks up to her that was between her mother's and Steven's. "At least we get to sit next to each other." (Y/n) pointed out.
"From here, you both can accept or reject the members of your court at your leisure. My Diamond will do the same. As will Blue Diamond, and if we are so lucky, all of us will enjoy the impeccable judgement of White Diamond." Yellow explains more. "So when she gets here I'll just hop up there and talk to her?" Steven asked. " Oh, stars! No! I forgot how silly you can be. Everyone stays where they belong." Yellow Pearl replies.
Steven and (Y/n) hopped off their thrones and lands next to the Crystal Gems. "Oh so, I'll just wait until I get a chance to talk to her on the dance floor!" Steven said. "It does seem more easier." (Y/n) adds. "Pink Diamond! (Y/n) Diamond! Your subjects will do the dancing for you!" Yellow Pearl exclaims. "Why would a Diamond want to dance?"
"Because dancing's fun!" Steven answered. "What is "fun"?" Yellow Pearl raised a brow.
"You know, it's when you do something you wanna do, just because it feels good." Connie explains.
"I don't think we do that here."
"Pearl, isn't there something you really like to do?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh! Of course not! My feelings are irrelevant." Yellow Pearl replies. Blue Pearl  spoke out, "I like to draw." Yellow Pearl was in shock. "W-w-w-what?" Steven smiles at her. "Can I see some of your stuff?"
Blue Pearl pulls out her drawings. Um, here. My diamond allows me to draw during court proceedings. They're nothing much."
"Hey, I remember some of those. They're amazing, Pearl!" (Y/n) praised. Blue Pearl blushes. "Thank you, (Y/n) Diamond.
Yellow Pearl took her drawings. "Let me see that! You can't share these, they're highly confidential!" She stops when she saw a drawing of herself. Hmm, not bad. She hands Blue Pearl her drawings back. "Try a different angle."
Steven laughs, "That's it! You like being a model!"
"And you like being an artist!" (Y/n) adds.
Everyone laughed, but they stopped when Blue enters the room.
"Pink, (Y/n) why aren't you two getting ready?" Blue asked. "I guess we are ready if all we have to do is sit in a chair." Steven replies. Blue kneels down. "Are you really going to look like this, even at the ball?"
"He can't really help it, Mother. He was born like that." (Y/n) stepped in. "You weren't thinking of inviting your "Earth friends", are you?" Blue asked them.
"Why wouldn't we?" Steven shrugs.
Blue separates Steven and (Y/n) from the others. "They can't come? Aren't they Steven's court or something like that?" (Y/n) questioned. "Pink, (Y/n), quit fooling around! White Diamond is going to be there! We have to present her with our best possible selves, just as our gems have to present us with their best possible selves. A ball is a chance to inspire everyone!" Blue explains.
"But my friends are super inspiring! They'll inspire White, too. Together we can make a case for Earth!" Steven said with stars in his eyes.
Blue sighs with defeat. "Very well, you can bring your Pearl, of course and your pet."
"What pet?" (Y/n) raised her right brow. "I think she means me." Connie whispers. (Y/n) places her hands on Connie's shoulders.
"As for this faulty Amethyst...She'll need limb enhancers to meet her height requirements. The Sapphire will need to enter with the other Sapphires of course, and the Ruby will need to enter with the guard." Blue finished.
"Woah, woah, woah." Steven was beginning to be confused. "Are you talking about Garnet?"
"Garnet? Does "that" call herself a Garnet?" Blue mocked. "What would you have her do? Enter with the Demantoids, the Hessonites, the Pyropes? Pink, I'm being very generous, but you can't expect me to-"
"I won't go." Garnet interrupts. Steven and (Y/n) run up to her. "Garnet?"
"At least the Sapphire in there has some sense." Blue remarked causing Garnet to growl in frustration.
"Pink! Are you going to ring in the ball?" Blue asked.
"What?" Steven looked at her confusedly. "Ugh, I'll take care of it. I'll take care of everything. Come, Pearl! You too, (Y/n)!" Blue walks away with her Pearl.
"I'm sorry about that, Garnet." (Y/n) hugged Garnet. "It's not your fault, you did your best." Garnet returned the gestured.
"(Y/n)!" Blue yelled for her daughter.
"You should get going." Garnet advised. (Y/n) nods and runs back to her mother.
"Mother, what you is about Garnet is not nice." (Y/n) spoke. Blue looked at her daughter and kneeled in front of her. "(Y/n), those gems need to know their place. That is the order they were made for.
"But, mother-"
"Enough!" Blue interrupts. She placed a next to (Y/n) to climb in. "You are better than this, (Y/n). You are a Diamond and you must act like one. You duty is to be there for your followers and show them who you are."
"Yes, mother."
"Good, now go to your room and get ready. The ball will start soon." Blue places (Y/n) down. (Y/n) watched as her mother walked away. She walks back to her room and brushes her hair for the ball.
"I hope this works."

It was time for the ball. (Y/n) was standing behind the curtains with her aunt and Mother. She still hasn't seen White yet. She had her hopes that she would come, but at the same time fear was inside her. Her thoughts were interrupted when Yellow Pearl announced Yellow's appearance. "Everyone, behold! The daunting, beauty and elegance that is, Yellow Diamond!" Aquamarines come and pull the curtains revealing Yellow.
Yellow has her hands out elegantly as she walks to her throne. "Not a bad turnout, Pink." Yellow complimented. "I appreciate your attendance, Yellow." Steven thanked.
"Ahem, everyone prepare yourselves emotionally for the overpowering elegance that is, Blue Diamond." Blue Pearl announced. Blue walks out elegantly with one hand lowered and the other held up. "You're doing great!" Blue commented. "Thank you, Blue." Steven replies.
"Everyone, prepare for the elegance, beauty, and generosity appearance of (Y/n) Diamond!" Blue Pearl announced for (Y/n).
(Y/n) held the right side of her dress while her tiger hand was raised gracefully. Just before (Y/n) could make sit on her throne, she have Steven a thumbs up and a wink, which he mimics back to her.
Suddenly, the ballroom turns completely dark. A single spotlight is shown at White Pearl. "To those in attendance of the Era 3 ball, White Diamond... has more important things to attend to."
"What?" Steven and (Y/n) gasped. "Therefore, I will be here to observe in her place. Welcome to Era 3!" White Pearl transports herself on White's throne. Steven groans in frustration.
The gems in the ball start to dance, as White Pearl observes smiling.
Steven sighs. "I made everyone do this and it's so... miserable." Amethyst is seen trying to dance, but falls. Connie and (Y/n) saw his distress and sit next to him. "Steven."
"Don't you mean, "Pink Diamond" or Aunt Pink"? Steven asked blank-fully. "Of course we don't! Come on, do you wanna dance?" Connie asked with a smile. "Yeah, but I'm not supposed to." Steven replies. "It's your party, Steven. You could do whatever you want."
"But White expects me-"
"Aunt White's not here."
(Y/n) grabs Steven and Connie as they leaped off the throne and joined in on the ball.
"Everybody's staring!" Steven said nervously
"Since when does that bother you?" Connie asked playfully.
"I'm sorry everyone, uhh!"
"Steven? We're gonna be okay. I'm here. Look at me. We'll get through this together."
Connie grabs Steven and (Y/n)'s hands as the three of them start dancing. (Y/n) let's go of them so they could dance together as she dances elegantly and playful while laughing with her friends. Soon Connie and Steven begin to fuse, which caused White Pearl to frown at them.
Yellow stood from her throne. "Pink, what are you doing?"
Stevonnie stopped dancing. "I was just dancing!" Stevonnie notices that they have fused and everybody else looks in shock. "Pink, this is completely unacceptable! Unfuse or I'll make you!" Blue demands. (Y/n) leaps in front of them with her sword out. "(Y/n)! What are you-"
"Fusion is not bad, mother!" (Y/n) shouts. "And I'm going to show you!" (Y/n) turns to Stevonnie. "Connie let me borrow Steven!" Stevonnie nods and unfused. (Y/n) walks over to Steven and extend her hand. "Ready to show them, cousin?" Steven smirked and took her hand. "You know it!" Once their hands came together, they began to fuse Purple Diamond.

(I know she looks different from the last one, but just pretend she's the same, but this is the fusion dress with Pink's and Blue dress combined

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(I know she looks different from the last one, but just pretend she's the same, but this is the fusion dress with Pink's and Blue dress combined.)
"Pink! (Y/n)! What you two are doing is absurd. Unfuse this instant!" Blue yells. Ruby and Sapphire fuse and become Garnet. "You'll have to go through me!" Pearl joins in. "And me!" She runs over to Amethyst and fuses into Opal. Then out of nowhere, two Jades fuse together quickly in Lemon Jade. "And me!"
Opal and Purple look at Garnet, and she shrugs.
"I knew it! I knew I couldn't be the only one!" Lemon Jade said happily, but she was struck by Yellow with her lightning powers. Yellow does the same to Opal and Garnet. "Opal! Garnet!" Purple cries out. Yellow grabs Purple's sword and shatters it in her hands. Purple gasped that was (Y/n)'s only sword.
"Pink, (Y/n), you two have gone too far even for the both of you!" Yellow picks Purple and Connie  up and throws them into a dark room. "You two stay in here and think about what you've done!"
"No, wait!" Purple pleads, but the door closes on them.

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