Part 18

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The alarm clock woke up Steven and (Y/n).
(Y/n) rubbed the sleepiness away from her eyes, "Morning already?"
They both went to the kitchen sink and got themselves cleaned up for the day.
(Y/n) began to brush her teeth, "When do you think Peridot will be better, Steven?"
"I don't know. I hope soon, I really miss the bathroom." Steven began to wash his hair in the sink.
Amethyst walked out of her room and she was greeted by Pumpkin's happy barking.
"Yo, Steven! Yo, (Y/n)! This a bad time?" Amethyst asked.
"Of the three things I have to do in the sink now, this is the one I least mind you seeing." Steven said as he dried his hair.
"Ugh, Peridot is still depressed all up in your B-room?" Amethyst signed.
"Yep, she still is." (Y/n) replied, "She still hasn't gotten over Lapis leaving and taking the barn with her into space."
"I think she may need a little more time for herself." Steven suggested.
Amethyst puts her foot down and marches to the bathroom, "Nope. That's it, we're getting her out.
Just as the three of them entered the bathroom, Peridot was laying on the floor as depressing country music played on her tablet.
"Peridot? Are you feeling any better now?" (Y/n) asked.
All she got was a depressing groan. Amethyst walked inside and turned the music off.
"So, what have you been up to?" Steven tried to start the conversation.
Peridot mumbled and nobody understood what she said. Amethyst turned her around to hear her better. "Nothing."
Amethyst had enough of Peridot being all sad about the barn and Lapis leaving with the barn. She insisted that she needed to be outside and have some fresh air. So, she thought that they should all go to the Kindergarten.
"The Kindergarten? You mean where the amethysts that are in the zoo were first made?" (Y/n)'s eyes turned to stars.
"Yeah! I've been meaning to get a look at the old neighborhood now that I've met the neighbors." Amethyst said.
"That sounds fun." Steven agreed, "What do you say, Peridot?"
"You can make us feel dumb by telling us all the stuff we don't know!" Amethyst added.
"She's right I might not know everything about the kindergartens that I've read before back on Homeworld." (Y/n) said.
"I miss that." Peridot sighs.
"Great, it's settled!" Amethyst picked up Peridot and puts her around her shoulder. "Let's get out of the bathroom."
"Can I bring my music."

The four of them were on a train. Peridot complained about taking the warp pad inside of the train. Everyone tried to convince her to look at the beautiful view of the countryside.
"Wow! This is breathtaking!" (Y/n) said in awe, "Great idea to take a train instead of the warp pad guys!"
"Thanks (Y/n) and this is really beautiful." Steven replied.
"Peridot come on! You have to see this!" (Y/n) tried to persuade Peridot.
"Yeah! Take a look at the beautiful countryside." Steven added.
"No." Peridot denied, "Your efforts to entrance me with Earth's beauty are pointless. My sector of countryside was perfect. Now it's somewhere in space. Just let me know when we get there."
Steven and (Y/n) exchanged a worried glance at each other.
Everyone finally arrived at the prime kindergarten. Amethyst began to talk about how she meet the amethysts back in space we're right there next to her back in the past. (Y/n) walked up to Amethyst and placed her hand on the wall.
"I can't believe this is where the amethysts I played with all the time were made here." (Y/n) stared at the holes in the walls.
Amethyst began to guess which amethyst was on the hole, but Peridot corrected her. She explained how the gems that were in the holes got out and how the order goes top to bottom. Amethyst praised her for her knowledge of the kindergarten. Peridot blushed and smile a little, but it turned to a frown.
"I thought life was generated in a kindergarten. Formless, aimless energy channeled into new, useful gems." Peridot began to share her thoughts, "But, life doesn't start in the kindergarten. It ends here. I've gotten used to plants everywhere. Bugs and breeze and sunshine...all of that had been sucked out of this place. It's with the amethysts that were produced here and now this place is nothing, but a miserable husk. All of the amethysts are gone."
"Hey!" Amethyst yelled.
"Oh, all of the well-made amethysts are gone." Peridot tried to corrected herself.
"Peridot that doesn't make it better." (Y/n) said.
"And nothing will ever grow here again, not even this flower." Peridot stated, but stopped when she saw a flower.
"Wait!" Amethyst jumped off the hole, "I've never seen anything growing here and I've been hanging around this joint for 5,000 years. Man, it looks healthy too."
"Wow! That's Earth for you! Always bouncing back!" Steven praised.
"Amazing! I can't believe it!" (Y/n) eyes turned to stars.
"I don't know. I've have to run some test to see if this is not an anomaly." Peridot explained.
"You want to try planting stuff here? Steven asked. "You know how to farm!"
"Yeah it could be fun, Peridot!" (Y/n) said with excitement.
Everyone agreed to start farming. They gathered everything they need to start planting some flowers for their experiment. Amethyst, Stevan and (Y/n) moved the rocks out of the way as Peridot used the tracker. Now they started to dig some holes for the sunflowers and giving it proper soil. Amethyst turned herself into a helicopter as the others used water guns to water the flowers. Finally they've finished. To add the finishing touches Amethyst puts a flamingo in the garden and (Y/n) puts a pinwheel too.
The next morning Steven was happy to have his bathroom back and finally have a great shower. Peridot was explaining to Amethyst and (Y/n) about the flowers in the kindergarten. Just as Steven got out of the bathroom, Peridot told him to hurry up and change to his clothes.
Everyone was back on the train and was excited to see if the experiment was a success. They got so excited they started to plan on what to plant next. Just as they arrived at the kindergarten, everyone's jaws dropped to the ground. The flowers were dead. All of their hard work for nothing.
"Well, I don't know why I'm surprised." Peridot angrily said, "I should have known not to have hope."
"But maybe if we try again-." Steven was interrupted.
"It's not going to work! It's never going to work okay!
"Peridot! Calm down!" (Y/n) yelled. "You can't be mad at us for this experiment not working!"
"(Y/n)'s right! We were just trying to cheer you up!" Amethyst yelled.
Peridot began to yell more. She lets her frustrations out on them. Steven tried to calm her down by that the flower is a way to grow something else. Peridot finally had enough and stomped on the flower. The others flinched at her actions. Soon the ground began to shake and a gem monster emerged from the ground. It roars at the others.
"Oh! Of course!" Peridot screamed sarcastically.
The gem monster grabbed Peridot with its tongue and swallowed her.
"Peridot!" Steven and (Y/n) called out to her.
The monster digs around them. Amethyst used her whip to try to stop it. They followed the creature into the hole in the ground. (Y/n) summons her katana and helped Amethyst fight the creature. Steven runs up to them.
"You want to get this together." Amethyst smirked.
"Let's do it!" Steven replied

They both joined hands and fused. Smoky Quartz blasted the monster outside. (Y/n)'s mouth gapped open at the fusion in front of her.
"You two can fuse?!" (Y/n) screamed.
Smokey winked at her. She used her yo-yo's on the monster and ties it tight enough to destroy it.
"Peridot!" (Y/n) ran up to Peridot, "Are you Okay?"
Smoky bubbled the gem and unfused.
"I need to go to the bathroom." Peridot groaned.

"Man, you were right." Amethyst spoke, "The Kindergarten really is dead forever."
Peridot turned to her, "I was a fool to think we could reinstitute life there."
"I thought we could grow life there, but I guess we were wrong." (Y/n) said.
Steven sighed, "Tell me about it."
"Alright I will." Peridot began to explain that she was using this as a distracted from all that has happened. Losing Lapis, the barn and losing some hope. She then realized that once someone messing with something if could never be fixed, like the kindergarten.
Steven looked up and saw the flowers blooming, "Wow. What about this?" He asked.
"Now that's some plants." Amethyst commented.
"I couldn't agree move. They're beautiful." (Y/n) agreed.
Peridot wanted this to happened for the kindergarten, but Steven explained there wasn't much for the kindergarten, but they could always protect the rest of the Earth. So everyone agreed to garden somewhere else. Steven, Amethyst, and (Y/n) hugged Peridot. She was startled by their actions, but hugged them back.

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