Part 39

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Steven drops his hand made wedding book on the table. "This is just to give you some ideas. Ruby said she wanted your reunion as Garnet to be special. And there's nothing more special and romantic than a beautiful wedding!" Steven wipes the tears from his eyes. (Y/n) sighs dreamily. "Steven explained to me all about a wedding. It's so romantic how two people who love each other sealed their vows of love in a romantic ceremony and stay with each other for the rest of their lives. It sounds like the Choosening, but much more romantic."
Ruby turns to Sapphire. "It's like they say; if you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it. Sapphire holds Ruby's hand. "But, sweetums, who says that?" Steven flips pages of the book. "Let's take a look at printing styles for your invitations."
"Would it be cool if we got flames on it?" Ruby asked Sapphire. "Oh, and some dolphins!" Sapphire adds. "Yeah! Dolphins with flames!" Ruby cheers.
"I think I got exactly what you're looking for on page 135." Steven flips a few pages. "How long did it take you to put this together?" Sapphire asked. Steven smiles. "My entire life."
"This is gonna be the best wedding ever!" Ruby cheers.

Steven, (Y/n), Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, and Peridot are working on the invitations. (Y/n) hands Pearl a piece of paper and folds. "This folding bone is so nice! Who knew that planning a wedding could be so fun?" She hands the folded paper to Steven. "I did!" Steven stamps ink on the paper. He hands the paper to Ruby and Sapphire as they signed their invitation. "Here you go, Peri." Ruby hands the invitation to Peridot.
Peridot groans as she puts the invitation in the envelope. "We've been stuffing these envelopes ALL DAY! How many does that make?" She hands the envelope to Amethyst. She licks the envelope. "That makes ten!" 
"Oh... just ten. Hm." Sapphire mumbles.

Everyone was outside the beach as they were setting up the chairs. Pearl and (Y/n) were nearly fixing Amethyst's tossed chairs. Ruby and Sapphire were standing with Steven in front of them holding a paper. "So, my dad will finish playing the music, and then next you'll do the "I do's"... And then I'll say...I now pronounce you Garnet. Aaand then you fuse! Everyone'll cheer!"
Sapphire said softly, "Everyone...who survived." Ruby turns to Sapphire. "Oh, it's just-there's so many old friends who won't be able to come. All the Crystal Gems who were corrupted and bubbled in the basement."
"Maybe we could bring the bubbles up here?" Ruby suggested.
"No, no. It's not safe. We can't risk them getting out."
Ruby and Sapphire hug.

Steven and (Y/n) were sitting inside writing names for the seating arrangements. Steven looked at his blanked paper as (Y/n) finished one.
"Steven are you all right?" (Y/n) was concerned.
Steven didn't reply. He glances at the Temple door. He writes "BISMUTH" on the blank placement card and walks inside the temple. (Y/n) reads the name confusedly and followed Steven.
Steven was holding the bubble that contains Bismuth's gemstone as (Y/n) stood on the side.
"Steven. Are you sure this is a good idea?" (Y/n) questioned. He just sighs and unbubbles Bismuth. He steps back as Bismuth reforms into her physical form. Bismuth looks at herself confusedly. "Hm-? I'm back?"
"Hey, Bismuth! Long time, no see...?"  Steven nervously greeted. (Y/n) was right behind him and placed her hand on her gem ready to defend her cousin.
"Rose. I mean, Steven!" Bismuth exclaims.
"Oh... there's a third option now." Steven said.
"Why would you let me out? I just tried to shatter you."
"You know how you fought mom because her whole war strategy didn't make any sense? Well... you were right!"
Bismuth gasps as she looks up to see the hundreds of bubbled gems. "What's going on? Did Rose do this? Did she bubble everyone who disagreed with her?!"
"Huh? Oh, no, it's not like that." Steven tried to reason.
"Tiger's Eye! Little Larimar.Beryl, Serpentine, and Biggs?! Biggs was beloved by everyone!" Bismuth jumps up and grass Biggs bubble. "Bismuth, wait!" (Y/n) yelled. "Bismuth! You don't understand."
Bismuth pops Biggs' bubble and Biggs starts to reform. "C'mon, Biggs, help me free the other..." Bismuth saw that Biggs has been corrupted. "Biggs...?"
Biggs growls and raises a hand to strike Bismuth, but Steven and (Y/n) run up to protect her. Steven makes a bubble shield around them. Biggs tried to break the shield.
"Bismuth! I'm sorry, Bismuth! This is not the Biggs you knew before." Steven apologized. I know we had our differences, but so much has changed and I just wanted to tell you-!" Steven was interrupted by the shield braking. Steven and (Y/n) braces for impact, but saw that Bismuth was trying to stop Biggs. She had tears in her eyes as she slashed her friend and poof Biggs.
"Only a Diamond could do damage. It was Pink, wasn't it? Why didn't Rose stop her?!" Bismuth questioned angrily.
(Y/n) picks up Biggs gem and bubbles it. "Because, they were the same person."
Steven and (Y/n) told Bismuth everything about Rose and Pink being the same person and how everyone got corrupted. Steven also explained that (Y/n) is a Diamond and she's a Crystal Gem now. "...And that's the whole story."
"Are you okay, Bismuth?" (Y/n) asked.
Bismuth nods. "Mm. Yeah! Hang on a sec." Bismuth walks to the lava pool and dunks her head into the lava as she screams. "Oh my gosh!! It all makes sense now!"
Steven shrugs his shoulders. "Pretty wild, right?"
Bismuth puts her feet in the lava. "Oh, that's nice. Steven, (Y/n), come here and join me, the lava's great."
"That sounds lovely, but we aren't exactly immune to lava." (Y/n) giggles.
Bismuth laughed. "I was so excited to show Rose the Breaking Point. Can you imagine? 'Hey Rose! Check out this cool weapon I made, I'm gonna shatter you with it!'" Bismuth chuckles at her own joke, then lets out a long sigh. "I really thought all of our problems would disappear if we could just shatter a Diamond! Guess she ended up taking my advice."
"We're so sorry. About all this." (Y/n) apologized. "Thanks. For talking to me." Bismuth places her hands on Steven and (Y/n)'s.
Bismuth smiles at (Y/n). "Welcome to the Crystal Gems, (Y/n). It's always nice to have someone new join own freedom team."
"Thank you, Bismuth." (Y/n) blushes.
"Wow. You took that pretty well. Way better than Garnet did." Steven said.
"How so?"
"She unfused over it."
"What?! Nooo! They're my favorite couple!"
"Don't worry, they're back together. But they haven't fused yet." (Y/n) reinsured. "It's actually why I came down here to begin with. I wanted to invite you to Garnet's wedding!" Steven explained. Bismuth looked puzzled. "Garnet's wedding, huh?"
"Yeah. It would be great if you could attend." Steven smiles.
"Yeah! Okay, I don't have any plans so I guess I can come."
"Yay!! This is gonna be so much fun!"
"Pfft! Oh, yeah. No question this is gonna be the best wedding ever! Pff, hahaha. So what's a wedding."
"That's what I said!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

Steven, (Y/n) and Bismuth were looking out the window. Steven explained how everything was organized and how it will go. Bismuth thought about going to greet them, but Steven wanted to surprise them.
"They don't know I'm coming? Wait, I can't do this." Bismuth told him.
"You're right. You gotta have a gift!" Steven takes his phone from his pocket. "We have a wedding registry. Do you wanna pick something"
"What? No, I mean- what am I gonna say to them?" Bismuth face saddens.
Steven then suggested, "You could do one of your signature catchphrases! Like...'let's get down to Bismuth! Or...'anybody wanna start a small Bismuth?' How about...'did you Bis-miss-th me?'"
Bismuth looks unamused.
Steven was excited. "Anyway, it's not gonna matter what you say. They'll be so glad you're here! Just be ready for my signal. Aah, this is gonna be great! They're gonna want you to be maid of honor."
"Just hang tight, Bismuth." (Y/n) gave Bismuth two thumbs up.
They exited the house and grabbed everyone attention. Steven taps his soda can with a spoon. "Attention everyone! Please gather 'round. Ahem. I'd like to propose a toast. To Ruby and Sapphire! Now, we all know you guys have been runnin' a little, heh, hot-and-cold lately?" Everyone laughed. "We are all excited to see you fused back together, and achieve lifelong, room-temperature happiness! All of us, including...!"
The Gems turn to Pearl. "Pearl!" They cheered.
Steven nods "Mm-hmm...yes, and Pearl! All of us, including...!" He waits for Bismuth, but she doesn't respond.
"Uh, Steven. Can I drink this or what?" Amethyst asked.
"(Y/n) and I will be right back. And make sure those cans don't drop." Steven grabs (Y/n) had and enter the house.
"Bismuth. Didn't you see Steven's...signal?" (Y/n) saw that Bismuth was gone.

Steven and (Y/n) found Bismuth at the Forge making some weapons. "What happened out there, I-I'm sure if we hurry back we can still surprise them. They're gonna be so happy to see you." Steven said. "If they wanted to see me so much, they coulda let me out themselves, but they didn't. Of course they didn't. I attacked their leader." Bismuth continued to hammer.
They're not gonna side with Rose anymore! Not after-" (Y/n) was stopped by Bismuth. "I'm not talking about Rose! I'm talking about Steven."
"But Steven not the leader. Garnet's the leader." (Y/n) told her.
"And where's Garnet?" Bismuth questioned.
She'll be back. That's the whole point. It's a big Crystal Gem wedding, we should all be there together!" Steven explained.
"Why? Why are the Crystal Gems still together? After finding out that everything was a sham! Somebody's making them believe in the future, and it's you!" Bismuth yelled in frustration. You seriously think they're gonna want me around when the last thing I did was try to shatter you? You told them everything. And they made their choice. They want me in a bubble, and you out there. "She tossed her finished sword into the weapons pile. "You say they want me to be 'made' of honor? Well, I am. I'm made of the most solid, flexible, diamagnetic stuff there is and I'm not as dense as you might think. I've got enough self-respect in this gem to accept that they don't want me on their team anymore. I blew it! Everything was different, and I didn't believe it." Bismuth tears up.
"Everything is different! We had a fight, so we can make up, right? If they didn't let you out because they care about me, then they're gonna care that I want you back on the team!" Steven yells with pride. "I want you back on the team. Forget the surprise, if we show up together, they're all gonna know that everything's okay."
Bismuth smiles at Steven "Hm. Spoken like a leader."
"No. Spoken like a friend." (Y/n) wrapped her arms around them and hugs them. "If it weren't for Steven. I wouldn't have found out that we're cousins and that I have my own free will to choose."
The three of them warped back to the house, holding hands and saw that the others were gathering in the couch.
"Hey everyone. Did you guys...'Bis-miss-th' me?" Bismuth greeted nervously.
Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst drop their sodas simultaneously.
"Ha! I win." Peridot bragged. "Also, less importantly, who are you?"
"Steven and I invited Bismuth! I hope that's all right." (Y/n) explains.
Sapphire walks up to Bismuth."Bismuth." She hugs Bismuth.
Bismuth was startled. "Wha-Whoa, Sapphire!"
Pearl and Ruby dogged piled Bismuth to the floor. "Bismuth!"
"You wouldn't believe what we've all been through. I'm so sorry! We should've-" Sapphire explained, but Bismuth cuts her off. "Look. I'm right there with you, Steven and (Y/n) filled me in."
Peridot walks up to everyone. "So, is anyone going to introduce me?"
"Let's give 'em some space." Amethyst said.
"Oh! Ruby, Sapphire. I heard you're supposed to bring gifts to these things." Bismuth opens her hand to reveal two rings, one bronze and the other silver. "These aren't weapons, but Steven and (Y/n) seemed to think they'd come in handy."
"We love them!!" Ruby and Sapphire hugged Bismuth.

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