Part 36

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"Let me get this straight. Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems, Steven's mom, was actually (Y/n)'s aunt, Pink Diamond?!" Amethyst screamed.
"She faked her own shattering, and reformed to be Rose all the time." Steven explained.
"Pink Diamond's final command to me was that no one could know, but now that Steven and (Y/n) do, I can finally tell you all everything!" Pearl exclaimed.
(Y/n) wasn't listening to anyone. All should could think of was why? Why did she do this? Why was there another secret that was hidden from her?
"Phew! I mean, a pink lion, a pink sword, and now Pink Diamond?! Huh, if you told me Rose invented cotton candy, I'd believe it. Right, Garnet?" Amethyst jokes. "Uh, Garnet?"
Garnet stood up from her seat. She was struggling to stay stable, but she defuses into Ruby and Sapphire. "Sapphire-."
"She lied to us! She lied about everything!" Sapphire interrupted Ruby. "She held our hands, looked at us right in the eyes, and told us to never question who we are as Garnet. We never questioned ourselves, or her!" Sapphire yelled.
"We couldn't have known!" Ruby insured. "No, you couldn't have known. You never know what's going on. That's what I'm for! But I never looked into her, I trusted her... I let her make fools of us all!" Sapphire runs to the Warp Pad. "Sapphire, wait!" Ruby runs after her.
"Guys!" Steven slips on the ice Sapphire had caused due to her stress.
"Sapphire! I'm coming with you!"
Everyone turns towards (Y/n). "W-What? (Y/n)?!" Steven was confused.
"I'm sick of this! I'm sick and tired of having these secrets hidden from me! The Diamonds have never told me anything! I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore!" (Y/n) cries. She leaps into the air and lands next to Sapphire. Sapphire held out a hand towards her, which (Y/n) immediately took.
"Please...We can just stay calm and talk about this, right? Let's just, talk." Ruby tried to convince.
"Talk about what? How our relationship is based on a lie? What else is there to say..." Sapphire said.
"(Y/n)! Please I know you're upset, but you can't just leave like this!" Steven exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, Steven. But, I'm tired of being left out." (Y/n) and Sapphire used the Warp Pad to warp to Rose's Fountain.
(Y/n) and Sapphire walked towards the fountain. Sapphire begins to cry as ice was forming everywhere. (Y/n) let's her own tears run down from her eyes. She forms a fist as blue lights of energy formed around. She spotted a large ice cube forming near her. Out of frustration, she blasted her energy sphere at it, destroying it. She finally realized what she's done. She found another power she could use.
"Sapphire! (Y/n)!"
They both heard Steven's call for them. (Y/n) strikes at Steven and Pearl with another energy sphere.
"Just leave us alone!" (Y/n) cries. Sapphire suddenly spoke out. "Everything we were running from, she was right there all along...using us for her little war...smiling at us with those knowing eyes... Making me believe in a better future that I couldn't see, because it wasn't real, and now here we are, our friends, shattered, and corrupted...of course she was a Diamond. What a long road she took to torture us all like this..."
"It wasn't like that! You know she didn't want anyone to get hurt..." Steven comforts her. (Y/n) walks up to them and sits on the edge of the fountain. "I don't know that!" Sapphire exclaims. "I clearly don't know anything..."
"You both deserve to know everything. I was given to Pink Diamond a few thousand years before she was given the Earth. I was supposed to make her happy, I just never could..." Pearl begins to tell them everything.
Pearl told them how Pink Diamond was starting to colonize her first colony. She was bored at first, but she got excited about the Quartz soldiers emerging soon. Pearl gave her the idea of changing her shape for a day to go see the Prime Kindergarten. She was able to see how it is and got excited. Pearl told her that they should explore more of the Earth, which Pink quickly agrees.
"So all she wanted was to get out and have some fun?" (Y/n) asked.
"Well, that's how it started." Pearl replied.
Rose and Pearl were on Earth. They were exploring the beauty of it. They walked through a field of flowers and chase a butterfly. They explored by a river when Rose noticed a group of humans collecting water from a river. Rose finally realized that nothing will survive her invasion. They weren't creating life from nothing, they were taking life and leaving nothing behind.
"So she did want to protect Earth. She didn't realize what the colony was doing to the planet." Steven said. "So what?! She suddenly started to care about Earth? Why did she have to rope us into all this? Why couldn't she just stop the colonization herself?" Sapphire asked in frustration.
"She tried. When she told the other Diamonds she didn't want to go through with the colony, they told her to finish what she started. When she told the other Diamonds she wanted to preserve life on Earth, they created the zoo and threw a handful of humans in. She did everything she could as Pink Diamond. But her status meant nothing to Blue and Yellow. So she decided to make a stand, as someone they couldn't ignore." Pearl explains. "She was going to scare every Gem off the planet. But everything changed when she saw your fusion."
The ice around the fountain was melting away and the sky was clear again as both Sapphire and (Y/n) calmed down.
"Before Garnet, Rose was only fighting for Earth. But Garnet changed everything. Rose wanted to fight for her, she wanted to fight for Gems!" Pearl showed a hologram of herself, Rose, and Garnet. "And maybe she was foolish, and maybe even...selfish, but she was..."
"Following us." Sapphire spoke. "What?" Pearl questioned her. "This whole time, we thought we were following her, but she was following us. How could she not after you swept her off her feet?" Sapphire said.
"W-What? Me?" Pearl questioned. "Are you kidding? You took her on this whirlwind tour of Earth and then she wanted to live here with you forever!" Steven said.
"I could see why Aunt Pink formed into Rose forever. She wanted to be free and live on Earth in peace." (Y/n) wipes her tears away. "Hey, Steven. Do you know what this mean, right?" Steven looked at (Y/n) confusedly. "It means we're cousins!" (Y/n) tackled Steven into a bear hug as they both laughed.
"I guess it does!" Steven laughed.
Sapphire laughed. "That's just how I felt when I came here with...Ruby! Oh no! We have to get back right away!"
They warp back to the temple.
"Ruby! I'm so sorry!" Sapphire apologized out loud, but Ruby wasn't there. Sapphire sees a note on the floor with her name written on it. "Oh no."

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