Part 52

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The muffled voices of Connie and (Y/n) were heard by Steven as he was beginning to open his eyes. He could hear their cries as they plead for him to wake up. Steven's eyes landed to them.
" ...What?" Steven checks his stomach and saw that his gem was gone. "No. Where? Where -- Where's my...?"
Steven's gems begins to form in White's fingers as it first formed Pink, then Rose, then a pink Steven. This left everyone surprised. The pink Steven slowly floats down and turned his attention towards Steven 
Steven attempts to wake over to his gem, but collapsed as if he was deathly ill without his gem.
"Steven!" Connie and (Y/n) kneeled to him.
Upon hearing Steven's name, his Gem form comes to attention.
Steven begins to sob. "No. Please, I -- I need -- I need it --"
"What is this? Where is Pink?" White said confusedly. "She's gone." said pink Steven with a blank face.
"What did you say? Answer me!" White demands.
"She's GO-O-O-O-O-O-ONE!" The screams of pink Steven caused the whole room to shake and leaving a  crater around itself. It turns its head back to stare at Steven and walks slowly over where the floor once was above the crater towards him. Steven, Connie, and (Y/n) cover their eyes from the sudden outburst. Steven is crying out to the gem as it approaches.
"Where do you think you're going?" White questioned.  Steven reaches out for his gem. "Help." He gasped. "Steven!" Connie and (Y/n) each grabbed an arm and hook them around their necks. "Hold on!" Connie comfort. The two of them slowly walked Steven towards his gem.
"Don't you dare take one more step!" White ordered.
They ignored her and continued walking.
"That's enough!" White uses her towards to strike Steven's gem. Out of nowhere the pink Steven reflects White's power with a polygonal pink shield. "Ahh, you little..." White grow angry as she attacks again, but her power was reflected again. She growls in frustration. "(Y/n)! Stop them!" White ordered. "I don't have to listen to you! I'm not letting anything bad happened to my family!" (Y/n) declares. Out of frustration, White snaps her fingers to control (Y/n), but nothing happened. (Y/n) is seen fighting out of White's control.
"Keep fighting it, (Y/n)!" Connie encourages. White groans angrily "Agh! Don't you raise your shield at me! I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that, I'll do it...For! You!"
In her frustration, the eyes of every one of White's controlled gems and herself glow then attack the pink Steven from all angles simultaneously. The gem reflects it all back, creating a shockwave that knocks them all to the ground, causing White to even collapse.
"No, stop. You're hurting them!" Steven cries.
Connie, (Y/n) and the pink Steven reach each other as the two girls cautiously hands Steven over to his gem form. "Here." said Connie. "Please help him." (Y/n) pleads.
As Steven and his gem finally reunite, Steven hugged his gem tearfully as the pink Steven followed along.
"What are you doing? Pink! Why are you laughing?" White questioned.
Connie lets a smile grow upon her face as (Y/n) shows a weak smile. Steven and his gem continue to cheer and move joyfully even as White stares from a prone position. Finally, Steven was able to fuse back together with his gem.
"Steven!" Connie and (Y/n) rushes to embrace him. "Are you back together? Are you you?" Connie asked.
"Yeah! Yeah, I'm me! I've always been me..." Steven replies. White then throws a tantrum. "No! You are Pink Diamond! That is Pink Diamond's gem!" She pounds her fits to the ground as the three of them laughed and bounced off the floor. "You do not look like this! You do not sound like this! You are not half human, you're just... a-acting like a child!"
"I am a child. What's your excuse?" Steven responded. Connie and (Y/n) bursted our laughing. 
White was now seemingly embarrassed, causing a pink blush to appear not only on her face, but her controlled gems. Not only that, but the entire room turned pink and the face of the ship.
"What's happening? What is this? What's wrong with them? They're turning... pink! I don't understand... I'm in control, I..." White gasps. "Something's wrong... with me! No!"
As she struggles with this new realization, White Diamond removes control over all the gray gems. They regain their color and collapse.
"Guys!" Steve, Connie, and (Y/n) ran up to their friends. "Steven..." Garnet rises up. The three of them hugged their friends as they were regaining their consciousness.
"Uh, what happened?" Amethyst asked. "I think Steven got through to her." Connie answers. Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis enter the room and prepare for a fight. "Listen up, you nail head! The Crystal Gems are here to -- huh?" Bismuth stopped her speech. She and the others saw that the battle was over.
"Steven!" Peridot ran as she laughed to her friends. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, look at White. She's shakin' like a piece of chalk!" Bismuth remarked.
As the Crystal Gems joyfully reunite, Steven looks over at Pink Pearl, now free from White's control. She rubs her shattered eye as she speaks. "Wh-What happened... Where am I?" Steven places his hand on her shoulder. "Welcome back."
"Mother! Aunt Yellow!" (Y/n) over to them. "(Y/n)!" Blue gasped as she scoops up her daughter and nuzzles her face together. "I'm glad to see you're alright." Yellow strokes (Y/n)'s hair.
"What is this?! I feel... ridiculous. Yellow, Blue!" She reaches out to them in desperation still with a flushed face. The Diamonds gasp and avert their eyes in disgust.
"She's off-color." Yellow stated. "No, she's not. She just blushing from embarrassment." (Y/n) reinsured as she leaps next to Steven. They both approach White as she questioned herself. "This can't be happening! I can't have a flaw! I'm supposed to be flawless! If I'm not perfect, then... who am I?! If you're not Pink, then... who are you?! Who -- Who is anyone?!"
"Ya know, if you just let everyone be whoever they are, maybe you could let yourself be whoever you are, too." Steven reasoned. "But I'm not supposed to be like this! I'm supposed to know better! I'm supposed to be better! I'm supposed to make everything better!" White spoke. "You can, Aunt White! But first, you're going to have to leave your own head." (Y/n) advised. 
White Diamond considers the idea and let's Steven and (Y/n) take the lead of heading towards Earth. Outside the ship was a Gem Warship and several Roaming Eyes approach to investigate the abnormal scene.

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