Part 94

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(Y/n), Starla, and Xipilli decided to go back to Homeworld to give the Gems and Steven some quality time together. When the three of them were back in Homeworld, they decided to hang out with their own mothers. (Y/n) and Blue were taking a walk together around Homeworld, well (Y/n) was resting next to her mother's gem. They were having a nice conversation until they saw White with Starla in her hands. Starla waved at  her as her older cousin waved back. Starla leaps over to (Y/n), but she nearly falls off. Luckily, (Y/n) catches her on time. Before they could talk, the four of them heard laughing. They turned towards the source and saw that it was Xipilli hanging out with Spinel. It looked like they were hanging out. Then, Starla and(Y/n)'s eyes widen at what happened. Xipilli gave Spinel a pretty flower. She squeals in delight and gives her best friend a great, big hug. Xipilli blushed like crazy until he hugged back. Seeing this gave (Y/n) an idea.
(Y/n) took Starla with her so they could try to communicate with Steven and the others. Making sure that it was the right location, (Y/n) called Steven from the communication room. Once Steven called, (Y/n) explained their situation to him and the Gems. They agreed to come to Homeworld and help out.
Right now, (Y/n) and Starla were making sure everything was being in order. Their plan was simple, all they had to do was throw a concert for everyone, well they had to made sure that Xipilli and Spinel would be next to each other when their plan happens.
"(Y/n)! Starla!" Steven called out to his cousins. They ran towards him.
"Hey, Steven. Where's Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl?" (Y/n) asked.
"They went to go bring Xipilli and Spinel."
"Great! So you all know the plan?"
"We sure do!"
Starla claps as she jumps up and down. "I can't wait!"

Every gem in Homeworld was in center as (Y/n) was helping some gems set up their instrument. To make things more formal and festive, Starla and (Y/n) were wearing their Diamond attire. They even gave Steven a new Diamond attire, it was a pink, tuxedo suit, with a star and in the center was a diamond. Everything was in order. She grabs a bass and begins to tune it. It was a good thing that Steven and Greg taught her a few guitar lesson on her free time. Just as she finished tuning her bass, Starla was tugging on her shirt. (Y/n) kneels down to her level. "What's up, Starla?" (Y/n) asked. "Can I be one of your backup singers please! You know I sing well." Starla signed. (Y/n) giggles. "Sure thing." (Y/n) grabs a microphone and adjusted it to Starla's height. "Um, (Y/n)?" Starla points to her gem since her voice comes out from there. "Oops, right. Sorry, Starla." (Y/n) readjusted the mic to be near Starla's gem. "Better?" (Y/n) asked. Starla gives her a thumbs up. The girls could see Steven bringing Xipilli to the concert as the Gems were bringing Spinel. They were surprised that Steven was able to convince Xipilli to wear his Diamond attire. The girls could even see their mothers in the back, ready for the show to begin. (Y/n) kneels down to Starla. "Ready, Starla?" Starla gives her two thumbs up. "Ready as I'll ever be."
(Y/n) grabs her bass and walks towards her microphone. "Hey, Homeworld!" Everyone cheers. "Thank you for coming to our concert! Now this song goes to a very special pair to finally get their true feeling spoken."
(Y/n) strums the strings of her bass as she begins to sing. The other gems behind her were playing to the beat with her. With their other instruments.

(Y/n): Kiss the gem
Kiss the gem
There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the gem
Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you too
There's one way to ask her
It don't take a word, not a single word
Go on and kiss the gem (kiss the gem)

(Y/n) sings her song as everyone stares in awe. To help their plan work, Garnet unfused back into Ruby and Sapphire. They began to dance to the rhythm. Seeing them dance, Steven and the Gems began to follow along. Not feeling embarrassed. Soon, all of the gems in Homeworld began to dance along. Yellow, Blue, and White bopped their heads to the rhythm. The music began to grow more upbeat as (Y/n) played faster.

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