Part 95

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On a mysterious planet, the cousins and Lapis were exploring around when they heard news about two Lapis Lazuli's were still terraforming the planet. Right now, they were walking along as they searched for them.
"Okay. This shouldn't take too long. Most Gems come around pretty quickly when we invite them to Little Homeschool in person." Steven explains. "I hope they can come to Little Homeschool." Starla told as she examined her dagger she received from Bismuth. Xipilli took the dagger away from her. "Starla, we told you to stop bringing it everywhere."
Starla used sign language. "But, I want a real weapon like you guys and all I could summon is this stupid stick!" She summon a white staff. (Y/n) kneels down to her level. "Starla, we've been over this. Your staff is a great weapon and Pearl taught you how to use it."
"I still wished I could use my dagger." Starla pouts. Xipilli chuckles and he gives back Starla's dagger. "Only for emergencies."

(Credit goes to arstieTune for this artwork of Starla

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(Credit goes to arstieTune for this artwork of Starla. I loved how she got her design!)
After the small situation, they continued their walk around the planet. "What a gorgeous planet." Lapis comments. Everyone continued to their walk until they came across a mysterious flower bud creature. (Y/n) goes it to try to touch it, but the bud retreat into a bush with other buds. Everyone goes to the bush as (Y/n) was able to pet one. "It's okay, little guy." The creature gets conformable with (Y/n) and crawls around her. This caused her and her cousins to laugh at the small creature.
"Wow, (Y/n). It took you a whole five seconds to make a new friend. You're getting rusty." Lapis jokes as she approaches them. "You know, I never used to notice creatures like this. Before Earth and you guys, I used to terraform planets without thinking twice. I wonder what I destroyed." Lapis pets the creature as it opens up. "Life like this is so precious." More of the bud creature began to open up and show their beauty, but they closed when a shadow passes by.
The bud creatures all open up, but then close as something passes through the air. Lapis and the Diamond cousins walked over to investigate and saw the damage that was done to the planet. "Well, looks like the rumors are true about this planet." Xipilli put his hands on his waist. "You think they didn't get your message that we're not destroying planets anymore?" Lapis questioned. "Probably they did, but I'm sure we could change their minds about terraforming the planet." (Y/n) told. "This might be harder than you think." Lapis doubted.
Before they could find the lapis lazuli's, blue figures flew past them. It was the two lapis lazuli's. They began to use their water powers to slice up a large boulder. The distraction caused the bud creatures in hide in fear.
"Hey! Stop that! You're scaring our flower friends!" Starla demands as she tried to get their attention. The two lapises spotted them. They throw a tide wave to them. (Y/n) quickly grabs Starla as Steven stood in front of them. He summons his shield to protect them.
"Wait a minute. That's Steven Universe! Along with (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla Diamond!" One Lapis recognized them. "They're smaller than I thought." The other Lapis comments. They flew down towards them. "Well, what do you think? We're almost done with this world." The Lapis asked, she's known as nice Lapis. "And who's this? We don't need the extra help." The other Lapis told, other wise known as mean Lapis. Steven was about to speak, but was interrupted by nice Lapis. "You must have heard about our exemplary work. That's why you're here, I presume."
"Yeah. Well, no. Look, the empire is over." Steven explains. "We know." nice Lapis said. "That means that our mothers don't control you anymore." (Y/n) joins in. "That's right." Mean Lapis adds. Xipilli let's out a tired sigh. He was getting pretty annoyed by these two lapis. "It means that you don't have to terraform anymore planets. You're free to do whatever you want." Steven joins next to his older couin. "Why don't you come on down to Little Homeschool where you can --" Nice Lapis cuts him off. "Oh, I see. This is just a misunderstanding."
"Terraforming is what we like." Mean Lapis adds. Lapis sighs. "Here we go." (Y/n) saw frustrating that Lapis was getting annoyed. Who can blame her. (Y/n) pinched the bridge of her nose and turns to the two Lapis. "Okay, you're free to do whatever you want....except for terraforming other worlds. "That's not what you guys just said a second ago." Mean Lapis said. "Why would we stop?" Nice Lapis was confused. "Because it's wrong!" Lapis yells at them. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How can the thing we've always done just suddenly be wrong? At the very least, we've got to finish this world! We're almost done!" Nice Lapis complains. They were upset that they didn't want them to continue terraforming planets.
"Team huddle?" Steven asked. "Team huddle." Lapis and the Diamond couins agreed. "One moment, please." Steven told. The five of them retreated to the forest as they discussed on what to do with the two Lapis "You're right, Lapis. This is harder." Starla used her sign language as her voice came out of her gem. "You've just got to force them to stop. This is going to be a fight. They're not nice like me." Lapis explained to them. The cousins didn't say anything to her. She is nice but she she could be a bit brutal at times. "They just don't understand that they're doing harm. Y-you get it. What made it click for you?" Steven asked. He tried to find a way to get through to them. "A cycle of horrible torture. But other than that, living in nature, getting creative." Lapis explain what she's done to get herself to love life. "Okay, we'll go with that plan." (Y/n) smiled. "Okay. Just a little torture." Lapis was ready for a fight. "No, Lapis. We're going with the other plan." Xipilli gave her a 'don't-even-think-about-it' look. Lapis sighs in defeats and goes with the other plan. They quickly returned to the two lapises
"Hey, so, why don't we explore the many things that you can do that don't involve destroying worlds?" Steven suggested. "Should we listen to them?" Mean Lapis asked her friend. "They four of them are half-Diamonds. Maybe, we should half-listen." Nice Lapis replied.
"I'll take that as a "yes." Let's go." Steven leads the way as they entered deep in the forest. He sighs calmly as they looked at the beauty of the forest. "Look at the trees. Smell the fresh air. Getting any life-altering tingling sensations yet?"
"Everything is so... bright." Nice Lapis covered her eyes from the light. Mean Lapis uses a stick to poke a leaf. "I prefer only two colors -- the colors of rock and mud."
"I understand you don't see the beauty of this, but you will. There was a time when I couldn't see it either, but I learned to appreciate organic life. It's really different and special." Lapis explains her experience. They saw that a new bud creature was growing from the ground. "Maybe, try something like this." Lapis uses her powers to manipulate the mud and create some shapes. "We can this a "meep morp." It really helps show your creative side. Pretty cool, huh?" (Y/n) explains with a smile.
"So, you can do whatever you want with your powers, but you choose to make junk?" Mean Lapis wasn't liking the idea of making a meep more. " It doesn't have to be exactly this. You can create anything." Lapis explained more. She uses her powers to make a sun lounger, along with mud beverages and sunglasses for Steven and Xipilli. They drink the mud, but they immediately spit to out. "So lifelike. We forgot." They said together at the same time. (Y/n) and Starla laughed at their cousins. Mean Lapis wasn't really convinced. "It's more satisfying than you think. Trust me. Just give it a try." Lapis said. The Lapises used their powers to manipulate the water and create a water ball. "That's it! Try making other shapes, too -- anything you want." Lapis encouraged. Seeing her encouragement, they created a buzzsaw and through it to a rock behind Lapis and the cousins. They sweat dropped when the rocked was slice in two behind them. "That was way easier than what we've been doing." Mean Lapis smirked. "Yeah! We can clear out this planet in no time!" Nice Lapis said in excitement. "Guys, this isn't working." Lapis whispered to the Diamond cousins. Seeing that she was right , Steven approaches the two lapises. He clears his throat. "Ahem. Looks like you two still have a lot of energy to get out." He stopped to chuckle. "Maybe, you'd like something more physical, like dance."
"Dance?" Nice Lapis raised her brow. "Just, check this out." Steven uses his phone to put on some music. Lapis and his cousins joined in as they dance together to the beat. Mean Lapis wasn't impressed, but Nice Lapis was moving a bit to the song. Starla saw that she was enjoying it. She goes over to Nice Lapis, grabs her hands and dances with her. As they were dancing, Nice Lapis noticed the glare she was receiving from Mean Lapis. She stopped dancing and lets go of Starla's hands. She was hurt that Nice Lapis didn't want to dance anymore. "Uh... let's get back to it!" Nice Lapis changed the subject. "I get it. This stuff won't make you feel good right away. Maybe, it never will. But, it will help you navigate your new way of feeling. If you don't like dancing, you could try expressing yourself through song." Lapis made another suggestion that could help them. Mean Lapis was confused about the idea. Lapis was worried at first, until the cousins nods at her with encouragement.

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