Part 75

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In the sky, Steven uses his bubble to protect (Y/n), Xipilli, and Spinel. They floated to the ground to a damaged crater. Steven releases everyone from the bubble as they all viewed their surrounds.
"Whoa." Steven and (Y/n) gasped. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What did I do? I've wrecked everything." Spinel spoke. "You're not the only one to blame, Spinel. I helped build that death machine." Xipilli puts a hand on her shoulder.
"I guess that's one way to get rid of the injector." (Y/n) stated.
"But what about the poison? What about the planet? What about your happily ever after?" Spinel asked with a sad tone. "What about all the hard work you've done. Now your happily ever after is ruined." Xipilli said.
Steven stands up and looks out into the distance. "There's no such thing as happily ever after. I'll always have more work to do." (Y/n) stands next to him. "He's right. The more we finish, the more challenges will come after us."
Feeling guilty, Spinel and Xipilli look down at the ground. Steven and (Y/n) smiles at them as they offer their hands to help them up, which they gladly accept.
"We're sorry." Spinel and Xipilli apologized. Just before Steven and (Y/n) could reply, they could hear their names being called out.
"Is that Connie and Sour Cream?" (Y/n) said questionably.
In the distance, Connie is seen riding Lion and Sour Cream was riding on Wolf.
"Steven! Where are you?" Connie shouts. "(Y/n), are you guys out here?" Sour Cream calls out.
"Connie!" Steven exclaims. "It's them!" (Y/n) cheers. Before they could run off they told Spinel and Xipilli they would be right back and they really mean it.
Steven and (Y/n) run off to greet their friends. Steven gives Connie a warm hug as (Y/n) was pulled into a sweet kiss from Sour Cream.
"We saw that huge explosion and -- " Connie pulls Steven into another hugs. "We're okay. What about you?" Steven asked. Connie sighs. "I'm fine."
"Are you okay, Sour Cream? What about your family?" (Y/n) checks Sour Cream for injuries. "I'm fine and so is my family." Sour Cream told her.
As the four of them were exchanging a huge group hug, Lion and Wolf decided to join in the reunion. The animal companions were being showered with affection. Spinel and Xipilli watched from afar as they longed for another friendship and carrying immense guilt on their shoulders.
A horn sounds off nearby, as Greg arrives in his van with the Crystal Gems. They drive down into the crater, before popping out almost theatrically. "Steven! (Y/n)!" They shouted.
"Guys! Dad!" Steven exclaims! "Thank goodness you're all alright!" (Y/n) was in relief. The group rejoice with a group hug.
"Is everyone from Beach City okay?" Steven asked. "Everyone is safe and accounted for." Garnet answers. Pearl gives Steven and (Y/n) a thumbs-up, while Amethyst and Connie show them peace signs, and Sour Cream smiles at them . Steven returns a relieved look... before looking at Greg's blackened arm with concern. "Dad, your arm."
"Hey, I just got a little careless and --" Greg explains, but Steven grabs his hand. "Don't worry. You'll be good as new in no time."
"But, Steven, you don't have your --"
Steven kisses Greg's hand and with success, Greg's hand is fully restores and full of color again.
"Steven! You got your powers back!" Greg cheers.
"It'd be cool if you could do that to the whole planet, heh." Amethyst joked. "Amethyst, that's not a bad idea." Steven agrees. "Dude, I was joking." Amethyst said.
Steven walks over to a nearby patch of land and kisses the soil, causing grass and flowers to grow on the barren dirt.
"Oh my gosh. That actually worked?" Connie asked. "Wow, impressive." Sour Cream commented.
"Allow me to help, Steven." (Y/n) places a hand on her gem as it glows. She puts her hand on the ground as she heals the ground and more plants sprout up. Steven continues to heal with kisses as (Y/n) heals with her hand.
"Should we lend them a hand?" Pearl asked. "We should probably get them some water. Staying hydrated is very important when it comes to smooching and using your power with one hand." Garnet explains.
Finally, Steven and (Y/n) noticed Spinel and Xipilli walking away. Quickly they run over to them.
"Spinel, Xipilli, wait! We were really going to come back." (Y/n) stated. "We know." Xipilli. "Then w-where are you guys going?" Steven asked.
"I've got work to do. Friendship isn't going to be easy for me. I'm gonna have to work at it. You guys make me wanna try, but... I've already messed up bad with you both. I wish I could just start from scratch with somebody." Spinel explains her reason.
"As for me, I caused so much pain to all that I nearly forgot what love was. I'm going with Spinel so we could both learn our lesson together. " Xipilli told them.
Suddenly, a howling wind rushes as a familiar ship approaches, casting a shadow over Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Spinel.
"Wha-a-a?!" Spinel and Xipilli were in shock.
"Knock, knock, (Y/n) and Steven." Blue spoke. "It's us." Yellow adds. "The Diamonds? Are we interrupting something?" White asked. "Uh... yeah!" Steven and (Y/n) replied.
Spinel retreats behind a large chunk of debris as she grabs Xipilli in progress. The three Diamonds descend from the ship.
"Mother, Aunt Yellow, Aunt White, what are you all doing here?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, (Y/n), we were all talking and -- Yellow stops as she sniffs the air. "I'm sorry, but what is that smell?"
"I don't smell anything." (Y/n) smiles. "Ugh. that's 'cause you've gotten use to it here." Yellow groans. "Anyway, we were talking, and we decided --" Blue was interrupted by White. "This is taking too long! Steven! (Y/n)! We've come to Earth to live with you-u-u!" White points her massive finger at Steven and (Y/n).
"What? My house isn't big enough for all of us." Steven said. "Oh, well, I'm sure we could make due with, um..." White looks out at Beach City's ruined state. "Has your planet always been this...destroyed?" White waves her arm. "Not that we're judging." Blue quickly spoke. "Goodness, no, because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!" White smiles at Steven and (Y/n).
Steven pauses and glares at White, unfazed and less than amused at her patronizing attempt to resonate with him. "Yeah, I don't know about this."
"But, Steven, (Y/n), it's been soooooo boring since you've both left!" White starts to fake cry. "I guess we'll just waaaait for you two to viiisit us wheneeeever youuuuu'rre reeeaaaaaaaaadyyyyyy." White walks away to the ship dramatically as she tries to make Steven and (Y/n) feel guilty.
"Aw, come on, Aunt White. Please don't be like that." (Y/n) begs. Steven then spoke. " I-It's just, we're right in the middle of saying goodbye to -- do you guys remember Spinel?"
" I'm sorry, who?" White comes back.
"Wait, Steven." (Y/n) steps closer to Yellow. "Aunt Yellow, do you remember Xipilli?" Yellow was in shock about her question.
(Y/n) walks towards the piece of rubble Xipilli was hiding behind. She extends her out to him. He hesitates at first, but he accepts her hand. (Y/n) pulls Xipilli up as the were in the Diamonds' view. Yellow gasped at the sight in front of her.
"Hello, Mother" Xipilli greeted. Yellow knees down as she burst into tears. "Xipilli, is that really you?"
"It's me. I'm really alive." Xipilli said.
Yellow scoops her son up. "I'm sorry, Xipilli. I tried to find you...but I couldn't find you...I thought I failed you."
Xipilli hugs her finger. "You didn't fail me. I was trapped in a gorge. I thought you didn't want me and now that I know the truth, I forgive you."
Everyone was in tears as they witnessed the reunion of Mother and Son. As Yellow and Xipilli continued hug, Steven turns to Spinel, still hiding behind a piece of rubble. "Spinel, you've met the Diamonds before, right?"
"Y-Yeah, but they've never seen me like this." Spinel cover her face as she steps out and joins Steven and (Y/n). "Blue, Yellow, White, this is Spinel!" Steven introduced.
"My Diamon...nnds." Spinel zig-zags her arms repeatedly in the Diamond salute. All of the Diamonds gasped at her.
"Pink's little playmate?" Yellow narrows her eyes. "One of Pink's lost treasures." Blue spoke. "Not only that, she my closest friend." Xipilli smiles at her.
"Aunt Pink left her on a floating garden in space." (Y/n) explains. "You poor thing." Blue said.
"Hah, it was only 6,000 years. I could do that standing on my head!" As she said, Spinel is doing a handstand as she claps her squeaky shoes together. In response, Yellow bursts out in laughter. "Only 6,000 years! Hahahaha! It's true -- that's no-o-thing! Ahahahahahahaha, and that goofy handstand ... I like this Gem."
"She's adorable and so much like Pink." Blue comments. "Spinel, I --" White clears her throat. "Steven, (Y/n), since the Earth is so disgusting, we'll just take Spinel back to Homeworld with us, and you both can stay here. As well, we'll be taking Xipilli back."
"Really?" Steven and (Y/n) asked in union as Spinel and Xipilli were shock.
Xipilli regain his composure as he joins the Diamonds to sing to Spinel.

Xipilli and Diamonds: Come live with us in the Palace
There's a room waiting for you

Xipilli and Yellow: Come on...

Blue: Come on...

White: Come on...

Xipilli and Diamonds: Justletus adore you
Comelive with us in the Palace
There'sa room waiting for you

Xipilli and Yellow: Come on...

Blue: Come on...

White: Come on...

Xipilli and Diamonds: Just let us adore you
Yes, we know that you're not her but you were her's
You know what it meant to love her
And you remind us so much of her

"You think you can handle them?" Steven asked. "They're not exactly easy to get along with."

Spinel: Today, right here, right now
I'll love again
I've already found someone

Xipilli and Diamonds: Just let us adore you

Spinel: Today, right here, right now
I'll love again
I've already found someone

Xipilli and Diamonds: Come live with us in the Palace
There's a room waiting for you

Xipilli and Yellow: Come on...

Blue: Come on...

White: Come on...

Still on Yellow's hand, Xipilli offers his hand for Spinel. She happily takes it as they are both moved up tot he Diamonds.

Spinel: Yes, I know that you're not her and I was her's
You know what it meant to love her
And you remind me so much of her

Spinel hops on each other Diamond's hand as she sings to them.

Xipilli and Diamonds: Today, right here, right now
We'll love again

All: We've already found someone

Spinel lands in White's hand as she, Xipilli, and the Diamonds begin to float away for their ship. Spinel and Xipilli look over at (Y/n) and Steven as they give them a peace sign as the five retreat to their ship. Before disappearing off into space, the ship makes a heart gesture with its hands.

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