Part 35

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Steven and (Y/n) were thinking about how they could Pearl and Pink Diamond have a connection. Steven was having a flashback of Eyeball telling him and the gems about his mother shattering Pink Diamond. (Y/n) was remembering the trail on how Rose Quartz was able to get near to Pink Diamond. They were brought out of their thought when Pearl and Amethyst enters the house.
"I can't believe you've had your phone for a month, and you haven't used it at all!" Amethyst remarks. "That's not true! I use it to tell the time!" Pearl said.
Steven and (Y/n) watched as they both sat by the kitchen. Amethyst pats a chair next to her, "Come here, P." She takes Pearl's phone. "Let's change your wallpaper." Amethyst takes a selfie. She hands back the phone and explains to Pearl how to text.
Steven was beginning to panic, "Pearl, can I ask you-!"
"Hold on, Stevo. I'm in the middle of a demonstration." Amethyst waved her hand and continued to explain to Pearl, "Hey, anyway.. then you can type pretty much anything you want."
Steven and (Y/n) received a text from Pearl in a group chat, saying, 'Dear Steven and (Y/n), Hello. Love, Pearl.'
"You should get a case for that thing." Amethyst advised.
"I do." Pearl then summons a suitcase from her gem. "Okay. I have a whole bunch of actual phone cases in my room. Don't go and throw that thing against a rock or anything until I'm back." Amethyst walks inside her room.
"Pearl?" Steven and (Y/n) walked up to her. "What is it, Steven and (Y/n)?"
"You remember how Mom shattered Pink Diamond?" Steven began. "Well, we were just wondering, if maybe, you shattered my Aunt Pink." (Y/n) finished.
Pearl was shocked that her phone drops and she puts her hands to her mouth.
"It's okay. You can tell us." Steven reinsured. Pearl was struggling to speak, she tried to pry her hand off her mouth. "Why can't you just talk to us about this?" (Y/n) asked with worry.
Amethyst returns with the phone case, "I got case."
Pearl slowly uncovers her mouth and shouts. "Ah yes, the phone case, thank you Amethyst!" She picks up and stores the phone in her gem, "Whoops, so clumsy, it's probably safer I just keep it in here. Pearl turns and marches into the Temple."What was that?" Amethyst asked.
Steven and (Y/n) sigh.
Steven eats fry bits, while (Y/n) was reading a book that Connie let her borrow. Suddenly they received a text from Pearl in their group chat. "'I want to tell you both, but I can't?'" Steven read.
Both Steven and (Y/n) rushed back to the house home, where Pearl is vacuuming.
"Pearl, we're ready to talk!" Both Steven and (Y/n) yelled.
Pearl turns off the vacuum, "What?"
Steven showed her the message from his phone, "We got your text! 'I want to tell you both, but I can't?' With a monkey emoji?"
"Steven, (Y/n), I didn't send that. I haven't used my phone since I put it away this morning." Pearl explains.
"Maybe you butt dialed me? With your gem?" Steven hypothesized.
"Is that even possible?" (Y/n) raises her eye brow.
"No, that's impossible! Hang on, I'll pull it and we'll get to the bottom of this." Pearl then begins to summon random objects, like a remote control, a violin, a bundle of cash, and Steven's shirt. Pearl was frustrated that she can't find her phone. Steven and (Y/n)'s ringed again. (Y/n) gasped, "You just sent another one!" (Y/n) shows Pearl the next message, a single hibiscus flower emoji.
Pearl was shocked. "Steven, (Y/n), I need you two to go inside my gem and find my phone." Pearl told.
"What?! Is it stuck in there or something?" Steven wasn't sure. "There are certain things I can't tell you, but I can tell you I need my phone. Please. I can bring you both back out once the two of you find what you're looking for." Pearl explains.
"Your phone? Correct?" (Y/n) asked.
"Exactly. I'll keep Steven's phone, text me with mine when you both find it." Pearl takes Steven and (Y/n)'s hand, lifting them up and float inside. They look around and Pearl humming as she's organizing her extra spears.
"There's another Pearl, inside Pearl's pearl?" Steven stares in awe. "I'm surprised I didn't know about this and I study a lot." (Y/n) said.
"Oh, Steven! (Y/n)!" She picks them up. "Where should I put you two? Certainly not with the spears. Human paraphernalia? Personal items? Let's just go alphabetical." She scrolls the wall and was about to file Steven first. "Wait! No, don't file me! You sent us in here for your cellphone." Steven tried to wiggle out of her grasp. "My phone? Okay. She sets them down and scroll the walls to find the phone, but it was missing. "It should be right here! Unless...some other me took it."
"There's more of you in here?" Steven asked.
"Oh no, not here. I made sure of that. I am very good at compartmentalizing things. That's why I get to be surface, and they have to be put away." Pearl explains. "Well if one of those Pearls has the phone, can you tell us how to find her?" (Y/n) asked.
"Oh, you don't want to go back where they are. It's a mess. Let's just stay here, where everything is alphabetized!" Peale tried to convince.
"Come on, we can handle it!" Steven and (Y/n) plead
Pearl sighs, "Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you two." Steven and (Y/n) floated inside the gem again. They look around and notices they're on the Beach, nearby the Crystal Temple in early times. They didn't understand what the mess was until they hear Pearl sobbing. "Oh that kind of mess." Steven and realized. They walked towards her. "Hey Pearl, inside Pearl, inside Pearl's pearl. Are you upset about the whole missing phone situation too?" Steven tried to comfort. "No, it's Rose. What was she thinking? She can't have a baby." Pearl cries.
"Well...this is awkward." (Y/n) whispered.
"What am I going to do when she disappears? I'm going to lose her! Just like I lost my- what was it you said?"
"Your cellphone?" (Y/n) said.
"My cellphone!" Pearl sobs again.
Steven and (Y/n) hugged her and told her that they're here to help. Pearl might know where it is so she took their hands and teleport inside the gem. Steven and (Y/n) looked around land saw they were in a Gem Battlefield, where everything is red. Steven and (Y/n) walks around and he trips. (Y/n) immediately helps him up. They noticed what he tripped over a gem, they gasped and jumps back.
Steven began to mutter how the phone better not be somewhere else and not in the gem. They stopped when they noticed another Pearl. "Pearl? I mean, Pearl inside Pearl, inside Pearl's pearl Pearl? Is this really about your phone or what?!" Steven asked angrily.
Pearl was in shock, "We're the only ones left. Homeworld. They were all leaving. We thought we'd won. There was a bright light and everyone was-why did I do it?"
"What do you mean? Just tell us! Please!" (Y/n) screams.
Pearl shakes her head and takes their hands and they teleported again.
Steven and (Y/n) appeared on the ground. They saw Pink gem shards seem to be scattered. They look up and sees Rose Quartz in a cloud of dust, after swinging her sword. Tears stream all down her face.
"Mom?" Steven gets up and walks towards her. With (Y/n) walking slowly behind him. They didn't understand why was she here and not Pearl. Rose looks up, revealing it to be Pearl's eyes. Steven and (Y/n) were in shocked. Pearl turns to hear a voice screaming as her pearl gem shows. "We-We knew it. It was you who shattered her." (Y/n) stammered.
Pearl opens her hand and shows a pink diamond gem. Steven and (Y/n) were even more confused, so Pearl teleported then one last time.
Steven and (Y/n) were sitting on a throne. They got down and noticed they're inside the palanquin.
"Aunt Pink's palanquin." (Y/n) said softly.
Steven and (Y/n) heard whispering. They looked around and saw Pearl and Rose talking. They had a plan, but they couldn't understand it. They just listen in as what would happen if the plan works. They could finally be free and live on Earth in peace. Pearl smiles at Rose and agrees, which gives Rose stars in her eyes, with a smile. Steven and (Y/n) continued to watch.
"I can't believe I'm going to do this." Pearl said. Rose shrugged her shoulders, "I can't exactly shatter myself." They hug. Rose begins to shapeshift. She grew taller and she revealed herself to be Pink Diamond. Steven and (Y/n) gasped. Pink Diamond goes outside and grabs a pile of dirt, and with a single mallow flower in her hand. Pearl takes the flower and puts it in her hair. Pink blows into the dirt and squeezes it tightly. She open her palm to show fake gem shards. They plan was a fake shattering. Pink swallows the gem shards. She stopped Pearl, "Wait, there's one last thing I need to do."
"Yes?" Pearl asked.
"No one can ever find out we did this. I never want to look back. So, for my last order to you as a Diamond, please, let's never speak of this again. No one can know." Pink folded Pearl's hands to her moth. Pink stands up and walks outside her palanquin.
Steven and (Y/n) gasped at Pearl, who turns and looks at them
Pearl hands them her phone. "Sorry to make you come all this way." Steven takes the phone. Pearl shapeshifts into Rose and takes the sword as she walks out. Steven texts Pearl that they found the phone.
A flashback sequence plays quickly, of Pearl "shattering" Pink Diamond, poofing her, and she grabs her gem. Flashes to the battlefield, where Garnet and Pearl fight other gems. The sky suddenly lights up in the field. Pearl lays her hands on Rose Quartz's pregnant tummy. Pearl is seen with the Crystal Gems at the temple being comforted. Steven and (Y/n) lands back on the floor of the house, and look at Pearl.
"We know." Steven said softly.
Pearl had tears in her eyes, "I wanted to tell the both you for so long."
"Mom was Pink Diamond." Steven whispered in shock.
"Rose Quartz was my Aunt Pink." (Y/n) cries.
Amethyst and Garnet were standing right behind Steven and (Y/n) clearly shocked about the news.

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