Part 96

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Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla entered inside the Dondai to get to Spacetries. Steven puts in a tape cassettes. The four of them were singing to one of the song from Sadie Killer and the Suspects. They were singing a long to the song as they arrived to Spacetries. Inside they greeted Blue Lace as she was smashing some dough she was making. They coughed from the dust from the dough before they greeted Lars. "Hey, Lars!" The cousins greeted. "Hey, Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla ! Here to pick up the cake?" Lars asked.
"Yeah, but we also want to see how you're doing." Steven answered. Suddenly, the door bell rang, they turned to see that it was Sadie that entered the bakery.
"Hey, Steven! Hey, (Y/n)! Hi Xipilli, Hi, Starla! Hi, Lars!" Sadie greeted her friends. "Sadie! Oh my gosh. I can't remember the last time we were all together in a pastry establishment." Steven tried to lighten the mood.
"Hey Sadie, I've got your moon cakes." Lars gives Sadie her cakes.
"Thanks." Sadie thanked him.
"Sure. So, how's stuff going with Shep?" Lars asked.
"Hmm? Shep?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
"Great. They're so cool. I can't believe we've been dating for almost two months, now. Everything just feels so, easy." Sadie answered.
"That's, awesome. Say "hi" to them for me."
"Will do. Well, see you later."
Once Sadie left the bakery, the cousins went closer to Lars.
"What in the name of Homeworld was that, and who is Shep?" Xipilli questioned. "Shep is Sadie's new partner. They met while she was on tour with the Suspects. It's cool." Lars explains. "Is it, really?" Starla used her sign language as her voice came from her gem. "Yes, it is. Besides, I'm leaving anyway. Now that the Off Colors are done with school, we're going to head back into space." Lars continues to explain. "What, really? What about your shop?" (Y/n) gasped. "I asked Blue Lace to take over. I'm ready to move on. You guys get it, right? You're four finished setting up the school. Don't you four want to try something new?" Lars asked them. Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla thought for a moment, that question never really came to them before. They all turned when they saw Blue Lace bringing in the cake. "Oh. Looks like the graduation cake is ready. I'll see you tonight, guys." Lars told the cousins. "Yeah." That was all Steven could say for himself and his cousins.
It was time for the graduation ceremony, everyone was there to see the off colors graduate. The cousins were up on stage as they were giving out their speech to the graduates.
"We're all proud to see our graduates evolve and be there for each other as everyone moves on to bigger and better things and new and exciting places." (Y/n) began her part as she gave the microphone to Steven. "Well, except for us. I'll still be, right here. Ahem." Steven announced. "Steven!" (Y/n) scolded softly. Starla grabs the microphone from her older cousin and puts it close to her gem. "Graduates, move those tassels!" Hearing her instruction, the graduates moved their tassels to the left side of their caps. Xipilli grabs the microphone from Starla. "And with that, let's give them a hearty congradulations!"
The graduates tossed their caps to the sky, signaling they graduated Little Homeschool. After the ceremony, everyone was having a party to celebrate the graduates special day. The four cousins noticed Sadie with someone. Which might be Shep that they heard about. Steven floats down to them as Starla follows. "Whhhat up, Sadie-?" Steven loses control and collapsed on the follow. Starla lost her focus when she saw Steven on the floor and falls on his stomach. "Oops. Sorry, Steven." Starla apologized. (Y/n) and Xipilli laughed at their younger cousins and leaped next to them. "Steven! (Y/n)! Xipilli! Starla! I don't think you four had a chance to meet my new partner." Sadie went to introduce her new partner. "Hey! I'm Shep. It's cool to finally meet you all." Shep helps Steven and Starla up. Xipilli walks over to Shep and shook their hand. "Nice to meet you too, Shep." (Y/n) goes to shake Shep's hand next. "Likewise, Shep."
"So... you and Sadie have been dating for almost two months?" Steven questioned.
"That, is true." Shep replied.
"You know, a lotta people say you don't really know someone until you've been stranded on an island with them." Steven told. "Steven!" (Y/n) quietly scolded.
"What? People say that?" Shep was confused. "Yeah." Steven told (Y/n) lightly elbowed him on his side. She gave him a warning stare. "Well... we're gonna go grab some cake before we go on at 7:00." Shep wrapped their arm around Sadie. Sadie laughs. "Yeah."
"Wait. Sadie, you're going to play with the Suspects?" Xipilli asked. "Actually, I was thinking of doing a song with Shep." Sadie told. "Okay, thats still cool. We can't wait ti hear." Starla said. "We'll catch you later, Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla." Shep waved bye to them as they and Sadie went to get some cake. The cousins frown. Steven noticed Lars and blocked him from going to the cake. "I wouldn't go over there right now."
"Is something wrong with the cake?" Lars asked with a worried tone.
"What? No, no. Sadie and Shep are over there." Steven said.
"Oh, cool. I'll go over and say hi." Lars walked over to them.
"H-hold on! A-are you okay?" Steven asked.
"Yeah. Are you all okay?" Lars asked them.
"O-Of course we are." (Y/n) stuttered.
The cousins decided to separate themselves and go enjoy the party. Steven was taking with Jenny, while Xipilli was talking with Padparadscha. As for Starla, she was sneaking to eat a third piece of cake. (Y/n) saw Sour Cream hanging out with Fluorite, so she decided to hang with them.
"Hey, Sour Cream." (Y/n) waved at her boyfriend. Sour Cream smiled and waved back. He hopped off of Fluorite's back and went over to his girlfriend. "Hey, (Y/n)." He gives her a kiss on the cheek. They began to talk about the big news that everyone was doing now. Sour Cream told (Y/n) that he was now doing regular gigs as a DJ at Empire City, Buck got into medical school, and Jenny started her own online business by making jackets for phones. (Y/n) was thrilled for them, but she was confused on how they will have time for the band.
"All of that stuff sounds amazing, Sour Cream. I'm so happy for you guys, but how are you guys going to find the time?" (Y/n) asked as she hugged Sour Cream. "Well, we all have plenty of time now that the band is breaking up." Sour Cream told her. "What? Really!?" (Y/n) was shocked to hear this news. "Yeah, Sadie didn't tell you or your cousins?" Sour Cream asked. "No, this is all so new to us, especially me." (Y/n) looked down. Sour Cream smiled slowly at her and pulled her closer to him. "Don't be sad, (Y/n), everything will be okay." (Y/n) takes a deep break in and lets it out.
"Hey, Steven, (Y/n), Xipilli, Starla. Are you guys ready for us?" Sadie calls out to the cousins. "Oh! Right! Wait, W-W-W-We've gotta introduce you." Steven grabs the microphone as (Y/n), Xipilli, and Starla followed. He gives the mic to (Y/n) first. "Hey! Is everyone having a good time tonight?" (Y/n) asked as the crowd cheers. She gives the mic to Xipilli. "Who here loves Sadie Killer and the Suspects?" Xipilli asked. He gives the mic to Steven. "Well, our band tonight has, only one of them." Steven told. "Steven!" (Y/n) scolded again. Starla grabs the mic from Steven. "Well, here we have- wait what's your band named?" Starla asked. "Um, we don't have a name yet." Sadie told. "Uh, heh, well, you should've asked me, hum, I'm really good at naming bands." Steven said to them. The four cousins walked off the stage. Sadie grabs the mic. "This is just a little something Shep and I have been putting together, and, w-we really hope you like it." She passed mic to Shep. "We welcome any and all critique after the show." The Diamond cousins stood in the back to watch the show. Xipilli hoist Starla up to his shoulder so she could get a better view show. Shep begins to play their instrument as Sadie begins to sing.

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